Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. SPHE 352 American Public University Chapter 4 How to Coach the Block the Opponent Technical Skill Essay


After reviewing this linked video, please take one of the defensive technical skills discussed in Chapter 4 and provide a review and analysis of how the author teaches and discusses this skill. In your review and analysis, be sure to address the following questions.

How would YOU coach this skill up the staircase? What aspects of skill will need to become habit before you try to work the skill up the next step? How will you know that your instruction has been effective/ineffective? Use the information from the video to support your answers. What specific teaching techniques would you use to instruct the skill effectively?

Each skill has a section titled “Key Points’ located on the top left hand side of the page. Explain why these key points are valuable for learning the skill.

Discuss anything that you would add to this section. Did the author do a good job of correcting the common errors? What would you do differently as a coach?

This essay must be submitted as a Word document attachment (APA format) which is double-spaced and approximately two pages in length. Please cite all references.

Other Homework Help