Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College Global Health Question Commentary Essay


Commentary Essay

Students must watch one of the following videos (conferences or panels) related to debates and discussions around Decolonizing Global Health (the web links are at the end). You have to write a commentary essay about the topic covered in the video. You must take a stance on the topic and develop your commentary based on specific information from the video that was relevant and interesting for you about the topic. 

Your arguments must reflect your understanding and opinion about the topic, but you also need to support your arguments with literature. Therefore, you also need to include references to at least two readings from the syllabus. Because you will be trying to show your perspective and make a valid argument, referencing sources will be helpful and will help you to strengthen your perspective. 

The paper must contain a title, an introduction (state your thesis), a body (develop a well-argued commentary addressing your thesis), and a conclusion (bring all of the points you have made supporting your thesis).

Format. This paper is a 3-4 pages essay (not including references), 1.5 spaced, Times New Roman 12. The sources are cited and referred at the end of your paper correctly in APA style.

Some relevant considerations when writing a commentary essay:

Purpose: The purpose of commentary is not simply to report things but to give readers a way to make sense of them. A commentary will help you write critically about a topic and will help you analyze this topic within a larger societal context.

Audience: Your audience for this paper should have a stake in the topic. For example, if you discuss your understanding of Decolonizing Global Health, your audience could be Global Health organizations or Global Health Educators. If you are discussing Decolonizing the Health Care System, your audience could be health care providers or those who develop health policies.

Genre: For this paper, your genre is in the form of a commentary.

Stance: Your stance should be formal in that you are writing to an academic audience who will be making meaning of your topic. However, you may use the pronoun “I” to discuss your position.

Give readers something to react to, think about, or use to make sense of the topic.

You will not take a neutral stance; you have a perspective.

You are attempting to analyze and explain what is going on about that topic.

You are asking your readers to consider one possible way of making sense of what has happened in the past and what is going on in the present.

Approach your readers as co-thinkers, you are asking them to look at the world from your perspective (whether they ultimately agree with you or not). Even through your perspective, you must negotiate differences fairly but maintain a well-argued position.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Clinical Decision Support Systems Presentation


  • Create a slide presentation (20 minutes; 12-15 slides) on clinical decision support (CDS) systems for a new hire orientation. Address CDS functions, users, and the distinctions among coded, non-coded, structured, and unstructured EHR data entry. Include audio recording and speaker notes with presentation.Clinical decision support (CDS) systems have been a discussion topic in the health care and research communities for the past 20 or 30 years. While these systems have demonstrated potential, few have been implemented in a health care setting. A CDS system is actually multiple solutions and technologies with the underlying goal of transforming health care data into useful information.A CDS system, or intervention, is an application that analyzes data to assist health care providers in making clinical decisions. Most CDS applications are components of electronic health record systems. They can also, however, stand alone. A number of types of CDS systems exist along with various tools to enhance the decision-making process. Some CDS systems support administrative activities. Others involve clinical details and protocols and treatment processes.A successful CDS system implementation requires the ability to identify CDS end-users and their roles in mitigating risks and issues. Another critical factor in successful CDS system implementations is the ability to select a CDS system that supports organizational goals and stakeholders. Now, imagine that you are a data analyst. The HIM director has asked you to deliver a presentation on the CDS system at a new hire orientation. The HIM director hopes your presentation can provide new hires with a solid foundational understanding of a CDS system, or intervention. In particular, she wants you to address CDS functions and the importance of CDS users. These individuals are critical to system acceptance, resolution of system issues, and other performance strategies. In your presentation, you will want to incorporate what you have learned in the EHR Go preparatory activities that are part of this assessment. In addition, you will be submitting a voice-over narration with your slides and speaker notes.Preparation
    EHR Go
    As soon as your faculty member provides the information you need, create an account to access the EHR activities planned for the course. If you need help with your EHR Go account, please contact the EHR Go help desk or phone at 1-877-907-2186. Direct questions related to the content of the learning activities to your faculty member.Before beginning your assessment, do all the assigned EHR course activities. This will help to ensure you have the skills and experience necessary to complete the assessment. Also, as you use various EHR applications, pay attention to your experiences and lessons learned. This information will inform your completion of the assessment.Complete these specific EHR Go activities for Assessment 1:

