Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. Question 1 of 205.0 PointsMaslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is designed as a __________ structure. A. quadrant B. graph C. pyramid D. web Reset SelectionQuestion 2 of 205.0 PointsWhat is the MOST important component of a family-centered approach between parent, educator, and child? A. Collaboration B. Mental health awareness C. Get-togethers and parties D. Parent workshops What is the difference between families raising their children to be MORE independent than interdependent? A. Roles B. Hierarchy C. Boundaries D. ClimateWhich of the following includes a complete list of the systems found in the family systems theory? A. Boundaries, separateness, rules, hierarchy, climate, and equilibrium B. Boundaries, roles, rules, hierarchy, climate, and equilibrium C. Boundaries, roles, rules, emotional support, climate, and equilibrium D. Boundaries, policies, rules, hierarchy, climate, and proceduresQuestion 5 of 205.0 PointsWhich of the following is an indicator for children who are prepared to enter kindergarten? A. Children who can concentrate and focus B. Children who can count to 25 C. Children who can recite the ABC song D. Children who are ready for invented spellingmake television a teaching tool with beneficial results, what must be done? A. Children must be encouraged to watch more TV than they do now. B. A government campaign must be started to ensure a TV in every home. C. Adults must monitor time spent watching and appropriateness of programs. Question 7 of 205.0 PointsThe whole child concept includes: A. the intellectual ability of the child. B. the social ability of the child. C. the intellectual and social ability of the child. D. the mind, body, and feelings woven together. Which is NOT a basic need that must be met in order for growth to occur? A. Love B. Rest C. Self-esteem D. CreativityQuestion 9 of 205.0 PointsThe stories about Angelica and Mario (twins) and Lacy show examples of what? A. Inferior parenting B. Mean teachers C. Poor-quality child care programs D. The problems that can arise when teachers and parents are not partners Question 10 of 205.0 PointsSchools have begun “tracking” students from preschool through elementary grades. What does “tracking” mean? A. Teachers can pick the children for the classroom. B. Children are grouped based on their educational abilities. C. Children are tested to see if they can run track. D. Teachers can decide if the child can play with peers.Which of the following is true of family system theory? A. The focus is on the way the family works rather than the behavior of any individual. B. Roles are the most important component of the systems in family system theory. C. Family members are all connected to each other. However, each family member does not influence the other member in the family system. D. The family systems vary greatly from one family to another in the way they operate.Question 11 of 205.0 PointsWhich of the following is true of family system theory? A. The focus is on the way the family works rather than the behavior of any individual. B. Roles are the most important component of the systems in family system theory. C. Family members are all connected to each other. However, each family member does not influence the other member in the family system. D. The family systems vary greatly from one family to another in the way they operate.Question 12 of 205.0 PointsThe child, Lindsay, provides an example of white privilege. Which one of the following is NOT related to Lindsay’s areas of privilege? A. Lindsay does not have to represent “her people”. B. Her family can probably choose where to live within their price range without facing discrimination. C. Lindsay probably sees herself and her family as “normal”. D. Lindsay’s mother must always suspect racism when Lindsay is treated unfairly.Which of the following is NOT true about television? A. TV fails as a socializer because it gives children no real-life practice in social skills. B. Without careful monitoring, children learn things from television that are not good for them. C. Commercial advertising creates false needs in children. D. The violence on television has drastically decreased since deregulation came into effect. When applying Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model, an early childhood teacher should: A. First, understand the different contexts listed in the model. B. Teach each child by focusing on the microsystems only. C. Relate the layers to the parents at a parent education meeting. D. Ask the child questions about their values. Question 15 of 205.0 PointsWhy is the word community included in the title of this text? A. Some programs focus on the child alone and ignore the family and the community. B. The concept of community is part of the “whole child” concept. C. The child and the family are embedded in a community. D. Students use the community parks and recreation facilities.Question 16 of 205.0 PointsThe BEST description of ecological theory is: A. Every child is at the center of a nest of contexts. B. Every child should be the star in the home. C. Every child should be responsible for his environment. D. Every child should have specific duties at home. Question 17 of 205.0 PointsAccording to Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, growth only occurs when: A. a child’s basic needs are met. B. their friends invite them over to play. C. social relationships don’t exist. D. parents and teachers put intellectual gains first. What are four of the MOST basic needs that must be met with children? A. Love, toys, food, friends B. Air, food, rest, family C. Family, friends, water, playtime D. Air, food, water, restBronfenbrenner’s ecological theory is described as: A. nests of contexts much like Russian Dolls with the child at the center. B. necessary in order to pass kindergarten readiness tests. C. not used in preschool classes anymore. D. relevant only to those who understand model theory. Which is NOT an example of behavior contagion? A. A child decides to wear his hat backwards. All of a sudden, all of the kids are wearing their hat backwards. B. Girls will only play with other girl students. C. A child builds a tall tower out of blocks and other children attempt to build a tall tower. D. One child starts running around screaming excitedly. In a few moments the other children are screaming and running after the leader.

Political Science homework help