Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Need to Identify a leading health indicator (LHI) from Healthy People (HP) 2020 that can be addressed by a health promo


writ a paper Identify a leading health indicator (LHI) from Healthy People (HP) 2020 that can be addressed by a health promotion project or program. Include the following information in a professionally written paper:

oWhy the LHI selected

oThe significance of the LHI

§Include mortality / morbidity statistics related to the LHI.

The progress that has been made on the selected topic area.

Describe how the data to determine progress were collected.

oInclude information such as survey questions and reported data

oThis information can be accessed from the HP2020 website.

o Click on “Latest Data” from the HP2020 LHI topics website

oMidcourse review data can be found at…

oDescribe how the data were analyzed.

Conduct a literature review to locate peer reviewed articles related to programs working toward meeting the selected HP 2020 LHI.

Summarize the findings from the literature review.

Have any policies been implemented to improve the LHI?

oIf so, name the policy and state its primary objective.

Report government and non-government programs addressing the LHI in your state.

oDescribe 1-2 programs that have been implemented to achieve the selected HP 2020 LHI.

oIs/Are the program(s) government or privately funded?

oInclude the goals of the program(s).

oDescribe any services the program provides.

oWhat / who oversees the regulatory / accreditation aspect of the program(s)?

State the effectiveness evaluation criteria for the program.

Report the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the program(s) based on the selected criteria and the evidence.

oWas sufficient evidence available to determine effectiveness? What evidence is missing to determine the program’s effectiveness?

oDescribe strengths of the program(s).

oDescribe limitations of the program(s).

oWhat gaps exist in the services that are being provided and services that need to be provided to prevent/treat the condition targeted in the HP2020 LHI?

Include suggestions / recommendations for programs to address the HP 2020 LHI.

oWhat programs or initiatives that are not available in the selected city/state/nation would you recommend be developed?

oConsider: Are programs available in all sectors of the selected city/state/nation (consider rural vs. urban)?

oAre there other disparities in access to services?

How can you advocate to improve LHI results in your state?

Other paper requirements

At least five references in addition to the HP2020 and HP2030 websites are required.

APA format required.

Use appropriate headings in the paper.

Title page required.

Abstract required.

Table of contents required.

Grades will be determined by criteria outlined in the assignment grading rubric

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HCAD 600: Thinking About The Future


Hi, My post goes:

Thinking about the Future

Eli Amdur’s TEDx Talk highlights how he expects life in 2050 to be. I believe that the video’s basic premise is quite sensible given the past trends observed in the past centuries. According to Amdur’s video (TEDx Talks, 2013), creativity is the only sustainable thing that anyone or any organization will ever have. Which makes a lot of sense given the potential that the 21st century has. Through creativity, will we be in a position to adopt new and more innovative methods of solving problems in healthcare, technology, and agriculture,

Amdur predicts that the future of healthcare will embrace the technology of nano-robots, gene sequencing and gene splicing, and organ chips (TEDx Talks, 2013). This is part of what will come to pass in the healthcare sector by 2050. Also, brain implants, exoskeletons, genomics, networked sensors, and artificial organs will be part of healthcare in the future (Thimbleby, 2013). These technological innovations will provide solutions to problems that exist in healthcare today. These innovations will primarily focus on the health and well-being of the patients by providing viable solutions (Thimbleby, 2013).

By the year 2040, healthcare will be referred to as health (Deloitte Health, 2021). As much is it almost entirely impossible to eliminate disease, science, data, and technology will make it easier for early detection and intervention of various conditions (Deloitte Health, 2021). The progression of different conditions will be understood better to help consumers sustain their well-being. The future will be focused on wellness (Deloitte Health, 2021). The speed of innovation is increasing as time goes by. Technology will be one of the drivers of positive change and the discovery of solutions in healthcare (Thimbleby, 2013). Some predicted solutions in healthcare include custom-made titanium implants, which will be a perfect fit for every individual. This will be a development of the current 3D printing technology (Thimbleby, 2013).

