Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. UMCP Park Python Fundamentals Discussion

I’m trying to study for my Python course and I need some help to understand this question.


Please upload a Jupyter notebook in which you explain the following concepts in your own words and provide clear, working, original examples of each:

  • f-strings
  • Lists
    • Choose at least two things about lists from the lecture videos that are new to you or that you need practice with. Explain them briefly but clearly; summarize the syntax for them; provide illustrative examples.
  • Reading the contents of a file with a WITH statement, using the file object as an iterator in a FOR loop
    • You may need to create a small text file for your code to read.

You are expected to use Markdown cells for explanations and code cells for code. I encourage you to look at the example submission for reference.

Programming Homework Help