Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. NM 140 Rasmussen College The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood Discussion

In Module 02 you were asked to choose a book from the provided book list and read it, in preparation for creating the illustrations for your Final Project: both a book cover from one of the key scenes and a promotional poster.

For this week’s Design Critique, you will submit a synopsis of your chosen story as the background research for your final project. Download the How to Write a Synopsis handout for essential synopsis content and an example of a story synopsis.

How to Write a Synopsis.pdf

Guidelines for the Peer Critique

For your initial post, provide a synopsis of the story you chose. Talk about the premise of the story, the principle characters, the key locations or environment, and what you think would be the best way to illustrate those elements into the book cover you will be creating.

For your reply, provide substantive feedback for two of your classmates’ initial posts. Your focus for your response post should be answering the following question:

Do you feel the synopsis is written in such a way that it will provide the person with enough information to create the illustration?

You will use your synopsis-and feedback from your instructor and classmates-to begin creating thumbnail sketches of your book cover next week.

Other Homework Help