Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Walden University System Integration Discussion and Responses


Post the discussion to the following:

In the past, many businesses had siloed business applications that executed within their own departments and with their own department’s data. Today, the focus is on system integration and developing systems that function across organizational departments with a common repository of data.

Describe two types of enterprise information systems used in any business industry today.

You are required to add at least two of your own research resources in constructing your initial discussion post.

Be sure to include an analysis of the benefits and challenges of adopting enterprise information systems in business today.

Please comment on this post below.

The purpose of enterprise systems is to gain an organizational strength through new access gained through business knowledge, increased employee productivity from streamlined work processes, and the reduction of redundant company data. One type of enterprise system is Supply Chain Management. The supply chain is comprised of a collection of equipment, data, tasks, people, and everything else included in creating a systematic approach to ensuring the product is proceeded through vendor to customer. This includes the development of the product to a steady source of product, as well as the product being moved logistically and all angles of this system be monitored at all times. It involves strategic planning and operations as well as a day to day account of materials and product involved within the supply chain.Also, the enterprise resource planning system allows for the management of business procedures are best utilized through software applications. These activities include human resources,  inventory management, purchasing, and finance, The applications involved with these activities all share information collectively. Administrative and operational tasks share operations that allow for creation of tools such as time sheets and also, can be utilized in a number of industries.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Harrisburg University of Science Covid 19 and Artificial Intelligence PPT



To discuss COVID and AI/ML/DL…Any Mobile App or Applications, SW ….any Solution

Need APA format

Side note NEEDED for the PPT too (Need to talk for 4 minutes)

Please keep side notes in the add note section of the presentation. DO NOT MIX IT WITH THE PPT.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Veteran Patients by Healthcare Priority Data Visualization & Discussion


1. How do you describe the importance of data in analytics? Can we think of analytics without data? Explain.

2. Considering the new and broad definition of business analytics, what are the main inputs and outputs to the

analytics continuum?

3. Where do the data for business analytics come from? What are the sources and the nature of those incoming


4. What are the most common metrics that make for analytics-ready data?

5. Go to—a U.S. government–sponsored data portal that has a very large number of data sets on a

wide variety of topics ranging from healthcare to education, climate to public safety. Pick a topic that you

are most passionate about. Go through the topic- specific information and explanation provided on the site.

Explore the possibilities of downloading the data, and use your favorite data visualization tool to create your

own meaningful information and visualizations.

Note: Please provide 5-6 scholarly cited APA reference links.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. University of Maryland Global Campus Cloud Data Migration Project


Perform Migration

Now that you have completed BallotOnline’s Cloud Deployment Programmatic Approach, you have a better understanding of the available programmatic cloud deployment approaches and options, and how these approaches differ from traditional IT deployment approaches. You are now prepared to perform activities to migrate workloads to the cloud infrastructure.

Your supervisor, Sophia, the vice president of Information Technology (IT), has tasked you with the migration of workloads to the cloud infrastructure and has selected the migration of a database that is part of a critical aspect of BallotOnline’s operation. You are also asked to migrate the corporate intranet to the public cloud. You will now evaluate and compare different data migration approaches and select the best approach for BallotOnline, along with your rationale for selecting the specific approach and tool set.

As always, your selection of the appropriate approach and tool set must incorporate industry best practices and standards and meet the relevant business and technical needs of the organization.

There are seven steps in this project.

Also, there are 3 discussions (Discussion: Data Migration Approaches + Discussion: Evaluation of AWS Database Migration Service + Discussion: Database Migration Options to AWS) these discussions need to be answer in a separate document.

Step 1: Research Industry Standard Data Migration Approaches

Professionals in the Field

“Data migration is the process of making an exact copy of an organization’s current data from one device to another device—preferably without disrupting or disabling active applications—and then redirecting all input/output (I/O) activity to the new device.”

—Best Practices for Data Migration, IBM

Part of BallotOnline’s cloud strategy includes keeping up with the latest developments in the industry and applying current best practices. So, before getting started with the migration, take some time to research best practices and industry standard data migration approaches.

Discussion: Data Migration Approaches.

Now that you have completed BallotOnline’s Cloud Deployment Programmatic Approach, you will discuss the data migration approaches. You should cover the following areas:

  • Why migrate your data?
  • What levels of attention should each workload get?
  • What migration design would you prefer?
  • What are the migration execution strategies?
  • How would you transition postmigration?

