Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. TCCD DNA Enzymes Restriction Enzyme Electrophoresis Chamber & Lambda Discussion


I’m working on a microbiology multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

1. What is a restriction enzyme? Where do they come from?

2. The electrophoresis chamber must be filled with an electrophoresis buffer solution. Why can’t we just use water?

3. What is CRISPR-Cas9? How has it been adapted for use in genetics?

4. What is a restriction site? These sites are described as inverted palindromic repeats. What does that mean?

5. Is DNA positively charged, negatively charged, or neutral? Why?

6. Electrophoresis separates molecules based on three properties. What are they? 7. What is a DNA ladder? What does it indicate?

8. What are two reasons for adding loading dye to a DNA sample before conducting electrophoresis?

9. What is lambda? What is a plasmid? What are the possible shapes of a plasmid?

10. Indicate the number of bands that you would expect to see if lambda and plasmid DNA were cut by hypothetical restriction enzymes and subjected to electrophoresis.

Type of DNA Number of restriction sites cut Number of bands expected on electrophoresis gel

Plasmid (pGPS2.1) 0

Plasmid (pGPS2.1) 1

Plasmid (pGPS2.1) 5

Lambda 0

Lambda 1

Lambda 5

Science Homework Help