    • This first activity introduces basic navigational skills to review and enter data in an EHR.
    • This second activity focuses on what the EHR can do and how it can be used.  
    • You will need information from these two activities to complete your first assessment. Independent Research
      If you are less familiar with EHRs and CDS systems, you may wish to conduct additional independent research. The suggested resources provide a good starting point. You may also wish to consult the Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide for research tips and help in identifying current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.  Audio Recording of Your Presentation
      To prepare for the audio recording of your presentation:
    • Set up and test your microphone or headset using the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. You only need to use the headset if your audio is not clear and high quality when captured by the microphone. 
    • Practice using the equipment to ensure the audio quality is sufficient.
    • Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to record your narration with your slides. If you choose to record your presentation using this tool, simply submit your presentation to the appropriate area of the courseroom. Your narration will be included with your slides. 
    • Consult the Using Kaltura [PDF] for guidance in how to record your presentation and upload it in the courseroom if you elect not to use Microsoft PowerPoint to submit your slides and narration.
    • Instructions
      As a data analyst, you are ready to begin work on a task your boss, the HIM director, assigned to you. You will deliver a presentation on the CDS system at the new hire orientation. In particular, your boss wants you to emphasize CDS functions and the importance of CDS users. These are the individuals who are critical to system acceptance, resolution of system issues, and so on. You have a total of 30 minutes for your presentation (20 minutes = presentation; 10 minutes = Q & A). You expect it will take 12- to 15-slides to cover your content. You also want to keep in mind that these new hires may be a bit overwhelmed by the volume of information that has been presented to them since they started. With this in mind, you plan to make sure that your slides are not too text heavy and know that you will include additional information in your speaker notes. Your speaker notes will spell out what you will say during the presentation. The slides will cover the highlights. You also want to be sure to incorporate examples in your presentation to illustrate your points. You plan to liberally make use of what you’ve learned in the EHR Go activities for this assessment and the independent research you’ve conducted on CDS systems. From past experience, you know your boss always wants to know the source of your information, so you will make sure to include references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.Here is the outline you’ve prepared for your presentation that your boss has approved. You’re now ready to begin building your presentation.Welcome (1 slide)
    • How will you open your presentation in a way that engages your audience? For example, consider a compelling quote, a startling fact or statistic, or a thought-provoking question
    • CDS Systems Definition (1 slide)
    • What is a CDS System?
    • CDS Functions and Users (2–3 slides)
    • What are the three to five major functions of a CDS system?
    • Who are the main users of CDS systems?
    • How do these users contribute to successful CDS system implementation and usage?
    • CDS Functions’ Contribution to Patient Outcomes (1 slide)
    • How do CDS functions contribute to patient outcomes? 
    • Coded vs. Non-Coded vs. Structured vs. Unstructured EHR Data Entry (4 slides)
    • What is coded data entry? Why is this important to new hires? (1 slide).
    • What is non-coded data entry? Why is this important to new hires? (1 slide).
    • What is structured data entry? Why is this important to new hires? (1 slide).
    • What is unstructured data entry? Why is this important to new hires? (1 slide).    
    • How can you present this information in a table, chart, graphic, et cetera to help new hires keep these terms straight? (1 slide).   
    • Clinical Implications of Structured vs. Unstructured Data Entry (1 slide)
    • What are the clinical implications of structured vs. unstructured data entry?
    • Key Takeaways (1 slide)
    • What are the three or four most critical takeaways that you want new hires to retain from your presentation?
    • Closing (1 slide)
    • What do you anticipate are the three to five questions new hires will have about your presentation? 
    • Note: This will help prepare you to respond effectively to the new hires’ questions.  
    • References (1 slide)
    • What credible resources did you draw on for your presentation in case new hires want to learn more? 

