Sociology homework help

Sociology homework help. Need an argumentative essay on History: the renaissance. Needs to be 9 pages. Please no plagiarism.It was also a time when a shift was started in the long-held class systems from that of feudal organization made up of the traditionally wealthy and the barely recognized desperately poor to one consisting of a greater stratification of wealth and prestige, in which social mobility was possible with little more than a ready mind and a willingness to make the attempt. Started in Italy as early as the early 1300s, the ideas of the Renaissance didn’t reach England until the 1500s. However, these ideas, once released, would serve to change the fabric of society from the traditional medieval concepts to something more closely approximating modern organization. The Italian Renaissance The Renaissance, as it is discussed today, was not a simultaneous event that occurred throughout Europe all at once, but it is characterized by specific characteristics of thought. “The term ‘Renaissance’ might now be defined as a model of cultural history in which the culture of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Europe is represented as a repudiation of medieval values in favor of the revival of the culture of ancient Greece and Rome.” 1 The word actually means “rebirth” and refers to the tremendous renewal of science and thought that occurred during this period as people rediscovered the skill and knowledge of the ancient worlds of Greece and Rome and adapted it to new discoveries and innovations. It was Italy’s re-focus on the ruins of their past glory that brought forward many of the technical developments made in portraying realistic images. Through these advances, artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo were able to communicate the various ideas of the Renaissance outside of Italy, affecting civilizations everywhere through their art. Artists in Florence were able to quickly link the mathematical knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans to the proportional focus of their own world as a shared knowledge between artists and businessmen. Painters used their foundational knowledge in geometry to create familiar elements in their paintings that would convey their intentions to the greatest possible audience. “In the same way that a painter could reduce the human form or settings to a play of geometrical figures, so could the merchant simplify all things to geometrical configurations.” 2 By melding mathematics and artistic expression, artists discovered how to provide their figures with a new impression of weight and volume that had not been previously achieved. This new ability to provide realism in a painting and other written expression led to even greater explorations into how the world manifested itself, all of which contributed to an explosion of thought, design and implementation that would change the world. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) revolutionized the artistic world with his explorations in color, light, landscapes and expression. He is considered the master of the sfumato technique as well as chiaroscuro. Both of these techniques are used brilliantly in one of Leonardo’s most well-known portraits, the Mona Lisa. “His use of soft lines and colors created the illusion of movement which became the trademark of High Renaissance art.

Sociology homework help

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