Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. SMC Sustainable Ocean Water Desalination in Southern California Essay


Points: 0 – 90 points.

The paper is due in Canvas Assignment (Bioethics Papers) by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, 5/23.

Research the subject extensively and comprehensively using any online or print source. You must present arguments for both sides of the issue.

TOPIC: Drought is a way of life in Southern California and worse climate conditions are anticipated in the future. To quench the insatiable need for water by agriculture and human consumption, an obvious remedy is to desalt the vast amount of ocean water and turn it into drinkable water (by reverse osmosis). This is however at the expense of the life of millions of fish and fish larvae during water intake and the environment from the highsalt brine during water exit. Is this practice ethically acceptable and how would you balance the needs of humans and the health of our ecosystem?

Length of paper: approximately 3-5 pages excluding References, double-spaced, typed. BE CONCISE

Do not cut & paste from other sources. Avoid using direct quotes. If you must quote a statement, use quotation marks and reference the source (Papers with greater than *5%* similarity in the originality report generated by Turnitin will result in points deducted). Plagiarizing papers or statements will result in a “0” for the work.

Format of the paper:

Topic # (You do not have to re-type the topic descriptions) and of course, your name and section # on cover page. Description of the issue: background and introduction. Cite the source of data or facts that you used.

Points (Pros). Cite the source by using a number as listed in References. Counterpoints (Cons). Cite the source by using a number as listed in References.

Conclusion: You may stay neutral or take a side in drawing the conclusion based on the strength of the pro and con arguments that you presented. If your opinion is based on religion, you should present a balanced argument based on the view of all major religions.

References: List the source you cited according to the order in your text (MLA, APA or PubMed format).

Science Homework Help