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Miami Dade College Legalizing Abortion Paragraphs Summary


I’m working on a social work writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Summarize these two paragraphs in bullet points:

“Legalizing abortion has a lot of controversies; legislation at state and federal levels has increased constraints on abortion, making it hard for the female gender to practice their reproductive rights. Social work’s commitment impels social workers to get involved in this issue to promote women’s human rights (Dominika, 2017). Social workers should be concerned with this issue regardless of their personal opinions concerning abortion. They can implement strategies that eliminate the existing policy against abortion and seek to eliminate the anti-abortion law when introduced. They need to establish policies that allow reproductive freedom for all women. Social workers advocating for reproductive freedom can make a difference in the current policies.

One way to advocate for reproductive freedom in all women is participation in email campaigns, whereby they will insist on reforms of the current policies and support access to abortion. Social workers can sign up for the email campaigns by participating in emails from the advocacy website to reform abortion policies. Furthermore, social workers can advocate for the abortion policy by calling the lawmakers directly and proposing the abortion policies. The lawmakers will consider the opinion of their constituents when deciding to vote for one of the bills. It is an effective way to reach lawmakers who are concerned about the issues in society. Another way for social workers to advocate for abortion policy at the micro-level is to educate people about reproductive health. They should provide information on reproductive health issues, including birth control. The education programs advocating for the abortion policy should emphasize the need to engage in social justice actively. To experience reproductive freedom, one must control oneself and make the right choices beneficial to themselves and their families. Social workers must lead in this practice because vulnerable groups face difficulties in advocating for this right.”

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Western Governors University Sarah Smith Case Study


Case Study:

Sarah Smith is a 28 y/o African American female who presents to the office with c/o wound to her left foot for the past few days. States she had tripped and fell while barefoot scraping the top of her foot on the pavement. She denies any other injury from the incident. Over the past 24 hours the wound has had “smelly” drainage. Has been experiencing generalized achiness, but denies fever and chills. Did not seek medical attention at the time of injury. Has been using hydrogen peroxide to clean her wound. Is unclear of her last tetanus vaccination. Patient PMHx significant for DM II. States that she takes her medications when she remembers, and does not always check her blood sugar.


Asthma: no hospitalizations for exacerbation.





Former tobacco user: ceased smoking 2 years ago. Had smoked 1ppd x 5 years

ETOH: socially

Illicit drugs: denies


Significant for paternal DM, otherwise unremarkable


Metformin: 500mg BID po – did not take the last few days

Albuterol MDI: 2 puffs every 6 hours prn – last use just PTA

Singulair: 10mg po daily

Trinessa: 1 tab po daily – last taken this am


PCN: hives

LNMP: 2 weeks ago.



General: denies any weight changes, fatigue or fever; + body aches

Skin: denies any rashes; + wound to left foot

HEENT: denies headache, head injury, dizziness, lightheadedness;

                       Denies any vision changes

                       Denies any hearing changes, tinnitus, vertigo, earache

                       Denies any nasal congestion, discharge, nose bleeds or sinus tenderness

                       Denies any sore throat, difficulty swallowing

Neck: denies any swollen glands, pain

Breasts: denies any pain, discharge

Respiratory: denies any dyspnea; positive cough and wheezing

CV: denies any chest pain, edema

GI: denies any nausea/vomiting/diarrhea/constipation; denies bloody stools

PV: denies claudication, swelling to LE

GU: denies frequency, urgency, burning;

                       Denies vaginal discharge, itching, sores

                       Denies penile discharge, itching or sores

MS: positive pain to left foot

Psych: denies nervousness, depression

Neuro: denies Headache, dizziness, vertigo, syncope, weakness; + numbness to right LE

Heme: denies any easy bruising

Physical Exam:

Vital signs: 100.5 (tympanic), 162/88, 118, 22, O2 sat 95% on RA

                       Height: 5’5”     Weight: 250 lbs.

