Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Cuyahoga Community College Crip Camp Film Discussion


This week you are required to watch the film, “Crip Camp.” You can access the film here (Links to an external site.) for the captions option. (The embedded video doesn’t allow for captions)

Discussion Board Requirements

  • You are required to respond to the following questions. Your initial response must be thorough, and a minimum of 3-5 sentences for each question.
  • Afterward, you are required to reply to three of your classmates. Your response must be at least 3 sentences and cannot simply say, “good job,” or “I agree with you,” etc… Your responses must be respectful of the opinions of others.
  • To receive full points you must respond to the film and reply to three of your classmates.

Discussion Board Questions

  1. What was your favorite part of the film? Why?
  2. What thoughts or feelings came to mind as you finished the film?
  3. Did anything that happened in this movie remind you of something that has occurred in your own life or that you have seen occur to others? Be specific.

Other Homework Help