Sociology homework help

Sociology homework help. Southwestern University: (C)*The popularity of Southwestern University’s football program under its new coach Phil Flamm surged in each of the 5 years since his arrival at the Stephenville, Texas, college. (See Southwestern University: (A) in Chapter 3 and (B) in Chapter 4.) With a football stadium close to maxing out at 54,000 seats and a vocal coach pushing for a new stadium, SWU president Joel Wisner faced some difficult decisions. After a phenomenal upset victory over its archrival, the University of Texas, at the homecoming game in the fall, Dr. Wisner was not as happy as one would think. Instead of ecstatic alumni, students, and faculty, all Wisner heard were complaints. “The lines at the concession stands were too long”; “Parking was harder to find and farther away than in the old days” (that is, before the team won regularly); “Seats weren’t comfortable”; “Traffic was backed up halfway to Dallas”; and on and on. “A college president just can’t win,” muttered Wisner to himself.At his staff meeting the following Monday, Wisner turned to his VP of administration, Leslie Gardner. “I wish you would take care of these football complaints, Leslie,” he said. “See what the real problems are and let me know how you’ve resolved them.” Gardner wasn’t surprised at the request. “I’ve already got a handle on it, Joel,” she replied. “We’ve been randomly surveying 50 fans per game for the past year to see what’s on their minds. It’s all part of my campuswide TQM effort. Let me tally things up and I’ll get back to you in a week.”When she returned to her office, Gardner pulled out the file her assistant had compiled (see Table 6.6). “There’s a lot of information here,” she thought.TABLE 6.6 Fan Satisfaction Survey Results (N=250)(N=250)Overall GradeABCDFGame DayA. Parking901054555B. Traffic5085485215C. Seating45301153525D. Entertainment16035261019E. Printed Program6634982230TicketsA. Pricing105104161510B. Season Ticket Plans758054410ConcessionsA. Prices1611658582B. Selection of Foods1556024110C. Speed of Service3545464876RespondentsAlumnus113Student83Faculty/Staff16None of the above38Open-Ended Comments on Survey Cards:Parking a messAdd a skyboxGet better cheerleadersDouble the parking attendantsEverything is okayToo crowdedSeats too narrowGreat foodPhil F. for President!I smelled drugs being smokedStadium is ancientSeats are like rocksNot enough cops for trafficGame starts too lateHire more traffic copsNeed new bandGreat!More hot dog standsSeats are all metalNeed skyboxesSeats stinkGo SWU!Lines are awfulSeats are uncomfortableI will pay more for better viewGet a new stadiumStudent dress code neededI want cushioned seatsNot enough policeStudents too rowdyParking terribleToilets weren’t cleanNot enough handicap spots in lotWell done, SWUPut in bigger seatsFriendly ushersNeed better seatsExpand parking lotsHate the bleacher seatsHot dogs cold$3 for a coffee? No way!Get some skyboxesLove the new uniformsTook an hour to parkCoach is terrificMore water fountainsBetter seatsSeats not comfyBigger parking lotI’m too old for bench seatsCold coffee served at gameMy company will buy a skybox—build it!Programs overpricedWant softer seatsBeat those Longhorns!I’ll pay for a skyboxSeats too smallBand was terrificLove Phil FlammEverything is greatBuild new stadiumMove games to DallasNo complaintsDirty bathroom*This integrated case study runs throughout the text. Other issues facing Southwestern’s football stadium include: (A) Managing the renovation project (Chapter 3); (B) Forecasting game attendance (Chapter 4); (D) Break-even analysis of food services (Supplement 7 Web site); (E) Locating the new stadium (Chapter 8 Web site); (F) Inventory planning of football programs (Chapter 12 Web site); and (G) Scheduling of campus security officers/staff for game days (Chapter 13 Web site).Discussion QuestionsUsing at least two different quality      tools, analyze the data and present your conclusions. How could the survey have been more      useful? What is the next step?   ,V

Sociology homework help