Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. UMASS Purely Kinematic Situation and Relevant Quantity Question


I’m working on a physics practice test / quiz and need an explanation to help me learn.

An object of mass m1 reaches a height of h1 when thrown up with a speed of vo. A second object m2=15m1, is thrown up with the same initial speed. By what factor will the height of m2 increase or decrease? What is the factor?

2) Given a number set that describes constant acceleration of an object between time intervals {(1,1), (4,6), (7,6), (10, 1)}, on a speed vs time coordinate plane, calculate the following items…

a) Find the speed at t=5s.

b) (more challenging) The speed at t=9s.

c) The acceleration at t=2s.

d) The total displacement.

3) A solid spherical mass rolls down  through 32m on a slope of unknown inclination after having started moving from rest. If the final speed of the mass is 4.3m/s what is the angle of inclination of the slope? Hint: See your lab manual.

4) A mass is shot horizontally from the edge of a building with unknown height at a rate of 12m/s. If the range of this projectile is 36m, what is the height of this building?

5) A car traveling at an unknown speed activates it’s breaks and it takes it 400m to come to a stop. What is the acceleration caused by this vehicle. Assume it travels toward the -x direction and give the correct sign for the acceleration.

) A projectile is shot from ground level above a continuous horizontal surface at an angle of 41 degrees, the initial speed is 31m/s . Find a) The initial velocity vector b) The final velocity vector

2) What is the period of a mass of 3kg that spins in a circular path of radius 2.0 meters attached to a spring of K=67N/m. The equilibrium length of the spring is 1.5m.

3) What is the mass of an object that is lowered from a height of 75m and raised again to a height of 48m if the work done through this process was 23000J?

4) A mass of 2kg slides down a slope and it encounters a continuous rough patch of µ=1.34, if the mass travels 26 meters before coming to a stop, what was the height the mass slid from?

5) A toy car travels around a circular path with an angular frequency of ??Hz. That is approximately 3.14 radian/s. Given this information, how long in seconds does it take this toy to cover 45 degrees around the circle?…

Science Homework Help