Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. This essay entails a paper on a chosen Factory drain system and use the Capsim company external environment as a case study. Factory drain system helps in maintaining cleanliness in the whole area and help in maintaining health of the workers.,Factory drain system Capsim company external environment,Firstly, hink about the Capsim company and its imagined external environment. Think about the materials on the stakeholders in the textbook. Then read at least one article from the attached list. On that basis, imagine your company has had a toxic chemical spill in one of its factories. No one is injured, but 60 liters of highly toxic fluid enters the factory drain system where it is collected in a waste management system.,Secondly, there was no release to the environment. However,  it is also a favourite stop of local birdwatchers.Define stakeholders (use one of the listed readings as a guide, cite it, and include it in your reference list). Draw a mind-map of the external environment of your simulation company and identify all the stakeholders in this spill. (Refer to the mind-mapping guidelines and information sources).,Also, on your mind-map indicate the stakeholders. Remember to consider the various departments internally, How or where does they have an impact on each department? ,A good mind-map has enough detail that you can see how relationships are represented in the mind-map (usually a third level of detail. ,Thirdly, identify what you think is a critical component of your simulation company’s external environment (an item from your mind-map). Each team member MUST choose a different component.,Lastly, find a high quality academic source (use the UCW library) that helps you understand that component. Briefly summarize the academic source in your own words. (maximum of 100 words) 6. Briefly explain how the academic source improves your understanding of the environmental component., 

Social Work homework help