Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. New England College Environmental Science Northern Snakehead Fish Essay


Discussion 1 Assignment and Peer Response:

Should endangered species be protected? In 1973, the United States passed the Endangered Act (ESA) to identify and protect organisms which are at risk of becoming extinct. The ESA was passed with strong bipartisan support in Congress and had strong public support. While everyone likes the idea of saving endangered organisms, implementing the act has not been simple and opposition has grown over time. Before you respond to the discussion prompt, review the below articles for two different perspectives about the ESA.


Fecht, S. (2018, July 31). What Are the Biggest Threats to the Endangered Species Act?


O’Toole, R. (2019, August 20). Save the Endangered Species Act with Common Sense.


Your initial post should discuss two arguments that might be used to argue that the Endangered Species Act should be repealed. Your reply to two posts by other students should include arguments that the Endangered Species Act should enforced without exceptions to cost.


Requirements for Discussion Assignments


Students are required to contribute one initial post and at least two responses for each discussion forum. Responses to other students should be substantive. Points will not be earned for responses that simply state, “I agree” or “Good point.” Responses to classmates must serve to advance the conversation. Students may agree or disagree, but all postings must be courteous and respectful following the NEC Netiquette Guidelines. All posts must conform to academic integrity; see NEC Academic Integrity Policy in the syllabus and the definition of plagiarism below for more details.


  • Compose a well-developed initial post (400 to 500 words per question) that is comprehensive in answering questions posed on the discussion board
  • Post at least two replies (400 words minimum) to classmates for each discussion forum


Invasive Species Assignment


Invasive Species


1) Go to the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library for state resources or National Agricultural Pest Information System


2) Click on your state outline on the U.S. map to find what invasive species are present.


3) Write a summary of two invasive species that includes:


  • State name
  • Name of species
  • Area or country these species originated and how they came to be at their current location
  • When were they first reported in the United States?
  • How has the species impacted the ecosystems it has entered?
  • How does the species impact biodiversity in the areas it is found today?
  • What efforts are being made to control the organisms? Is the population expanding or being held in check?


Submission Details:


  • Source(s) of information (follow APA citation formatting of references). should not be used as a reference.
  • You may need to locate additional source material in order to answer these questions.
  • The summaries should be written in your own words using complete sentences in a Word-compatible document.

Science Homework Help