Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Howard Community College Biology Macromolecules and Cellular Function Questions


Not Everything You Read Is True!

Background: In this activity, we will explore the process of science, concepts behind the macromolecules, and cellular function.

Case Study: Tiffani’s sister Amanda is getting married in 2 months. When Tiffani ordered her bridesmaid’s dress 8 months ago, she claimed she was going to go to the gym and start working out and eating right. So, she ordered a dress that was 2 sizes smaller than she currently wore. Amanda told her that it was a bad idea and that it was much easier to take in a dress that is too large than to let out one that is too small.

Over the next 8 months, Tiffani got busy with work and life and didn’t end up exercising or going to the gym. When she got stuck at home in March, she gained a little weight because she wasn’t walking around as much as she did during her normal work days. Amanda and Tiffani went into the bridal shop for their dress fittings. Surprise, surprise… Tiffani’s dress is WAY too small.

Tiffani: Oh geez! How am I going to fit into this dress in 2 months? It’s too late to order another one.

Amanda: Well, I told you it was a bad idea to get a dress that was already too small. You should have listened to me.

Tiffani: One of the people I follow on Instagram has been promoting this new weight-loss supplement called Noilednad. Apparently, the influencer says you can lose 25lbs in 3 weeks if you take 4 tablets a day. Supposedly, it shrinks your cell walls and makes your body’s chloroplasts grow to produce more energy.

Amanda: Um… I had Professor Kendall for Biology and Society a few years ago and based on what I learned in class, that doesn’t seem quite right.

Tiffani: Oh, I’m sure it is. This influencer posts this stuff all the time. She’s super skinny. It must work. Here’s the ad! (Opens Instagram and finds the post)

Influencer on Instagram Post: Wow! I’m so excited. I tried this new #weightloss product called Noilednad. It uses the amazing chemicals found in the Taraxacum officinale flower to help you lose a ton of weight. My friend took 4 tablets a day. She lost 25lbs in 3 weeks! It’s amazing. The @Noilednad company tells me that it works by stimulating your body’s metabolism and helping you burn those pesky phospholipids found in your cells. It can also shrink your cell walls. Who doesn’t want to shrink their stubborn cell walls? I know I do. Additionally, Noilednad is clinically proven to increase chloroplast number to produce more energy. Everyone needs more energy to get through these crazy times! I’m promoting a healthy lifestyle by offering you 15% off your first purchase. Just click the link in my bio. #ThanksNoilednad #ad

1. Why is this ad tempting to Tiffani? What elements make the ad believable?

2. Why is Amanda skeptical about this ad? What claims are made that are obviously incorrect given what you know about cells?

Experimental Design: For this section, you will be using the materials you learned in the first chapters to debunk the statements made in the ad.

3. What question should be asked in an experimental design to test the effectiveness of Noilednad as a weight loss supplement?

4. In experimental design, we need to have controlled variables that are the same across all of the test subjects. Why is this particularly important in a weight loss study?

5. List at least 5 variables that a scientist would need to control in this sort of experiment.

6. The influencer states that her friend took 4 tablets a day and lost weight. This is what we call “anecdotal evidence” and does not rely on a properly designed experiment with a control group, an experimental group, and a large number of test subjects in both groups. Why do we need a control group? Why do we need a large number of test subjects?

7. After the researchers collect and analyze data, they will submit the publication to go through the peer review process. List 3 reasons why this is important.

8. What is the placebo effect and how might it affect the results? If you are unfamiliar with the term, you may look it up online.

9. Why do you think some people turn away from evidence-based medicine and scientific experts with regards to weight loss?

Dietary Supplements and Their Claims: Do you take any dietary supplements? Although many are harmless, they are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the same way as our drugs and vaccines. Supplements are not subjected to the same evaluation process as medications that often takes months or years to determine the safety and effectiveness of these items. Just because something is “natural” does not mean it is safe or healthy.

Read the following article on Dietary Supplements from the Federal Trade Commission:

You may have heard the expression “Money Talks.” Even people with degrees in science can be swayed by financial incentives to share false information. In 2014, Dr. Oz was brought before Congress for using his television show to promote Pure Green Coffee Beans as a weight loss supplement.

10. Pick one of the following dietary supplements. Explain what the company claims it does and how it works.

  • Ephedra
  • Stimulant laxatives (FitTea, etc.)
  • L-Tryptophan
  • Serovital
  • Raspberry Ketones
  • Prevagen
  • Nugenix
  • Alkaline water

11. What information did you find that supports the advertising claim?

12. What information did you find that makes the advertising claim questionable?

13. Based on the information you found, do you think the product you selected does what it says it does? Why might the FDA have concerns about this product?

Science Homework Help