Physics homework help

Physics homework help. In this statistical research project, you will be analyzing, creating, describing, and synthesizing results based on a real-world situation. Scenario: As a student, you have recently graduated, and you have secured an entry level professional position with an employer in your field of study (or you could also be self-employed). You have completed your degree at Bryant & Stratton College. Your employer would like you to use Google or the Internet to research a specific area based on your field of study in the medical, business, the IT industry etc. that is related to your college degree. Your employer has given you the latitude to research and select two columns of 30 data items (each column should have 30 data items) related to your field of study. Your research study must follow the data requirements below in the project directions, and the Power Point Format Requirements listed below must be followed. This is an opportunity for you to showcase to your employer your statistical analysis, analyzing, and synthesis skills using Excel and Power Point. Your results of your research should provide evidence and persuasion for your employer to act on your research findings. Remember, that you want to select real data from Google that relates to your degree and field of study for your employer. Your goal is to make this project as realistic as possible for your future employer or for yourself if you will be self-employed. You can use any data or research on the Internet via Google and/or you can use articles or research data in our Virtual Library. You will be selecting only one of four methods for your project to analyze your data: (a) Correlation or (b) Linear Regression or a (c) t-test or (d) descriptive analysis using descriptive statistics within Data Analysis in Excel (mean, median, standard deviation analysis, minimum, maximum). Weekly Directions (items you must complete and turn in based on the week below – you will submit the below items in Blackboard): Week 2 – Part 1: Review the Portfolio Project Directions and develop a hypothesis for your project. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation in your research project. If you are going to use a t-test, your Hypothesis must also include a null and alternative hypothesis to ensure that you appropriately use the t-test p-value correctly in your analysis. For regression and correlation studies, a p-value null and alternative hypotheses are not required. In this case, you just state your hypothesis. Please submit this in Blackboard in a Power Point file with a Title Page as page 1 and Hypothesis as page 2 of your Power Point. Week 3 – Part 2: Create (2) Essential Questions and Respond to our (2) Essential Questions. Your Essential Question should be related to your project research. For instance, if you are in a business field of study, an Essential Question could be How is customer service impacted by the sales in a business unit? If you are in the medical field, an Essential Question could be What impact does overtime have on patient care? These are your Essential Questions so you want them to relate to a real-life scenario connected to your research project. The Essential Questions and your response to them will be page 3 of your Power Point file. Please use the Virtual Library or the Internet to respond to your Essential Questions. In Blackboard, please submit pages 1, 2, and 3 of your Power Point file research project this week. Week 5 – Part 3: Select, Analyze, and Synthesize your research data by selecting a research method (see data requirements), and implement the research method using your data. In Blackboard, submit pages 1, 2,3, 4, 5, and 6 of your Power Point research project this week. Week 7 – Turn in your entire research project Power Point file this week by including all 11 pages of your power point file in Blackboard. See the Power Point Format and Requirements below for all the requirements for each page of your Power Point file.

Physics homework help

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