Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Alabama Aviation College VS Code and Variable Creation Project


copy and paste attached files into the visual studio before you follow the instruction in it

Que 6.

Open the attached document to each question up in VS code. Follow the instructions

Ques 7

Open the attached document to each question up in VS code. Follow the instructions

Ques 8

Open the attached document to each question up in VS code. Follow the instructions


Open the attached document to each question up in VS code. Follow the instructions


Open the attached document to each question up in VS code. Follow the instructions. In this assignment, there are errors in the script.js file.

Ques 11

copy and paste the instruction below in VS code. Follow the instructions. I

n this assignment, file. //Your work belongs in this file.



//True or false values

console.log(“Boolean example:”); //Prints the text: Boolean example:

let booleanVariable = true;//creates variable booleanVariable, with value true

console.log(booleanVariable);//Prints booleanVariable’s value

console.log(typeof booleanVariable);//Print booleanVariable’s type


typeof is a special operator in JavaScript.

It returns the type of the value or variable that follows.


/*Your turn

Create a variable using the keyword const.

The name of this variable should be candyIsHealthy.

Assign this variable a boolean value.

Print the value of candyIsHealthy to the console.




console.log(“nNumber example:”);

let number = -12.4;


console.log(typeof number);

/* Your turn

Create a variable using the keyword var.

The variable can be named whatever you want.

Assign it a number */

//Numbers can be expressed within this range

console.log(Number.MIN_VALUE+” to “+ Number.MAX_VALUE);//Prints the range of all Number types in JavaScript.


Numbers in JavaScript are stored in 64-bit IEEE format

so the smallest they can get is 5*10^(-324)

and the largest is roughly 1.7977 * 10^(308) */

/*Your turn

Type in this comment, next to Answer, a whole number that you think

given the above information might not be accurately represented using the

number datatype.




console.log(“nBigInt Example”);


let bigNumber = BigInt(Number.MAX_VALUE)+1n;




By typing n at the end of a number you indicate to JavaScript

that it is a bigint. Bigints allow you to accurately represent

arbitrarily large whole numbers. */

/*Your turn

Create a variable using the let keyword and try to

assign it the answer you gave above using big int notation.

Note to raise a number to a power you would use the operator **.

Also note- if you do a calculation with bigints every number that is involved

must be a bigint- having an n appended to it or by being converted using BigInt().



console.log(“nnString example:”);


let string = “This is a String”;

let string2 =’single quotes work too’;


console.log(typeof string );


console.log(typeof string2 );

/*Your turn

Assign a string value to a variable you created earlier

that holds a number.

Note you don’t need to redefine the variable to assign it a new value.

Print it to the console.*/


JavaScript is dynamically typed which allows us to

first assign a number to a variable and then later

assign a string. A variable can hold any kind of data

in JavaScript.*/



console.log(“Null example: “)

let nullVariable = null;


console.log(typeof nullVariable);


Using typeof null is deceiving.

This result is an “accident” because of the

way that javascript was first defined.

The actual type of null is indeed null.

It should be used to represent the absence

of a value that is intentionality set to not

have a value.*/



console.log(“Undefined example: “)

let undefinedVariable;



Meanwhile undefined is typically the value of

variables that have not be initialized. */

/*Your turn

Create a variable using either let or var

and print the result of using typeof

on your variable.

Then assign your new variable a value and use typeof

again- printing out the result.*/

//The final primitive is Symbol.

//Symbols are created using the function Symbol().

//This generates a value with type Symbol that JavaScript is

//guaranteed to consider unique.

//Symbols are used in the context of Objects and for now you don’t need

//to worry about the symbol type.

//We won’t talk about symbols much.


Programming Homework Help