Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CS 521 University of California Irvine Python Problem PEP8 Standards Project

4.7.1 Given a constant list of integers in the range 1 to 10 inclusive, use list comprehension (no
explicit loops) to:
 find the sum of the even integers in list L.
 find the sum of the odd integers in list L.
Example of Output:
Evaluating the numbers in: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Even: 30
Odd: 25

4.7.2 Given a constant list of integers, write Python code to generate a new list with same number
of elements as the original list such that each integer in the new list is the sum of its nearest
neighbors and itself from the original list. Print both lists with descriptions. Your code should
be able to work with an integer list of any size.
Example of Output:
Input List: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
Result List: [30, 60, 90, 120, 90]

4.7.3: Write the following python program.
Assign a sentence of at least 15 characters into a string variable.
Write 2 print statements with appropriate descriptions to create output like the examples.
Example Output #1
The string being analyzed is: “WAS IT A RAT I SAW”
1. Dictionary of letter counts: {‘W’: 2, ‘A’: 4, ‘S’: 2, ‘I’: 2, ‘T’: 2, ‘R’: 1}
2. Most frequent letter “A” appears 4 times.
Example Output #2
The string being analyzed is: “WWWAS IT A RAT I SAW”
1. Dictionary of letter counts: {‘W’: 2, ‘A’: 4, ‘S’: 2, ‘I’: 2, ‘T’: 2, ‘R’: 1}
2. Most frequent letters [‘A’, ‘W’] appear 4 times

4.9.4 Start with 2 constant lists. One with first names and another of last names.
First validate that both lists are the same size and if not, exit with an error message.
Use zip to create a dictionary with the keys as the last names and the values as the first
names. Print the generated dictionary with an appropriate description.
Example of Output:
First Names: [‘Jane’, ‘John’, ‘Jack’]
Last Names: [‘Doe’, ‘Deer’, ‘Black’]
Name Dictionary: {‘Doe’: ‘Jane’, ‘Deer’: ‘John’, ‘Black’: ‘Jack’}

4.9.5: Using my_dict = {a’:15, ‘c’:18, ‘b’:20}, write a program to:
a. print all the keys.
b. print all the values.
c. print all the keys and values pairs.
d. print all the keys and values pairs in ascending order of key.
e. print all the keys and values pairs in ascending order of value.
Example of Output (showing alternative ways you might choose to print lists and dictionaries):
a. Keys: [‘a’, ‘c’, ‘b’]
b. Values: 15, 18, 20
c. Key value pairs: a: 15, c: 18, b: 20
d. Key value pairs ordered by key: [(‘a’, 15), (‘b’, 20), (‘c’, 18)]
e. Key value pairs ordered by value: a: 15, c: 18, b: 20

4.9.6: Create a program that:
 prompts a user for a number
 validates that a number was entered
 re‐prompts on error
 converts the number to words using a dictionary
 prints out the converted numbers as words
The program must only have one input command and work for any size positive or negative
Decimal point should be converted to ‘point’.
If the user enters commas, tell them to try again without the commas.
Example Output #1
Enter a number: 123
As Text: One Two Three
Example Output #2
Enter a number: -123
As Text: Negative One Two Three
Example Output #3
Enter a number: 1234.76
As Text: One Two Three Four Point Seven Six
Example Output #4 – invalid Input
Enter a number: 1,000
Please try again without entering commas.
Enter a number: 1 thousand
“1 thousand” is not a valid number. Please try again
Enter a number: 1000.00
As Text: One Zero Zero Zero Point Zero Zero

Programming Homework Help