Statistics homework help

Statistics homework help. Create a 4 page essay paper that discusses Motivational Strategies.Employing various mixes of motivational strategies depends on the kind of employees to be supervised and the situation the managers find themselves in. Managers should have it as a priority to learn when to they should praise, trust and delegate and above all they should know and understand the benefits and disadvantages of the reward system and motivation theories.At Gift of life clinic back street is a private hospital owned by a renowned doctor who adds up as the overall manager, and their work philosophy includes improving productivity together with better management skills. This is a common organizational strategic for development world while among medics. To develop motivated employees, must management to.Paying a worker has both short term and long term goal of motivating the employees at any organization. The primary aim of a rewarding system is to bring positive reinforcement, and there should be various factors to be considered in designing a real worthwhile system. A real rewarding system comes with accountability and based on employee’s performance and includes having appraisal for individual employees. There is also the importance of the management not only to focus on the financial form of reward but also behavioral approach to rewarding individual employees. Workers incentives are also important as they offer motivation to employee since they give employees extra to endeavor for than just regular paycheck and it is in different categories which includes bonuses, cash paid time off and travel perks.Another motivational strategy that the clinic can employ is the need for management to develop a free and honest communication channel within the workplace. It is of importance that the doctor in charge who is also the manager communicates individual employee’s expectation freely so that each worker has a clear idea of what task lies ahead. When management does this it goes

Statistics homework help

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