Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. discussion thread environmental science


A. How does improving educational opportunities for women help reduce population growth (in those nations seeking to do so)?  Cite specific scientific, demographic, socioeconomic and/or geopolitical evidence from one (1) nation that is working to reduce its population growth rate and where improving education for women has worked / is working.

Be sure to back up your explanations with some research before discussing this topic online with your classmates. Be sure to read relevant sections of your text (and supplementary readings from this Module) and look online.  Start with these background readings:

Organize your posting by using the letter/number combinations as follows to earn up to 7 points. Be specific and thorough. Cite statistics in A2, A3.

A1. Identify a nation that has been / is working to reduce its population growth. For how long? (1 points)

A2. What has this nation done to improve the educational opportunities for its women? (2.5 points)

A3. How have increased educational opportunities for these women changed their socio-economic status? (2.5 points)

Science Homework Help