Religious Studies homework help

Religious Studies homework help. This is an assignment that focuses on the patient perception for a pharmacist prescription. The assignment also provides the method of conducting a survey.,The patient perception for a pharmacist prescription,I need a project protocol (project plan) which must include background (200 words like a summary of the literature) the objective, the subject and setting, and method, Please focus more to the objectives and the method parts because there are the hardest parts for me,The objectives ( I did these objectives so if you have any edit about it I will be happy ), 1-     To conduct a literature review search with purpose of gathering information about the patient perception for the pharmacist prescribing., 2-     To design a questionnaire with the intention of gathering information from patients about their perception, acceptability, and experience for their pharmacist prescribers.s, 3-     To use the questionnaire in order to collect patient perceptions data for their pharmacist prescribing from ,community pharmacies in Scotland,., 4-     To analyse the collected data and assess whether independent pharmacists prescribing acceptable to the patients.,The patient perception for a pharmacist prescription,The method for each objective ( after meeting with my supervisor its need to be a questionnaire (not online survey) with closed questions and open question(I don’t now about the open question so if u have any advice about it ) also I decide to Likert scales are will be used as response options (5 being strongly agree and 1 strongly disagree). The open question will include to allow the patients to write comments with regard to their pharmacist prescribing., For the literature method I already did it so no need to do it. So, you have only three method for three objectives.,If you have any advice please tell me, cuz I will bring you collected data later to analyse it., I am sure you have a great experience about the dissertation parts. Also, if you have any references regarding the questionnaire or the method that will be support the work., This is the project protocol structure, Background, Aim (no need), Subject and setting, Objective, Method,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Religious Studies homework help