Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Isothermal Community College PSYCH Heredity Discussion


A lot of information we have learned in this last chapter applies to my life. Heredity is passing on physical or mental traits from one generation to the next. For example, my mom has hazel eyes and so those genes got passed down to me. Both of my parents have freckles; therefore, the chance of me getting freckles were extremely high and that gene also got passed down to me. I also received my moms work ethic by watching her as I have been getting older; I want to see things to completion and I want to do good on those tasks. I received the chromosomes XX because I am a girl; if I was a boy then I would have received the XY chromosomes. I have a couple of the recessive traits that the textbook mentioned; I have straight hair and I am nearsighted. I find it absolutely crazy that there are a lot of sperm being released but only a few reach the egg and survive. Thats means that out of the many that tried to reach the egg but failed, me and you reached the egg against the odds. I was actually a premature baby and I did not realize there were so many risks for premature birth. I am not affected by me being born early now but I did have some trouble when I was first born and had to be hooked up to cords and could not go home for a little while. My mom had a c-section with me because I was 3-4 weeks early. Even though I was a premature baby, I did not have what is considered a low birth weight (5 pounds and 8 ounces). My oldest brother was born through an actual birth and he was bleeding on the inside when he was touched but the doctors did not know what was wrong with him. The same thing happened with my next brother and then me but they were prepared for it by the time they got to me because they had dealt with my brothers.

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Other Homework Help