Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Colorado State University Cardiac Muscle Potential MathLab Task


what we have to learn (Learn how to use MATLAB for “function discovery”, the process of finding a mathematical equation that describes a set of empirical data. Use polyfit to find coefficients for polynomial fits and polyval to evaluate those fits.The usage of those functions is as follows:p = polyfit(x,y,n) fits a polynomial of degree n to data described by the vectors x and y, where x is the independent variable. Returns a row vector p of length n+1 that contains the polynomial coefficients in order of descending powers.y = polyval(p,x)evaluates a polynomial at specified values of its independent variable x. The polynomial’s coefficients of descending powers are stored in the array p. The result y is the same size as x.Fit higher order polynomials to data using polyfit and extrapolate to estimate y at different values of x.Calculate residuals or the coefficient of determination (R2), which are measures of the “goodness of fit” of the line.Understand the difference between “best fit” lines (regression), which do not go through every point, and interpolation, in which piece-wise curves (with different equations) are fit between every data point.Be able to fit data with both linear and cubic spines, using interp1 and spline.) I upload the question

Programming Homework Help