Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Bethune Cookman University The Coldest Winter Ever Essay


Imagine yourself a judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, or juror so that you can determine in an effective, five-paragraph essay whether you think the society or the protagonist depicted in the novel The Coldest Winter Ever should be held responsible for the misdeeds the protagonist carries out after her father is arrested.

A protagonist is the main character of a novel, so the person you need to focus on is the character Winter Santiaga. This is an open-book exam, so you should back up what you say with examples or illustrations from the novel.

Your essay should have a clear thesis and body paragraphs that have adequate supporting details, and your essay should have a conclusion that drives your overall point home. Your essay also should be composed on a Microsoft Word document that will need to be uploaded to Canvas by the deadlines given here.

Other Homework Help