Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of Phoenix Information Technology Discussion Responses


1. Practices of information technology governance is Information Technology (IT), that governs the establishment of structures, principles, and practices that foster the alignment of IT initiatives. The purposes and objectives of the enterprise is to demonstrates framework that an organization can articulate its strategic plan and demonstrate the plan’s effectiveness relating to value delivery, resource and risk management, and performance measurement of IT resources. Part of your framework should consist of, operations, strategic, and technical. Among those 3 you have a framework of 6 entities which consist of the different committees (University of Texas, 2013).

The role of ethics in technology development is culture which is one factor because of globalization. Since many companies have gone abroad with their companies, there are different rules and regulations that have to be followed. International business are generally dealt with the laws of the land so international business laws need to be followed. Other issues arise from the diversity of business ethical traditions in various countries across the globe such as culture, religion, and tradition. Comparisons made on the basis of corruption rankings of a certain state or on the basis of gross domestic product of a certain economy can also lead to ethical issues in the international arena (“Ethics And Technology”, 2021).

According to “Developing Technology And Innovation”(ND), in order to develop a successful management of technology and innovation strategy, it is crucial that the organization be ready to put forth the effort. This requires agility because changes and adjustments to products and processes are filled with risk and uncertainty. Agility is demonstrably less efficient if it is going to be effective. Management of technology and innovation must balance short-term efficiency with long-term effectiveness in the market so the firm can add and make it in a changing environment. Strong capabilities are needed if the organization is going to be able to address the challenges of innovation with the dynamic competition.

First I will design the system and develop technology based opportunities to protect from threats so I will know if one is coming. Then identify communication needs and efficiently to turn data into information so that the right information can be available to make the best decision in a timely manner. Then i will develop my employees with training and learning opportunities so they will be ready for what ever comes their way. The more they know the better we can compete with the competition. Making sure they are trained on things like computers and the software that the company will be using (“Developing Technology And Innovation”, ND).

2.The role of ethics that is in the technology strategy development well tere isn’t the single code of the technology ethics that can fit into the contexts and practitioners that is organizations and professions even though that it can be develop explicit internal policies, procedures, guideline, and the practices which is the best in the activities and challenges but the specific codes of the practice that help shaping up by the reflecting on the 16 broad norms and the guidelines of the ethical practice and the keys to follow them: 1) Keep Ethics in the Spotlight—and Out of the Compliance Box, 2) Highlight the Human Lives and Interests behind the Technology, 3) Consider Downstream (and Upstream and Lateral) Risks for Technologies, 4) Don’t Discount Non-Technical Actors, Interests, and Expectations, 5) Envision the Technical Ecosystem, 6) Mind the Gap between User Expectations and Reality, 7) Avoid Hype and Myths around Technology, 8) Establish Chains of Ethical Responsibility and Accountability, 9) Treat Technology as a Conditional Good, 10) Practice Disaster Planning and Crisis Response, 11) Promote the Values of Autonomy, Transparency, and Trustworthiness, 12) Consider Disparate Interests, Resources, and Impacts, 13) Design for Privacy and Security, 14) Invite Diverse Stakeholder Input, 15) Make Ethical Reflection & Practice Standard, Pervasive, Iterative, and Rewarding, and 16) Model and Advocate for Ethical Tech Practice. However, most of the leaders from the organizations is no longer to be in enmeshed of the technology, no matter how the indstry or the sector that the leaders and the company doesn’t call themselves to the savvy that is if they wasn;t thinking about the ethical implications to their employees, customers, and others that is using the technology when using the technology or the ethical tech that is linked to the inextricably and the extension to the tech savviness. Over the year that Deloitte does have the multiple gobal quantitative of the studies that does meaning of the broader questions that is digtial transformation, attitudes toward the Fourth Indusrtial Revolution and the development of the technologies such as the AI that is specific during the studies that is does the few question which is the leaders is thinking about the ethical uses of the technology because, of the authors and the contributors to study on what we can be curious of the common themselves emergining of the respective data sets that does provide insight that doesn’t have to be the only technological progress but it needs the respect to the ethical tech. This data that is in the relationship between the company’s digital and technologies progress and some cases it’s the tech savviness and being focus on the various ethical issues to be related to the technology.

Programming Homework Help