Step 2: Review and Compare Data Migration Tool Sets

Now that you have reviewed and discussed best practices and industry standard data migration approaches, review a few of the leading migration tools.

There are two basic approaches to data migration: “lift and shift” and “create new.”


What’s Involved

Tool Set Used

Lift and Shift

Also known as rehosting, lift and shift involves replicating current applications in the cloud without redesign, enabling users to migrate their existing servers along with the data.

AWS Server Migration Service

Create New

This method involves creating new servers in the cloud as needed, and only replicating the data to the cloud.

AWS Database Migration Services

Review the two toolsets: AWS Server Migration Service and AWS Database Migration Services, and compare them in the Cloud Data Migration Tool Sets Comparison Template.

Before completing the whole project Submit the Cloud Data Migration Tool Set Comparison Template completed with your findings.

Step 3: Explore and Evaluate AWS Database Migration Service

Sophia favors the “create new” approach, since this aligns to industry best practices. Not surprisingly, she wants to use as many AWS-owned services as possible because AWS is the cloud vendor of choice for BallotOnline thus far in the organization’s move to the cloud.

Before evaluating databases for migration, make sure you understand the tool set of choice for BallotOnline’s cloud data migration, AWS Database Migration Service, so you can use it effectively and educate other team members if needed.

Take Action

To make sure you understand the tool set and how it is used, answer the Discussion: Evaluation of AWS Database Migration Service. Then proceed to the next step, in which you will consider options within AWS for the migration.

Discussion: Evaluation of AWS Database Migration Service

Now that you have discussed the data migration approaches, you will discuss and evaluate AWS Database Migration Service (DMS). You should cover the following areas:

How is AWS DMS different from other database migration tool sets?

How are AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) and AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) related?

What sources and targets does AWS Database Migration Service support?

What are the security features supported by AWS DMS?

Step 4: Review Options for Database Migration to AWS

Sophia has asked you to migrate two of BallotOnline’s on-premise database environments to the cloud: the human resources database. There are different options for different source database types. Human resources uses a MySQL database instance.

Review the following three options for database migration to AWS:

  • Migrating from an RDS MySQL database instance to AWS
  • Migrating from a MySQL database external to Amazon RDS to AWS
  • Migrating from a database that is not MySQL-compatible to AWS

Take Action

Answer the Discussion: Database Migration Options to AWS, and then proceed to the next step, in which you will move data from human resources.

Discussion: Database Migration Options to AWS

Now that you have discussed the AWS Database Migration Service, you will discuss the migration options available via AWS Database Migration Service (DMS). You should cover the following areas:

What sources does AWS DMS support?

What targets does AWS DMS support?

How does AWS DMS support encrypted data?

How does AWS DMS support on-premise to AWS data migration?

How does AWS DMS support AWS RDS to other AWS database services?

Step 5: Migrate Data from a MySQL Database to AWS

Now that you have finished researching approaches, tool sets, and options, you can start the migration process. In this step, you will migrate BallotOnline’s human resources data from the external MySQL database to an Amazon Aurora MySQL database.

Check Your Knowledge

You may want to review the following Qwiklabs activities on how to migrate data from a MySQL database to AWS:

Take Action

Follow the detailed migration instructions in the MySQL Database Migration Guide.

The basic steps are:

  • Step 1: Deploy a Replication Instance
  • Step 2: Deploy Source and Destination Endpoints
  • Step 3: Create Migration Task
  • Step 4: Complete Database Migration

Make sure you take screenshots for each task since the screenshots will be used in your final Cloud Migration Technical Report.

Once you’ve migrated the database to Amazon Aurora MySQL and saved screenshots, move to the next step, in which you will migrate the payroll database.

Step 6: Perform Private Hyper-V Cloud Migration to AWS

In the previous step, you migrated BallotOnline’s HR resources MySQL database to Amazon Aurora MySQL. Now, you will complete the migration of BallotOnline’s other servers to the AWS public cloud. This operation includes moving BallotOnline’s Hyper-V server, which hosts its intranet, FTP server, and Network Time Protocol (NTP) server.

Note that a server running Microsoft Hyper-V is considered a private cloud. Other software for private cloud includes vSphere, OpenStack, and Xen. You may want to go back to Cloud Deployment Models to review the differences between public, private, and hybrid cloud.

Take Action

Follow the Private Cloud Migration Lab Guide for detailed instructions on how to perform the private cloud migration to AWS using Server Migration Service (SMS).