Additionally, custom drugs will also be manufactured in the future to suit the specific needs of the patient’s condition and their genetic makeup. As most hospitals conform to the current standards of going paperless, it is expected that the patient data handles by the hospitals will continue piling up (Thimbleby, 2013). This is where big data will come in. computer systems will be programmed to be able to synthesize patient data and come up with valuable information on the effectiveness of the treatments and any potential side effects that may take place (Thimbleby, 2013). Big data will enable hospital systems to handle large amounts of data at a go without any technical hitches. This will make the work of healthcare professionals easier.

Telehealth will also advance with time eliminating any need that patients may have of visiting a hospital or sitting in crowded waiting rooms. Patient assessment, diagnosis, intervention, and follow-up procedures will all take place virtually (Thimbleby, 2013). In the future, technology will also help differentiate between legitimate and credible healthcare information and misleading information. This way, patients will have an easier time conforming to the new norm of telehealth services (Thimbleby, 2013). Patient confidentiality and privacy will also be enhanced in the future. As the healthcare industry goes paperless, it is paramount that all healthcare institutions invest in proper protective software that will prevent malicious individuals from accessing patient records illegally (Thimbleby, 2013). Hopefully, the future in healthcare will also solve patient inequality, which is a limitation of healthcare at the moment (Future Proofing Healthcare, n.d.).

According to the UCSF Faculty and Alumni (2020), some of the expected future developments in healthcare include the complete eradication of AIDS because of the development of improved medical therapies. Also, implanted health records will become one of the ways to identify patients at triage (UCSF Faculty and Alumni, 2020). This will eliminate the problem of losing files and wrong documentation of patient records. Full cybernetic limbs will be readily available in the market at an affordable price solving the issue of lack of access to all populations (UCSF Faculty and Alumni, 2020). Eventually, cell and gene therapies will also be readily available in the market. Also, a pill that treats obesity will be created as a way of dealing with the current lifestyle challenges in the world (UCSF Faculty and Alumni, 2020). Conclusively, the future of healthcare is predicted to adopt a creative problem-solving approach to the existing healthcare issues.


Deloitte Health. (2021). The future of health. Deloitte. Retrieved from

Future-Proofing Healthcare. (n.d.). A vision of health in 2050. Retrieved from…

TEDx Talks (2013). The world in 2050… Are you ready? Eli Amdur at TEDxFairleighDickinsonUniversity. YouTube. Retrieved from

Thimbleby, H. (2013). Technology and the future of healthcare. Journal of Public Health Research, 2(3), e28. DOI: 10.4081/jphr.2013.e28

UCSF Faculty and Alumni. (2020). What will health and medicine look like in 2050? UCSF Magazine. Retrieved from…

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  • View profile card for JoAnn Ettienne-Modeste 2 hours agoGood morning Mirabel, Thank you for such an interesting post. What are your thoughts on a pill to treat obesity. Do you think that this will result in a decline in physical exercise or a rise in physical exercise? Aside from the safety concerns I would have with an obesity pill, I think that it would result in an increase in physical activity. At times, people need a boost in order to kickstart the journey to lifestyle changes. What are your thoughts?UCSF Faculty and Alumni. (2020). What will health and medicine look like in 2050? UCSF Magazine. Retrieved from
  • Post has recent changesView profile card for Tim White

    Tim White

    1 hour agoMirabel, Thanks for the post this week on the future. Given what we know, would you chose to go into the future, or would you say in the present if given a choice?Dr. White

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. use a supplied template to conduct a root-cause analysis.


