Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Create a Python Code Computer Coding Task


Lab 05 supports the following Skill Outcomes (SO):

  • SO – Students will create Python programs using the Python interpreter and the IDLE IDE
  • SO – Students will apply the steps in the program development process
  • SO – Students will implement variables
  • SO – Students will select appropriate arithmetic, logical, and relational operators
  • SO – Students will implement sequence, selection, and repetition control structures
  • SO – Students will analyze, design, implement, test, and debug domain-specific applications which demonstrate basic computation, input/output, control structures, operators, and functions

Assignment Overview

This lab relates to the material in Chapter 5 – Functions. The purpose of this lab is to implement appropriate functions.


Be sure and include the following required identification information at the top of the program code using comment statements (see Section 2.4 Comments on page 39):

  • Name
  • 9-Digit ID Number
  • Due Date
  • Date Submitted
  • Brief description of application

Python (.py) file named with the required naming convention, required identification information, and meeting the requirements of the problem statement provided under Activity Details.

Activity Details

Perform the following tasks:

  • Step 1: Create a Python (.py) file using IDLE (see Appendix B – Introduction to IDLE) using the required naming convention for Lab 05: CourseNumber_LastNameFirstInitial_LabNumber (e.g., 5390_SharpJ_Lab05)

Place the required identification information in Comment statements (see Section 2.4 Comments on page 39) at the top of the Python program. Within the body of the program implement the following requirements as described in the problem statement below:

Program Statements:

Ms. Sally Jones, a local high school teacher, has hired you to create a modularized program that will allow her to enter three test scores (assume whole numbers will be entered) and calculate a student’s test score average (assume the result will be a whole number – see Table 2-3, page 54) and then determine student’s letter grade and then display the student’s test score average and letter grade. The input of the test scores and the output of the test score average and letter grade will be contained in the main menu. The program should allow Ms. Jones to enter as many students as desired by prompting her if she wants to continue (see 4.2 The while Loop: A Condition-Controlled Loop, page 160-161).

The following functions MUST be implemented:

  • calc_average – this function should accept three test scores as arguments and return the average of the scores
  • determine_grade – this function should accept the average test score and return a letter grade for the average test score based on the following grading scale (see page 258, Returning Strings):

Score Letter Grade

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

Below 60 F

Validation Loops:

In the main menu validation loops must be implemented to validate each of the three test scores which are entered. As long as the test score is less than zero or greater than 100 an appropriate error message should be displayed and the user should be prompted to enter a valid test score. Do NOT implement a decision structure.

General Requirements:

  • Variable names MUST follow the naming rules (see page 43), be descriptive, and follow a standard naming convention, such as the textbook naming convention where multiple words are separated by underscores, commonly used by Python programmers (i.e, gross_pay) or camelCase convention (i.e., grossPay).
  • Comment statements MUST be included for each major section of code to provide a brief description of its purpose. For example, at the beginning of the input statements, at the beginning of a repetition structure, at the beginning of calculations, or output statements, etc. Single-line comments are adequate.

Sample Scenario:

Enter test score 1: -1
Invalid entry. Test score must be between 0 and 100.
Reenter test score 1: 101
Invalid entry. Test score must be between 0 and 100.
Reenter test score 1: 100
Enter test score 2: -5
Invalid entry. Test score must be between 0 and 100.
Reenter test score 2: 105
Invalid entry. Test score must be between 0 and 100.
Reenter test score 2: 0
Enter test score 3: -10
Invalid entry. Test score must be between 0 and 100.
Reenter test score 3: 110
Invalid entry. Test score must be between 0 and 100.
Reenter test score 3: 50
The test score average is: 50
The letter grade is: F
Do you want to enter test scores for another student (Enter y for yes): y
Enter test score 1: 100
Enter test score 2: 85
Enter test score 3: 90
The test score average is: 91
The letter grade is: A
Do you want to enter test scores for another student (Enter y for yes): y
Enter test score 1: 85
Enter test score 2: 80
Enter test score 3: 89
The test score average is: 84
The letter grade is: B
Do you want to enter test scores for another student (Enter y for yes): y
Enter test score 1: 75
Enter test score 2: 70
Enter test score 3: 80
The test score average is: 75
The letter grade is: C
Do you want to enter test scores for another student (Enter y for yes): y
Enter test score 1: 60
Enter test score 2: 65
Enter test score 3: 60
The test score average is: 61
The letter grade is: D
Do you want to enter test scores for another student (Enter y for yes): n

Programming Homework Help