The basic steps are:

  • Create a role for the migration and name it SMS. This role will be used in the next step.
  • Create and complete the replication job in Server Migration Service. This step will create an AMI (Amazon Machine Image) off the migrated server.
  • Deploy an EC2 instance using the AMI from Step 3 above to verify the migration.

Take screenshots for each step since they will be used in your final Cloud Migration Technical Report.

Don’t forget to clean up the AWS resources to avoid any charges.

Step 7: Write the Final Cloud Deployment Programmatic Approach Document

Now that you have migrated both databases, your Cloud Migration Technical Report will consolidate the work that you have completed in the steps along with some additional elements (scope, executive summary, etc.).

This report will provide BallotOnline with a comprehensive cloud migration approach and tool sets that align with BallotOnline’s technical and business requirements. The final document should be between eight and 10 pages. Sophia will present your work for approval at the executive meeting.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CyberSecurity Cloud Computing Providers Essay


I’m studying for my Cyber Security class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Compare and contrast two difference cloud computing services (Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure). Explain the differences and the similarities and select your choice of providers if you had to make the decision for your business. Write up a comparison on the services offered (2 pages maximum)

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Ethical Dilemmas in Cybersecurity Discussion


develop a scenario that presents an ethical dilemma in an information security setting. This is an opportunity for you to develop a scenario that will stimulate a discussion on different approaches to privacy and ethical problems. The scenario you create should be realistic but unique, and it’s okay to think outside the box.

Follow these guidelines to make your scenario engaging and meaningful:

The scenario should be plausible. Focus on typical events rather than relatively rare occurrences or unrealistic characters.

– Provide enough background to indicate how the situation and policies could influence outcomes, but leave enough ambiguity so that participants must interpret unknown factors that might influence their approach.

– Provide a clear question or decision for participants to address.

– An example scenario is shown below. Do not use this as your initial post.

Your IT administrator tasks the members of your department with performing the yearly ethical hacking audit for the company. During last year’s exercise, one of the IT engineers went outside the scope of the ethical hacking contract and accessed HR files. This was deemed a deliberate violation of the plan, and the employee was fired. However, the vulnerability to access the records was included in the ethical hacking audit report. Knowing that this vulnerability existed last year, how would you proceed in this year’s audit?

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. TUI Separation of Duty Security System Discussion


Need help with my Cyber Security question – I’m studying for my class.

Imagine you work for an IT department that has weekly IT roundtables. This week you will lead one of the conversations about cloud security.

Select one of the following types of security that can be included in the cloud:

  • Layering
  • Least privilege
  • Separation of duty

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Explain the following about your selected security type:
  • A short summary about what you found to be the usage of the security type in business
  • Circumstances in which the security type would be appropriate
  • Circumstances that would indicate the security type would not be appropriate
  • High-level steps to implement the security type

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Creating a Business Continuity Plan Policy


  • 1. Write a brief summary of the information you found in the articles and websites. In your summary, describe what a BCP is and list the steps for developing a BCP. Also, describe what a BIA is, how you conduct a BIA, and how the BIA is related to the BCP.
  • 2.
    For each business function or process described above, assign a
    business impact factor of Critical, Major, Minor, or None.

    For each business function or process described above, identify the
    IT systems and applications impacted by the business function (for example,
    determine what would be affected if the function or process failed).

  • 4.
    For each Business Function or Process, use the table above to assign an
    RTO/RPO according to the corresponding business impact factor.
  • Insert
    policy verbiage here.
  • Define the
    policy’s purpose and objectives. They should mirror the purpose/objectives of a
    business impact analysis (BIA).
  • Define this
    policy’s scope and whom it covers.
  • Does this policy point to any hardware, software, or configuration
    standards? In this case, you need to reference the recovery time objectives
    (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs) as standards and metrics. List them
    here and explain the relationship of this policy to these standards.
  • Procedures
    Explain how
    you intend to implement this policy across the entire organization.
  • Guidelines
    Explain any
    roadblocks or implementation issues that you must address in this section and
    how you will overcome them per defined policy guidelines.
  • Use the internet to find further information on the differences
    between policies and plans in information security in general. Use this
    information to create a high-level explanation for C-level executives. Provide
    examples of real business continuity policies and how they could be useful in
    your organization.

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Artificial Intelligence Question


Computer Science Homework Help