             Blood glucose: 230 (Fasting; states has not eaten yet today)

patient awake, alert, oriented x 4 in NAD

Skin: warm, dry, color WNL. 4 cm lesion noted to anterior left foot with crusting and purulent drng; + surrounding erythema extending up 7 cm proximally

HEENT: head nontraumatic, normocephalic

Pupils PERRLA, EOMs intact; disc margins sharp, without hemorrhages, exudates; no AV nicking noted

Ears: bilateral TM with good cone of light and intact

Nose: mucosa pink, septum midline; no sinus tenderness appreciated

Mouth: mucosa pink, moist; tongue midline; tonsils 1+ without exudate

Neck: supple; trachea midline; no LAD

Resp: regular and unlabored; lungs with end expiratory wheezing throughout

CV: RRR, S1 and S2 noted; no s3, s4 or murmur appreciated

Abdomen: soft, non-distended; Bs + x 4; no tenderness with palpation; no CVA tenderness with percussion

Genitalia: deferred

Rectal: deferred

Extremities: warm and without edema; calves supple, non-tender

PV: no LE edema

MS: + swelling to left foot; + tenderness of 2-4th left metatarsals; + left pedal pulse; CMS intact; Cap refill < 2 sec.

Neuro: alert, cooperative; thought coherent; oriented x 4; cranial nerves II-XII intact


  1. List your differentials for her current problems. Remember you should have at least three different differentials for each problem. Include rationale for each differential.
  2. At this time what medical diagnoses are you most concerned about? Do they impact other diagnoses? If so, how?
  3. What diagnostic images would you order? Provide your rationale. What are you trying to rule in or out?
  4. What laboratory work would you order? What would you anticipate to be abnormal? Provide your rationale for each.
  5. What is your comprehensive plan of care? Include your rationales.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HSM300L NSU Reactions to the Biden Policies on Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination Discussion


Assignment 6

Biden Administration recently issued two new policies regarding Covid -19 Vaccines.

Using the OSHA (Occupational and Safety Administration) requirements, the policy will require that any employer who employs more than 100 workers must require employees to be vaccinated or be tested as negative on weekly basis. Additionally, all unvaccinated employees must wear masks at work.

Via the Department of Health and Human Services (HMS) and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), all healthcare facilities must require that their workers are fully vaccinated. Since most healthcare facilities receive payment from CMS and to continue to receive these payments, they must comply.

Some people have extraordinarily strong feelings regarding these policies. As a future health care manager, consider and address the following from the management perspective:

Identify two specific reasons, which have been cited by proponents of the polices, for instituting and following the policies described above.

  • Identify two specific reasons, which have been cited by opponents of the polices, for instituting and following the policies described above.
  • Describe which side of the argument with which you are most aligned. Provide two specific reasons for your preference.

Present your material utilizing professional and grammatically correct language.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Maryville University Health Maintenance Health Promotion Discussion


I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Discussion Prompt

Review the health maintenance guidelines presented in this week’s lecture material. 

Post a discussion on your observations about review of these guidelines with a patient that you and your preceptor have seen in clinic. 

Include in the discussion:

  1. The patient’s age, gender and applicable health maintenance guideline
  2. The preceptor’s approach to the topic of the health maintenance guidelines
  3. The patient’s response to or questions about health maintenance guidelines
  4. An overview of the health promotion model, or change model, that you would utilize to frame your discussion with a patient about health maintenance guidelines applicable for their age, gender, and health status

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with in-text citations and corresponding references in APA format.


1) As a certified Family Nurse Practitioner, I have been working in a Wellness clinic for the past 3 years and I see patient everyday who are mostly 65 years and older. In my clinic rotation now, it is solely for psychiatric services.

Instead I would like to share what I do in the Wellness Clinic. Health promotion and disease prevention is one of the important approaches to focus because of high incidence of chronic diseases and functional impairments among the geriatrics. Health promotion strategies have three basic targets: to maintain and increase functional capacity, to maintain or improve self-care and encouraging social interaction. These contribute to a longer, independent and being self-sufficient. Evidence also shows that participating in activities is vital for healthy aging. (Golinowska, Groot et. Al 2016)

The patient’s age, gender and applicable health maintenance guideline 65 years and older

