Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Electrostatic Attractions Between Sodium Cations and Chloride Anions Questions


  1. What is a possible identity of each of the five substances used in the lab as unknowns (i.e. give a possible chemical name or common name for each substance)? Make your guesses reasonable and you will be fine, but don’t tell me things like one sample is gold. The school budget won’t let me give out gold.
  2. Why does the Jesus lizard find walking on water possible but not walking on oil (a hydrocarbon)?
  3. Which will have a higher melting point – graphite or sodium chloride? Explain why refering to bonds or forces that are involved.
  4. If we start at room temperature and slowly make the room hotter, which will be the last to turn into a gas – methanol (CH3OH) or methane (CH4). Explain why refering to bonds or forces that are involved.
  5. Fluorine is a gas at room temperature but iodine is a solid. Explain why refering to bonds or forces that are involved.
  1. Substance 1 Substance 2 Substance 3 Substance 4 Substance 5
    Appearance Dull, white amorphous solid Small white crystals Somewhat lustrous grey solid Small white crystals Large clear crystals
    Melting Point when held over a Bunsen burner flame Melted very quickly Did not melt Did not melt Melted rapidly and burst into flames Did not melt
    Solubility in Water Did not dissolve Very soluble Did not dissolve Very soluble Did not dissolve
    Electrical Conductivity of Water with substance in it Non-conductive Very conductive Non-conductive Non-conductive Non-conductive
    Electrical Conductivity of Solid Non-conductive Non-conductive Very conductive Non-conductive Non-conductive

Science Homework Help