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Other Homework Help. Stanford University Sales Management and Market Management Career Essay


Career Research Essay Assignment

In this final activity, you will write a five paragraph essay that will focus on specific information and what that information means to you as you consider a future career. Be sure you have all of the written activities handy from this unit before you begin writing. You will need to submit all of these activities along with your finished essay.

Use the guidelines below to complete your essay: Careers I chose: Coaches and Scouts

Recreation and Fitness Teachers

Marketing Managers

Sales Managers



  • Paragraph One: Introduction. Start your essay by explaining why you chose these six careers. Why did they interest you? Transition into your thesis—a single-sentence statement of what this essay is all about. (Hint: this essay is about what you have learned from studying these six careers over the last several lessons.)
  • Paragraph Two: Education and Earnings. In this paragraph, you will describe your education and earning preferences and explain how well these six careers align with your preferences. How much education are you willing to get, and how much money do you want to earn? Based on your 3.6 OCO Research Table, which careers seem to line up best with your preferences?
  • Paragraph Three: Skills and Knowledge. In this paragraph, you will compare your own skills and knowledge to the skills and knowledge that your six careers require. Look back at your O*NET chart. Which two careers align best with your own skills and knowledge? Explain why they line up well. Do those two careers require any skills and knowledge that you do not have yet but are willing to learn? Where do you think you could learn them?
  • Paragraph Four: Career Features that Matter to You. In this paragraph, you will list the career features that matter the most to you and why they matter. You could discuss education, earnings, outlook, knowledge, skills, significant points, or other features you have learned about through O*NET and the OCO Handbook. What features are not as important? Be sure to explain why certain features do or do not interest you.
  • Paragraph Five: Conclusion. In your conclusion, name the career that interests you the most. Explain how education, earnings, skills, knowledge, and other features that matter to you have influenced your choice. Also explain how your O*NET and OCO research has changed the way you think about this career.

Keep in mind that identifying your preferred career is not the same as choosing the career for your career plan. By considering your top choice career so far, you will build your evaluation skills and be better prepared to evaluate all of your options as you move forward. You are not locked in, so you can choose a career now and still know that you may choose a different career later. At this point, simply explore and explain the option that is most appealing to you.

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