  • Healthy lifestyle- encourage patient to practice healthy lifestyle and increase physical activity. The American Heart Association and American College of Sport Medicine provides recommends different type of activity for these population. It has four classification: balance, flexibility, muscle strengthening and aerobic
  • Screen for Alcohol dependence/abuse. Specific questioning regarding frequency and quantity of alcohol use. If positive, proceed to asking CAGE questioning.
  • Immunization- Td or Tdap every 10 years; Influenza vaccine, Pneumococcal vaccine; Herpes Zoster Vaccine
  • Screening colon cancer- Prostate cancer screening which should be based on patients discussion; Colorectal cancer screening; breast cancer screening; Lung cancer screening 55 to 74 years with a history of at least 30 pack-years of smoking (current smokers or those who discontinued smoking within 15 years
  • Blood pressure screening
  • Lipid screening
  • Abdominal Aortic aneurysm- ultrasound abdomen in men ages 65 to 75 who have ever smoked; one-time screening with who have a first-degree relative who required AAA repair or died from AAA rupture; screening to women who have a strong family history of either AAA repair or death due to AAA rupture, depends on patient’s decision.
  • Screening for diabetes
  • Functional assessment- activities of Daily living
  • Cognitive Assessment- in patients with memory complaints, either self-expressed, or noted by a caregiver or clinician.
  • Depression Screening
  • Osteoporosis- women 65 years of and older and men who have either manifestations of low bone mass 
  • Vision Screening
  • Screening for hearing loss
  • Nutrition
  • Screening for Vitamin D deficiency
  • Screening for Fall
  • Screening incontinence
  • Medication Use
  • Home safety evaluation
  • Advance Directive and health care proxy

The patient’s response to or questions about health maintenance guidelines

All my patients are responsive to the health maintenance guidelines that we do every year for Annual Wellness Visit and they are proactive and look forward to this yearly wellness visit.

An overview of the health promotion model, or change model, that you would utilize to frame your discussion with a patient about health maintenance guidelines applicable for their age, gender, and health

I chose the Health belief Model to promote health and to prevent disease. This model emphasizes the key factors that influences health behaviors as individuals perceived threat to the disease, the consequences of getting the disease, the positive advantage of taking into action, the possible hindrance to action, exposure to factors that warrant an action and confidence in the ability to succeed. It suggest that most patient are almost certainly to take preventive actions if they see the risk of and ill effects of the getting the disease. (Laranjo 2016)


Laranjo, L. (2016). Health Belief Model. Health Belief Model – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics.

rural health, rural health. (2021). The Health Belief Model – Rural Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Toolkit.

Heflin, M. T. (2021, June 4). UpToDate.….

Golinowska, S., Groot, W., Baji, P. et al. Health promotion targeting older people. BMC Health Serv Res 16, 345 (2016).


The patient is a 19-year-old white female.

According to Sutter Health (2019), the recommended screening and health maintenance guidelines for a person her age should receive the following:

  1. Wellness Check: blood pressure check, healthy weight, assess overall health.
  2. Screening Tests: HIV, Hepatitis C, obesity, and blood pressure.
  3. Immunizations: Influenza, Varicella, HPV, MMR, Tdap.
  4. Women’s health: Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, Cervical cancer screening (pap test every 3 years starting at age 21), and pregnancy screening.
  5. Discussion Topics: Alcohol use, tobacco use including vaping and smokeless tobacco, depression, diabetes, domestic violence, unhealth drug use, prevention of STDs, and prevention of skin cancer.
  6. Individualized/Patient-Provider Shared Decisions: Meningococcal B Vaccine, HPV Vaccine.

The only areas my preceptor approached were screening questions about sexual health and pregnancy, since the patient is taking antidepressant medications, alcohol and tobacco use, and domestic abuse. We did not perform blood pressure testing, weight, immunizations, or other women’s health issues. The only topics that were relevant to the patient were the ones that were addressed. The patient is being seen for depression and anxiety so questions about her depression were approached and she does have a history of an unhealthy relationship with her parents, so the topic of domestic and family violence was visited.

The patient was open to answering any and all questions. My preceptor did a great job of explaining the types of questions she would be asking and the reason behind them. Once the client understood that the questions were relevant to her care and her medication regimen, she was happy to give all answers.

