Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. H 310 RC Trends with A Great Impact on Managed Healthcare Today Report


Throughout the course, you have been learning about managed care, both past and present. Conduct additional research on trends happening in managed care today. The following websites are a great place to start:

You can also visit the following videos related to managed care trends:

Managed Care contracting and Payer Scorecards

Monitoring Performance: A Dashboard of Medi-Cal Managed Care

After conducting your research, construct a 3-page report of your findings. At a minimum, your report should

  1. Identify at least two trends that you feel have a great impact on managed health care today.
  2. Discuss the effect these trends have on managed care.
  3. Explain how these trends will continue to influence managed care in the future.
  4. Evaluate the potential impact on government and state sponsored, Medicare and Medicaid programs.
  5. Analyze and provide at least two reasons why implementing Medicaid managed care is so complex.

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. SUNY Become More Authentic in Your Nursing Encounters Question


I’m working on a nursing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

What personal characteristics do you have that you believe need acknowledgment in order for you to become more authentic in your nursing encounters? What do you think is the most effective approach to changing your Self?

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. CCK PDSA Improvement Model and Its Application to The Project Presentation


Instructions: This assignment asks you to examine and summarize a performance improvement model (as discussed in week 5 and listed below), using a real from a Canadian healthcare organization’s quality improvement initiative.

  1. Locate an article describing a Canadian healthcare quality improvement project – 
    • I would suggest using the method demonstrated in Week 10 class – see recording,
    • Ensure that the article includes one of the following improvement models that was used for the project:
      • PDSA
      • Rapid Cycle Improvement
      • FOCUS- PDCA
      • FADE
      • LEAN
      • SIX SIGMA
  2. Summarize the improvement model including the principles of the model and how the concepts of the model were applied to the project
  3. Discuss the background of the healthcare issue identified including the current state and why it requires improvement 
  4. Describe the following improvement project steps in detail and in relation to your provided example:
    • Define the improvement goal
    • Analyze current practices
    • Design and implement improvement
    • Measure success
  5. Provide your own conclusion on the success of the initiative and 
  6. Provide any recommendations you would have in terms of other quality improvement tools that could be used, improvements to methodology and areas for further quality review

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Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. PUB 660 Grand Canyon University Agent of Change Narrative Essay



Refer back to the “Section 6. Recognizing the Challenges of Leadership” topic material and consider the role of the public health professional in policy and advocacy and as an agent of change. Do you see yourself as an agent of change? If so, how? If not, why not? When replying to peers, provide and discuss strategies for public health advocacy and ways to become an agent of change.

Read “Section 6. Recognizing the Challenges of Leadership” of Chapter 13 of Leadership and Management, located on the Community Toolbox website.


– minimum of 250 words or more

– strong academic writing / APA style 7TH ED

– scholarly ( peer review) articles, no older than 5 years (please use in-text citing and HYPERLINK to article to must be in the Reference section.

– please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. PUB 660 GCU Systems Thinking and Strategic Planning Approaches Essay



Review the topic materials and provide a real-world example of the appropriate use of systems thinking approach and the appropriate use of strategic planning approach. Explain why the two approaches are not interchangeable. Include a review of the similarities and differences between the two approaches in your discussion. In replies to peers, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the examples provided as illustrative of each approach, and justify the response using the topic materials.


Read “Section 6. Recognizing the Challenges of Leadership” of Chapter 13 of Leadership and Management, located on the Community Toolbox website.

Read “Transforming Health Professionals Into Population Health Change Agents,” by Naccarella, Butterworth, and Moore, from Journal of Public Health Research (2016).

ead “Section 3. Identifying Targets and Agents of Change: Who Can Benefit and Who Can Help” of Chapter 18 of Leadership and Management, located on the Community Toolbox website.


– minimum of 250 words or more

– strong academic writing / APA style 7TH ED

– scholarly ( peer review) articles, no older than 5 years (please use in-text citing and HYPERLINK to article to must be in the Reference section.

– please be original writing and must answer all parts of question for full credit.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. MBA 548 SUNY at Stony Brook Cultivating Leadership Expertise Analysis Paper


Part A.Generating a Leader’s Presence


Our readings this week encourage a self-aware, self-controlled, and mindful response to leading others. Recognizing our own strategies for regulating outbursts and avoidant behaviors can be helpful in constructing a mindful approach to leadership. Recollect an experience when you had to calm your anxiety or your ego’s concern? What strategies have you used to still your mind and emotional responses? how you are cultivating an observing mind—seeing events without getting wrapped up in the drama, accepting reality while not fighting it. Enlist the assistance of the week’s materials to substantiate and guide your reflection. A brief paper of 2 pages only


Part B.Cultivating Leadership Expertise



Self-awareness, self-regulation, and mindful leadership are essential aspects of cultivating leadership expertise. The argument goes—when a person claims a leadership identity and when that person consciously and conscientiously develops self-awareness, self-regulatory processes, and a calm mindful approach, this leader cultivates expertise. The evidence behind this argument supports that this expertise carries over to others within the organization. Self-awareness becomes a collective awareness. Self-regulatory processes inspire collective regulation. A mindful leader inspires others to be the great leaders they aspire to be. Leader identity and the development of leadership expertise become contagious.



