Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. MIS 350 SNHU Web Analytics Help Desk Tickets Essay


The ABC Company’s CEO is interested in examining how quickly issues are resolved and improving customer satisfaction. Analyze the help-desk tickets, including number of tickets, number of high priority tickets, and average response time. Understand the causes of high-priority tickets, and improve resolution times with better understanding of ticket details.

The data in the Excel link below is from an Information Technology (IT) department interested in examining how quickly issues are resolved and improving satisfaction of customers. Each row in the data includes – employee who submitted the ticket, employee’s seniority within the company, IT employee who serviced the ticket, functional area against which the ticket was filed (systems, software, hardware, access), whether the ticket was a request for new services or an issue with existing services, submitter-assigned severity of the ticket, IT-assigned priority of the ticket, number of days the ticket was open, satisfaction with the resolution of the ticket (reported by the submitter)

1. You will write an enterprise-level report about this topic. While this critical element is listed first, you will complete it last.

A. Generate an enterprise-level report that will be submitted along with your executive summary. This report should address all the critical elements below.

B. Compose an executive summary that explains what your process was to create the report, as well as why you performed the actions you did. Within your summary, provide a detailed description of the report that explains the visualizations used in audience-appropriate language. You will also need to anticipate questions stakeholders may ask, so be sure that your explanation is as detailed as possible but also uses audience appropriate language.

2. Identify what sort of data you would require in order to solve the question.

3. Analyze the data within the spreadsheet in order to understand what information it will provide and its relation to the business question.

A. Analyze the provided data set and explain what the data is and how the data correlates back to the business question you intend to answer.

B. Identify which areas of data from the spreadsheet you will utilize and why. For example, which columns would you use?

4. In this section, you will explain how Power BI can be used to address business problems.

A. Explain how you plan to address the organization’s business problem using the Power BI analysis tool.

B. Explain how the Power BI analysis tool can influence and affect the audience, such as the stakeholders and coworkers in different areas of the company. For example, how can the tool be used to convey information?

5. Upload the Excel data link into Power BI and ensure it has appropriate formatting using the correct data type and fields.

A. Ensure your columns have appropriate formatting by editing your data. For example, ensure that you have formatted your columns with monetary values as currency.

6. In this section, you will look at your initial analysis from section 3 and develop business questions (and answers) that will serve as the focus of your visualizations in Power BI.

A. Develop business questions based on your initial analysis that will effectively guide your visualizations.

B. Explain how you will use the compiled and cleaned data to effectively answer the business questions posed based on your initial analysis.

7. Visualizations: In this section, you will choose appropriate visualizations to display your data.

A. Describe how you chose which particular visualization is best suited for displaying the data.

B. Describe how you know the visualization used is best suited for conveying information to the targeted user audience and their interaction needs across multifunctional teams.

C. Generate visualizations to accurately display your data.

D. Create visual data correlations by integrating additional data into your visualizations.

E. Insert data visualizations into your report and explain what the visualizations represent. Confirm that all of the data that you want displayed is shown.

8. Actionable Insights: Identify actionable insights based on your analysis.

Other Homework Help