According to Nursing Theory (2020), the Pender health promotion model helps to define health as a positive dynamic state rather than simply the absence of disease. I would like to use this model with this patient because at only 19 years old, she is otherwise healthy. She just needs to perceive her overall health as “good” and work towards keeping herself healthy, which she likes to do by working out at the gym. Since her physical well-being is being taken care of, she could now work on her mental health well-being. The Pender health promotion model makes four assumptions: Individuals seek to actively regulate their own behavior, individuals, in all their biopsychosocial complexity, interact with the environment, progressively transforming the environment as well as being transformed over time, health professionals, such as nurses, constitute a part of the interpersonal environment, which exerts influence on people through their lifespan, and self-initiated reconfiguration of the person-environment interactive patterns is essential to changing behavior (Nursing Theory, 2020).

Basically, I would use this model to help the patient do some self-reflecting and mediation exercises and apply the same principals as she does when she has the discipline to go to the gym 4-5 times per week. I would draw on her own self-care ability and have her focus that energy on her mental health well-being.



Pender’s Health Promotion Theory. (2020). Nursing Theory. Accessed June 15, 2021.…

Sutter Health (2019). Health maintenance guidelines (Links to an external site.).….


Health promotion is an integral aspect of healthcare, a process that involves the involvement of the public in their health. It is carried out through the use of social and environmental factors that can affect their well-being. It also influences individuals to take control of their health (World Health Organization, 2016).

The patient’s age, gender and applicable health maintenance guideline:

           My 64-year- old male patient has several chronic comorbidities, which  include diabetes, Hypertension, hyperlipidemia, congestive heart failure, and chronic kidney disease. The electronic medical record (EMR) system where I’m working flags the patient’s chart,  listing the quality measures for that patient. It alerts  past due or current health promotion indicators. Mr. T is non-compliant with his treatment regimen. He does not take his medications as prescribed and does not follow his dietary restrictions. While perusing his chart, several health maintenance indicators were not met. Some of the measures that were not up-to-standard were the lipid panel, and prostate cancer screening (NCCDPHP, n.d.). Although the patient is not 65-years-old, he qualifies for the pneumoccocal vaccine related to his risk factors.

Mr T’s Health Maintenance/Promotion reflected as follow: Up to date on immunizations, flu (10/2020), pneumonia (1/2020 & 11/20). Colonoscopy up to date (5/2014) – normal repeat in 10 years. Diabetic foot exam (2/2021). Dilated eye exam (3/2021). Last hgba1c 6.8 (3/2021) Diet- Diabetic. He occasionally exercises by walking.

Domestic Abuse Screening – negative

Alcohol/Nicotine/Drug Use: Denies – “Never drinker, never smoker, never used drugs”

Depression Screening: Denies SI/AH/VH, feeling lonely, sad, or thoughts of self-harm. Patient reports happy with life; sleep 6-8 hourse per day; appetite good, do cross/word puzzles daily, and visits senior center weekly to dance. Also stated bo guns in home.

The preceptor’s approach to the topic of the health maintenance guidelines

The health maintenance guidelines were discussed between my preceptor and I. However, the patient was not adhering to his treatment regimen. The preceptor explained the various tests and measures that were implimented to evaluate the patient. He also educated the patient on the importance of healthy lifestyle choices to manage his current health status.

The patient’s response to or questions about health maintenance guidelines

Although the patient is vaccinated for  COVID-19, the patient is not comfortable leaving his home for labs or vaccinations, but would make an appointment if he has any problems or worsening symptoms.

An overview of the health promotion model, or change model, that you would utilize to frame your discussion with a patient about health maintenance guidelines applicable for their age, gender, and health status

Nursing theorist, Nola J. Pender believes, “A individual needs to change how he thinks before he can change how he behaves” (Murdaugh, Parsons, & Pender, 2019).

Health-promoting behavior is the desired behavioral outcome, which makes it the endpoint in the Health Promotion Model. Pender’s model spotlights on three zones: individual attributes and encounters, conduct-specific cognitions and affect, and behavioral results. These practices should result in improved health, upgraded functional ability, and improved quality of life and personal personal satisfaction at all phases of development.

