Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Fordham University Mechanism & Mode of Action of Vancomycin Questions


I’m working on a microbiology writing question and need support to help me understand better.

Question 1:

Research the mechanism of action of one of the antibiotics from the list below- Beta Lactam, Vancomycin or Bacitracin. Write a short summary of the mechanism of action of one of these antibiotics.  Make sure to include the citation of the article from which you gathered the information.

Question 2:

Miya fell in the playground and a splinter got stuck in her arm.  Describe in your own words and in detail how Mia’s immune system will react to the splinter in her arm.  What is this reaction called and what are the immune cells and proteins/molecules involved.

Question 3:

John was affected by a cold virus. His symptoms started with difficulty in breathing, runny nose and fatigue. The symptoms worsened at the beginning of the infection and after about 4 days, he started to feel better.  His immune system was successful in combating the cold virus.  Explain in your own words and in detail which immune system will be activated (humoral or Cell mediated).  Describe how John’s immune cells were able to kill the virus infected cells.  If John is infected by the same virus in the future, how will his immune system react to the virus? And what will be the strength of the immune response?

Question 4:

Marc checked in to the urgent care with symptoms of fever, sore throat and fatigue. His strep test turned out to be positive. Streptococcus is an extracellular pathogen.  Describe in detail which immune system will be activated in Marc’s body and how will his immune cells fight the bacterium. (name all the molecules, cell structures and cells involved).  

Question 5:

Choose a disease in history that was an epidemic or pandemic and explain how vaccines have helped in eradicating the disease. Describe how this vaccine was discovered and write about the type of vaccine and how it helps to protect our body.

Science Homework Help