Reflect upon your development as a leader and explore in a brief paper, 2-3 pages, about how conscientiously and consciously enhancing your leadership expertise has influenced the leader identity and leadership expertise of your colleagues. How have you as a leader influenced how others emerge as leaders?



Note: Please answer separately in one document, 2 pages for Part A and 2-3 pages for Part B excluding the cover and reference pages. Please do not forget the conclusion and references.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HSA 3215 Rasmussen College Purpose of Healthcare Marketing Campaign Questions


Module 01 Content (maximu 2-3 pages)

Identify a healthcare provider (urgent care facility, clinic, hospital, hospice or pharmaceutical company) that could benefit from a marketing campaign. Provide three reasons for choosing this organization and describe any image or public relation issues. Public-relation issues can include a negative public incident, poor reputation or recent fraud investigation. Finally, explain how a marketing plan can improve the image of the organization.

Module 01 Discussion – History of Marketing (1page only)

Directions Explain the history and current purpose of healthcare marketing. The following questions will help to guide the conversation:

  1. When was marketing first introduced to the healthcare field?
  2. In today’s environment, does healthcare organization use marketing as a way to change their public perception or to increase revenue?
  3. Are negative actions (ex: employee terminations, healthcare fraud) promoted quicker than positive (ex: company donations, saving a sick child) appraisals? Why? Can a good marketing campaign improve a terrible image?

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Cystic Fibrosis and Cushings Syndrome Remediation Project


Please apply nursing process to each topic and briefly elaborate

Remediation 1

Assessment of infant injury especially history taking

Physical Assessment of heart sounds

Pediculosis capitis – diagnosis , sign & symptoms, treatment, nursing intervention

Remediation 2


Red Reflex

Cystic Fibrosis

Remediation 3


Cushing’s Syndrome


Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Nursing Rural Hospital Case Analysis Process Improvement Plan Paper



Healthcare organizations accredited by the Joint Commission are required to conduct a root cause analysis (RCA) in response to any sentinel event, such as the one described in the scenario attached below. Once the cause is identified and a plan of action established, it is useful to conduct a failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to reduce the likelihood that a process would fail. As a member of the healthcare team in the hospital described in this scenario, you have been selected as a member of the team investigating the incident.


It is 3:30 p.m. on a Thursday and Mr. B, a 67-year-old patient, arrives at the six-room emergency department (ED) of a sixty-bed rural hospital. He has been brought to the hospital by his son and neighbor. At this time, Mr. B is moaning and complaining of severe pain to his (L) leg and hip area. He states he lost his balance and fell after tripping over his dog.

Mr. B was admitted to the triage room where his vital signs were B/P 120/80, HR-88 (regular), T-98.6, and R-32, and his weight was recorded at 175 pounds. Mr. B. states that he has no known allergies and no previous falls. He states, “My hip area and leg hurt really bad. I have never had anything like this before.” Patient rates pain at 10 out of 10 on the numerical verbal pain scale. He appears to be in moderate distress. His (L) leg appears shortened with swelling (edema in the calf), ecchymosis, and limited range of motion (ROM). Mr. B’s leg is stabilized and then is further evaluated and discharged from triage to the emergency department (ED) patient room. He is admitted by Nurse J. Nurse J finds that Mr. B has a history of impaired glucose tolerance and prostate cancer. At Mr. B’s last visit with his primary care physician, laboratory data revealed elevated cholesterol and lipids. Mr. B’s current medications are atorvastatin and oxycodone for chronic back pain. After Mr. B’s assessment is completed, Nurse J informs Dr. T, the ED physician, of admission findings, and Dr. T proceeds to examine Mr. B.

Staffing on this day consists of two nurses (one RN and one LPN), one secretary, and one emergency department physician. Respiratory therapy is in-house and available as needed. At the time of Mr. B’s arrival, the ED staff is caring for two other patients. One patient is a 43-year-old female complaining of a throbbing headache. The patient rates current pain at 4 out of 10 on numerical verbal pain scale. The patient states that she has a history of migraines. She received treatment, remains stable, and discharge is pending. The second patient is an eight-year-old boy being evaluated for possible appendicitis. Laboratory results are pending for this patient. Both of these patients were examined, evaluated, and cared for by Dr. T and are awaiting further treatment or orders.

After evaluation of Mr. B, Dr. T writes the order for Nurse J to administer diazepam 5 mg IVP to Mr. B. The medication diazepam is administered IVP at 4:05 p.m. After five minutes, the diazepam appears to have had no effect on Mr. B, and Dr. T instructs Nurse J to administer hydromorphone 2 mg IVP. The medication hydromorphone is administered IVP at 4:15 p.m. After five minutes, Dr. T is still not satisfied with the level of sedation Mr. B has achieved and instructs Nurse J to administer another 2 mg of hydromorphone IVP and an additional 5 mg of diazepam IVP. The physician’s goal is for the patient to achieve skeletal muscle relaxation from the diazepam, which will aid in the manual manipulation, relocation, and alignment of Mr. B’s hip. The hydromorphone IVP was administered to achieve pain control and sedation. After reviewing the patient’s medical history, Dr. T notes that the patient’s weight and current regular use of oxycodone appear to be making it more difficult to sedate Mr. B.

