Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Phoenix Management Information Systems Discussion

respond to the following two posts IN YOUR OWN WORDS with a minimum of 400 words each, supported with a minimum of two references. It will be run thru a checker, thanks.

1.There are several management information systems available for business and organizations. Which one to use can be decided according to the type of industry as well as the type of information that should be captured. The various systems can be very effective in the areas of design. According to Baltzan (2016), management information systems is a business function, like accounting and human resources, which moves information about people, products, and processes across the company to facilitate decision making and problem solving. MIS can also be an important enabler of business success and innovation. (2016)

The roles for MIS may vary. For instance, the accounting systems might include maintaining the fiscal operations of the business while the human resources systems is held accountable for identifying qualified candidates to join the team as well as developing and enforcing policies and procedures to ensure equality and consistency is achieved. According to Zeng, (2021), good management of human resource can enable businesses to operate effectively but most enterprises still use traditional methods of allocating human resources, which is difficult to meet the development needs of enterprises. The decision making system is also vital to the success as well as the reputation of the business. These systems must be implemented in a consistent and orderly fashion. Capturing true data and maintaining accurate records can benefit the assessment and evaluation processes. This can also support the need for change and or adjustments. My organization is very strategic when conducting assessments to determine the direction of the organization. In some cases, change might be justified but in other cases change might just be a matter of opinion.

2.According to “Types Of Collaboration Technology”(2019), Collaborative technology refers to tools and systems designed to better facilitate group work, both in office and remote. Also known as groupware, these pieces of technology trim the costs and time associated with facilitating group work, from designating roles and responsibilities to routing documents to checking and approving project parts. They allow for more intuitive and coordinated group problem solving across an entire team’s workflows. Depending on the individual team or department, the technicality of the project and the overall goal of the work, you’re bound to find group work methodologies prevail like permissiveness(“Types Of Collaboration Technology”, 2019).

Telecommunications allows groups to collaborate even when not in close physical proximity via voice, video and data-based technology like the internet. This means coordination and activity at times and in locations that otherwise would be difficult, if not impossible. Travel expenditures are reduced and the pool of subject-matter experts widens, strengthening overall work. Premise-based collaborative software is bought and installed onto individual desktops on a company’s network. These tools expand the shared project management functions and capacities of teams, allowing members to track and organize project tasks as well as locate important network files, make informational updates and message anyone with access to the on-site software. Communication technology suggests that communication software tools allow for messages, chat groups and conversations to be conducted between individuals and parties via the Internet, whether those parties are in different parts of the office or different parts of the world. Communication tools also tend to be unstructured(“Types Of Collaboration Technology”, 2019).

They do not require prior scheduling or calendar sharing to be effective, they’re not intended to be formally preemptive at all. Coordination technology rounds out the three main types of collaborative software. Arguably the most holistic of collaborative tools, coordination software is designed to integrate both teamwork and taskwork functions. In other words, they allow individuals and groups to connect interpersonally as well as coordinate work tasks and activities (“Types Of Collaboration Technology”, 2019).

Programming Homework Help