For this assessment, you can use a supplied template to conduct a root-cause analysis. The completed assessment will be a scholarly paper focusing on a quality or safety issue pertaining to medication administration in a health care setting of your choice as well as a safety improvement plan.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. concept map


Watch your organization of the information. The Patient Information should be at the very top as well as the Chief complaint then the other information to follow. Please organize your work in order. I said you could create your own template but this is not acceptable. Your arrangement is very difficult to navigate through.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. nsg498 week3


In this assignment, you will research best practices to identify an effective intervention for your selected problem. Your goal is to gather evidence form scholarly literature to support the most effective intervention strategy.

The performance appraisal tools in this week’s learning activities will help you determine appropriate scholarly sources of evidence to cite this week.

Locate at least 3 original research articles that provide evidence for your proposed solution to your selected problem.

The articles must be peer reviewed, published within the past 5 years, and statistically significant.

Write a 350-word summary (x3) of each article in which you:

  • Identify current guidelines or best practices relating to your proposed solution, or if there are protocols, the current standard of care.
  • Define your proposed intervention(s) to address the problem.
  • Explain how the intervention will result in a solution to the problem.


  • This assignment is to be formatted as a single paper – do not submit the three article summaries separately.
  • Include a single Reference Page as the last page of the paper with all three references listed in APA format.
  • Your paper must be organized using APA Level I headings.

Submit your assignment.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Information for a power point


I do dont need a powerpoint, just the information to add to a powere point that is already in progress. The topic is Emengency/Psychiatric admissions. Must use at least 2 peer review journals for research(can use other sources in addition) , with intext citations and a reference page in APA format. Slide one- Provide information related to positions taken by experts on the issue/topic

Slide 2- include an in-depth critical analysis of the topicMust have enough info for two slides and speaker’s notes.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Walden University Week 7 Public Health Initiative Rate of Return Discussion


Rate of Return

Public health officials support routine care and prevention efforts by conducting cost-effectiveness analyses. In addition to cost-effectiveness analyses, economic analyses are also used to determine the value of the benefits associated with investments in large-scale testing, or the financial return-on-investment (ROI). Such analyses provide essential data to the decision-makers within government agencies that must optimize outcomes for public health given a set budget, and may assist with resource allocation during times of economic constraint. Economists then evaluate the results of a return-on-investment analysis that compares expenditures of the public health initiative to benefits in terms of illnesses averted and associated medical care costs reduced.

For this Discussion, review the media, “Multi-Media PowerPoint on Capital Financing,” and the Learning Resources. Consider a public health initiative outside of your Scholar-Practitioner Project. Think about rate of return and any challenges this may pose to the public health initiative you are considering. Then, utilize the principles of rate of return as a means of justifying the use of finances for this initiative.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 4

Post a brief description of a public health initiative (other than your Scholar-Practitioner Project). Describe at least two challenges of quantifying the rate of return for this public health initiative. Using the principles of rate of return, explain whether the financing this initiative is justified.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NRP 563 University of Phoenix Management of Women Health Issues Questions


  • Explain how you arrived at your differential diagnoses.
  • Explain the steps you used to determine the final diagnosis.
  • Give examples of how you can integrate cultural preferences, values, health beliefs, and behaviors into the treatment plan using Watson’s theory.
  • Describe the appropriate management (e.g. health maintenance, diagnostics, medications/treatment) and support with evidence.)
  • Critique your overall case evaluation, highlighting takeaways to improve your clinical skills now that the diagnosis has been revealed.

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Impact of Video Games in Middle Childhood Summary


Select one of the following forms of media:

  1. Social media
  2. Television/Movies
  3. Video games
  4. Music and/or music videos

Using the selected media, write a 750-1,000-word paper addressing the impact the media has on the cognitive, physical, and psychosocial development during middle childhood. Include the following in your paper:

  1. How the selected media can change brain functioning
  2. How the selected media can disrupt physical development
  3. How the selected media influences social development
  4. How the selected media can positively influence a child
  5. Briefly summarize how Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological systems theory would describe the impact of the selected media on the different systems that effect childhood development, 

Health Medical Homework Help