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Other Homework Help. Delaware State University Beethoven Assignment Harmonic Analysis Questions


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Assignment No. 2

Beethoven, Quartet No. 1, Op. 18, 1st movement

Link to Score (1st page only): http://ks4.imslp.info/files/imglnks/usimg/9/96/IMSLP90183-PMLP04680-Opus_18_no_1.pdf

Link to Recording (includes display of score): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-SJGq1KdCQ (beginning to 0:35)

Link to Recording (beginning to 0:40): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=de-NLJ0doao

  1. What are the time and key signatures (two answers)?
  2. How many different clefs are included in the score?
  3. At what measure does the first forte occur?
  4. For how many beats do the 2nd violin, viola, and cello hold their notes in measure 14?
  5. Highlight (or circle) AND describe the characteristics (rhythm, melodic contour, duration) of the motive that occurs the most throughout the piece (i.e. dotted quarter note followed by four eighth notes then two sixteenth notes then one half note; begins on G sharp, descends to F sharp, etc.)
  6. How many total measures are on the entire first page?
  7. How many times does the motive appear – only count the motive as one time even if it appears in multiple voices simultaneously?

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