Finally, at 4:25 p.m., the patient appears to be sedated, and the successful reduction of his (L) hip takes place. The patient appears to have tolerated the procedure and remains sedated. He is not currently on any supplemental oxygen. The procedure concludes at 4:30 p.m.,and Mr. B is resting without indications of discomfort and distress. At this time, the ED receives an emergency dispatch call alerting the emergency department that the emergency rescue unit paramedics are enroute with a 75-year-old patient in acute respiratory distress. Nurse J places Mr. B on an automatic blood pressure machine programmed to monitor his B/P every five minutes and a pulse oximeter. At this time, Nurse J leaves Mr. B’s room. The nurse allows Mr. B’s son to sit with him as he is being monitored via the blood pressure monitor. At 4:35 p.m., Mr. B’s B/P is 110/62 and his O2 saturation is 92%. He remains without supplemental oxygen and his ECG and respirations are not monitored.

Nurse J and the LPN on duty have received the emergency transport patient. They are also in the process of discharging the other two patients. Meanwhile, the ED lobby has become congested with new incoming patients. At this time, Mr. B’s O2 saturation alarm is heard and shows “low O2 saturation” (currently showing a saturation of 85%). The LPN enters Mr. B’s room briefly, resets the alarm, and repeats the B/P reading.

Nurse J is now fully engaged with the emergency care of the respiratory distress patient, which includes assessments, evaluation, and the ordering of respiratory treatments, CXR, labs, etc.

At 4:43 p.m., Mr. B’s son comes out of the room and informs the nurse that the “monitor is alarming.” When Nurse J enters the room, the blood pressure machine shows Mr. B’s B/P reading is 58/30 and the O2 saturation is 79%. The patient is not breathing and no palpable pulse can be detected.

A STAT CODE is called and the son is escorted to the waiting room. The code team arrives and begins resuscitative efforts. When connected to the cardiac monitor, Mr. B is found to be in ventricular fibrillation. CPR begins immediately by the RN, and Mr. B is intubated. He is defibrillated and reversal agents, IV fluids, and vasopressors are administered. After 30 minutes of interventions, the ECG returns to a normal sinus rhythm with a pulse and a B/P of 110/70. The patient is not breathing on his own and is fully dependent on the ventilator. The patient’s pupils are fixed and dilated. He has no spontaneous movements and does not respond to noxious stimuli. Air transport is called, and upon the family’s wishes, the patient is transferred to a tertiary facility for advanced care.

Seven days later, the receiving hospital informed the rural hospital that EEG’s had determined brain death in Mr. B. The family had requested life-support be removed, and Mr. B subsequently died.

Additional information: The hospital where Mr. B. was originally seen and treated had a moderate sedation/analgesia (“conscious sedation”) policy that requires that the patient remains on continuous B/P, ECG, and pulse oximeter throughout the procedure and until the patient meets specific discharge criteria (i.e., fully awake, VSS, no N/V, and able to void). All practitioners who perform moderate sedation must first successfully complete the hospital’s moderate sedation training module. The training module includes drug selection as well as acceptable dose ranges. Additional (backup) staff was available on the day of the incident. Nurse J had completed the moderate sedation module. Nurse J had current ACLS certification and was an experienced critical care nurse. Nurse J’s prior annual clinical evaluations by the manager demonstrated that the nurse was “meeting requirements.” Nurse J did not have a history of negligent patient care. Sufficient equipment was available and in working order in the ED on this day.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A. Explain the general purpose of conducting a root cause analysis (RCA).

1. Explain each of the six steps used to conduct an RCA, as defined by IHI.

2. Apply the RCA process to the scenario to describe the causative and contributing factors that led to the sentinel event outcome.

B. Propose a process improvement plan that would decrease the likelihood of a reoccurrence of the scenario outcome.

1. Discuss how each phase of Lewin’s change theory on the human side of change could be applied to the proposed improvement plan.

C. Explain the general purpose of the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) process.

1. Describe the steps of the FMEA process as defined by IHI.

2. Complete the attached FMEA table by appropriately applying the scales of severity, occurrence, and detection to the process improvement plan proposed in part B. 

Note: You are not expected to carry out the full FMEA.

D. Explain how you would test the interventions from the process improvement plan from part B to improve care.

E. Explain how a professional nurse can competently demonstrate leadership in each of the following areas:

  • promoting quality care
  • improving patient outcomes
  • influencing quality improvement activities

1. Discuss how the involvement of the professional nurse in the RCA and FMEA processes demonstrates leadership qualities.

F. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

G. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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