Religious Studies homework help

Religious Studies homework help. Attachment 1Attachment 2Attachment 3Attachment 4F’ roblem 7— 1 5 The cash account of Avayai Corp. shows a ledger balance of $3,954.85 on June 30, 201?. The bank statement as at that date indicates a balance of $4.070. when the statement was comparedwith the cash records, the following facts were determined: 1. M ~405me There were bank service charges for June of $29. A bank memo stated that Bao Dai‘s note for $898 and interest of $31 had been collected on June .29r and the bank had made a charge of$6.50 on the collection. (No entryr had been madeon Ayayai’s books when Bao Dai’s note was sent to the bank for collection.) Receipts for June 30 of $2,880 were not deposited until Jul).r 2. Cheques outstanding on June 30 totalled $2,043.65. On June 29, the bank had charged Ayayai Corp/5 account for a customer‘s uncollectible cheque amounting to $430.20. A customer’s cheque for $70 had been entered as $50 in the cash receipts journal by Ayayai Corp. on June 15 as a collection on account. Cheque no. ?42 in the amount of $495 had been entered in the cashbook as $459. and cheque no. T4? in the amount of $53.80 had been entered as $538. Both cheques were issued topay for cash purchases of equipment. In May 2017, the bank had charged a $28.50 Blue Corp. cheque against the Ayayai Corp. account. The June bank statement indicated that the bank had reversed this charge and correctedits error.

Religious Studies homework help