Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Georgia College and State University Entertainers Research

Using your list of events from Project 1, contact three (3) musical groups or entertainers and get information about them performing at an event. The imaginary event is for charity and the performance should fill an hour.

If your events did not have entertainment, find three groups that fit our criteria as discussed in THIS CLASS TODAY.

This assignment requires you to research contacts, create a pitch, connect with an entertainer, and request information.

You may search social media, reach out to event organizers, or be creative in how you connect.

I do not exclude friends of yours as long as they are professional entertainers of a type that fits our class discussion.

You will write up your process and provide the results as a short report of no more than one page.

Things to include

  • Name of performer or group and their home location
  • Type of entertainment: this means a summary of what style they perform in and exactly what they will do for the performance. For instance—actors-perform a mummers play, choir-sing chants, 4 piece band-perform a musical set of cover songs about Joan, 6 costumed belly dancers-dance, artist-do a performance piece of whatever type, fencers-fence, sword bae-do a sword demo, chef, designer, sewist, painter, scratchboard artist-do any type of demo of a skill
  • Space needed for performance
  • Length of performance (we said fill one hour—is that all performance or are there breaks, Q&A, etc.?)
  • Special accommodations required: for instance fire proof flooring for flame dancers, water for living statue, electricity, cooking table and mirror, sound system, mics, etc.
  • Cost
  • Set up time required
  • A link to a previous performance or recording demonstrating their quality and suitability
  • How you found them, contacted them, and why they fit.

Other Homework Help