Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. BIO 103 Santa Barbara City College Cloning of Greenglo Funkadelicus Lab Report


I am attaching my writing question and want u to read the directions and the paper and the comments at the end and edit and revise the entire paper. stay on track. the only actual writing I need added is the abstract part. an abstract is a overall paragraph summing up the entire thing. I attached directions and a sample aim (it doesnt have to actually be as long)

these changes need to be a lot but at the same time not drastic or too much ( do not do anything to figures) focus the most on the abstract and background and significance then the other sections after wards

I want u to highlight the changes u make and make comments if u have questions , if u have to use google docs for that , thats fine I dont want direct changes the only direct thing I want is the entire abstract

Science Homework Help