Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. UCLA Java Question


I’m working on a java question and need guidance to help me learn.

Note: Creating multiple Scanner objects for the same input stream yields unexpected behavior. Thus, good practice is to use a single Scanner object for reading input from That Scanner object can be passed as an argument to any methods that read input.

Note: Accessor refers to getters and mutator refers to setters.

Write the ItemToPurchase class per the following specifications:

  • Private fields
    • string itemDescription – Initialized in default constructor to “none”
  • Parameterized constructor to assign item name, item description, item price, and item quantity (default values of 0).
  • Public member methods
    • setDescription() mutator & getDescription() accessor
    • printItemCost() – Outputs the item name followed by the quantity, price, and subtotal
    • printItemDescription() – Outputs the item name and description

Ex. of printItemCost() output:

Bottled Water 10 @ $1 = $10

Ex. of printItemDescription() output:

Bottled Water: Deer Park, 12 oz.

Write a class called TestItemToPurchase. In the main create a few object

Of ItemToPurchase and show its methods works. When you run your code copy and past the output in report.txt.

Submit three files, and report.txt

Programming Homework Help