Science Homework Help. KKK Dry Cleaners in Laundry Purposes Discussion
For items 1-3, write at least 100 words each. For item 4, your comment/reply to classmates will be separate, write at least 50 words total to two or more classmates (remember to be thoughtful, positive, and constructive).
Note: Do NOT copy and paste. It is considered plagiarism. Use your own words. Cite your sources.
DB Topics:
1. Explain the major hazards and contaminants associated with Dry Cleaners.
2. Review the State Coalition for Remediation of Dry Cleaners initiative and briefly describe the accomplishments of this project:…
3. Peer review. Comment to at least one or two classmate’s posts. With professional courtesy, provide additional analysis, constructive criticism, and additional facts and solutions. I want to see a paragraph of 50 words or more. (Note the word counter in the lower right corner of your posting window).
NOTE: Cite the sources you use for your discussion board posts either at the end of each item or at the end of your post.