Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. how to write a music decima in english?


choose one for your décima:

I love Caribbean music (or)

This music class is loads of fun (or)

Cuatro, güiro, and the bongó (or)

Décimas are super easy (or)

I can’t wait until vacation (or)

After choosing one of these to be your pie forzado (which will be the final line of your décima) you will have to create 9 lines that precede it.

You have to write a poem with 10 lines, only 8 syllables per line.

The last syllable of lines 1, 4, and 5 must rhyme (A).

The last syllable of lines 2 and 3 must rhyme (B).

The last syllable of lines 6, 7, and 10 must rhyme (C).

Finally, the last syllable of lines 8 and 9 must rhyme (D).

So the rhyme scheme is: ABBAACCDDC

If you use the last line “I love Caribbean music” then line 6 and 7 must have a last syllable that rhymes with “ic”, maybe pick, tick, sick, etc

Other Homework Help