Pender’s health promotion model (HPM) is one of the widely used models to plan for and change unhealthy behaviors and promote health (Khodaveisi et al., 2017). Utilizing the model and working cooperatively with the patient, the practitioner can help the individual in changing practices to accomplish a healthy lifestyle (Murdaugh, Parsons, & Pender, 2019). Changes in lifestyle can influence the health of a community, and can be used with other planning or behavioral models. 

As healthcare providers, we must also understand that health promotion is a community affair. The environment in which people live and work can affect their perception of how well they can manage their health. This is why it is important that health care professionals are trained to interact with, educate, and empower individuals.



National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (n.d.). Promoting health for adults. Centers for Disease Prevention and Control.…

Khodaveisi, M., Omidi, A., (2017). The Effect of Pender’s Health Promotion Model in Improving the Nutritional Behavior of Overweight and Obese Women. Retrieved from…

Kumar, S. & Preetha, G.S. (2012). Health Promotion: An Effective Tool for Global Health. Retrieved from…

Murdaugh, C. L., Parsons, M. A., & Pender, N. J. (2019). Health promotion in nursing practice (8th ed.). New York, New York: Pearson.

World Health Organization. (2016). What is health promotion?  World Health Organization.…

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. FC The Factors Underlying a Particular Performance Variation Question


Demonstrate the process of a root cause analysis. This analysis will be performed on the NPSG quality-safety problem/issue you identified on your work unit that is not being met or needs improvement. This is the start of you identifying the causes for the problem/issue, who is involved, what systems are involved. (Root Cause Analysis Source.doc)

Here is the Root Cause Analysis Template. Use this template to complete this assignment. (TitlePage.doc)

The following should be included in the paper:

  • Ask the 5 Whys. 5Why’s(1). pdf
    • You must do the RCA not write about what an RCA is!
    • Ask the 5Whys about your identified problem. Review how to ask the 5Whys in the Safety Tool kit 5Whys link above.
  • Consider the problem/issue in terms of the Swiss Chess Model(2).pdf
    • You must show your Swiss Cheese Model. Not write about a Swiss Cheese Model
  • Develop a Fishbone Diagram(3).pdf

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Ohio University The Legislative Process and The Role of The Nurse Discussion


This assessment requires you to describe the legislative process and the role of the nurse as a healthcare policy advocate. Your paper will consist of two parts:

Part 1:

  • A clear and complete discussion of the legislative process

Part 2:

  • Click here to view the 21st Century CURES Act.
  • View Title IX: Promoting Access to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Care, Subtitle A: Helping Individuals and Families.
  • Choose 3 sections of this Subtitle and describe the details of these sections.
  • Describe how the specifics of this legislation will impact nursing care, positively or negatively. Explain your own position, and explain why using research-based fact, not just your own opinion.

Make sure you also include a clear, separate introduction and conclusion as a part of this assignment, as these are worth separate points on the grading rubric.


Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)

Peer-reviewed references include references from professional data bases such as PubMed or CINHAL applicable to population and practice area, along with evidence based clinical practice guidelines. Examples of unacceptable references are Wikipedia, UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases.


Unless otherwise specified, all the written assignment must follow APA 7th edition formatting, citations and references. Click here to download a Microsoft Word APA template. Review this annotated student sample paper guide which draws attention to relevant content and formatting in 7th edition APA style. Make sure you cross-reference the APA 7th edition book as well before submitting the assignment. Refer to the ‘LEARNER SUPPORT’ tab for more information regarding APA 7th edition with comparisons to 6th edition.

Number of Pages/Words

Unless otherwise specified all papers should have a minimum of 600 words (approximately 2.5 pages) excluding the title and reference pages.

Required Resources


Nursing: Scope and Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice

    • Pages 1-30 from the book



Dowie, I. (2014). Legal, ethical and professional aspects of duty of care for nurses. Nursing Standard, 32(16-19), 47-52. doi:10.7748/ns.2017.e10959

Click here to download.

Recommended Resources


Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing

    • Chapter 14 (Health Policy Issues)

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. PHC 215 Saudi Electronic University Significance Literature Search Discussion


I’m working on a health & medical question and need support to help me learn.

“The Significance of literature search in research planning and
identification of research problem”. Write your answer with
supporting examples and explanation.

Health Medical Homework Help