Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. AIU Personal Development Individual & Policies Research Paper


Assignment Details

There is a maxim that states, “Failing to prepare is preparation to fail,” and it is especially true when searching for a job. To prepare for an effective job search, complete the following:

  • Develop a professional career goals statement that is suitable for use on your resume. Explain the rationale underlying the development of this statement, and describe how you expect it will be perceived by prospective employers.
  • Prepare an in-depth analysis of how your skills, experiences, and education match the type of jobs for which you will be applying.
  • Identify at least 3 jobs for which you will be applying, and discuss what you will need to apply for these jobs. For instance, will the employers require each perspective applicant to fill out a job application prior to the interview, or do they only need to submit a resume and cover letter?
  • Research and analyze 3 different companies to which you are planning to apply for the types of jobs listed above. Discuss your findings, and assess how your skills, experience, and education would allow you to contribute to the attainment of each company’s mission.
  • Research and discuss best practices for resume and cover letter writing, and explain how you will incorporate these into your job search strategy.
  • Integrate research leveraging at least 4 different scholarly sources (e.g., research journals) from the AIU Online Library.

Using the career plan you created in your Unit 1 Individual Project Assignment and the preparation immediately above, create an evaluation (it can be a paper, a presentation, an executive summary, or so on) that delivers the following:

  • Prepare an in-depth analysis of how your skills, experiences, and education match the type of jobs for which you will be applying.
  • Using relevant job posting sites, identify 3 positions you would be interested in applying for.
  • Conduct research on the company you are going to apply to for each position.
  • For each job posting, create a cover letter that will highlight your experiences and demonstrate your knowledge of the company.

Grading Criteria

Grading Criteria Percentage
Deliverable requirements addressed; understanding of material and writer’s message and intent are clear.

  • Identify 3 Job postings
  • Research the company in each posting
  • Create a cover letter for each job posting


Critical thinking: Position is well-justified; logical flow; supported with examples


Structure: Includes introduction and conclusion; proper paragraph format and reads as a polished, academic paper or professional presentation, as appropriate for the required assignment deliverable


Mechanical: No spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors


APA: Deliverable is cited properly according to the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.)


Other Homework Help