Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Race Gender Globalization and Global Stratification Discussion


I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.

According to the book and class lecture, what is social stratification and how is the U.S. stratified today? (1page)

And what is global stratification and how is the globe stratified today? How is global stratification related to race and gender? The Coronavirus pandemic? (1 page)I will provide the book and class Notes

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Fashion Institute of Technology The Task of the Artist by Joseph Conrad Discussion


After reading Conrad’s “,” respond to the following prompt:

Conrad outlines his notion of the role of the writer as artist and the role of writing in society. In your initial post, explain your understanding of Conrad’s definition of the artist’s task and then apply it in relation to Hardy’s poem “ ” which we read on the first day. In your analysis of the poem, discuss the theme, imagery, and diction as support for your interpretation. Response parameters: A minimum of 250 words. Use only provided references I attached.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HISTORY 100 Development of The Italian Renaissance Discussion Paper


I need an explanation for this History question to help me study.

Option A: The Vikings (Links to an external site.) were more than marauders, although they did rape, pillage, and plunder parts of Europe and strike fear into the hearts of many. Discuss Viking cultur (Links to an external site.)e (you may choose to discuss any/all: religion (Links to an external site.), war (Links to an external site.), economy, women (Links to an external site.), life styles). Why did the Vikings move from their homes, how did they do so and why were they so successful, and what occurred as a result in a few specific areas (you may choose from England, France, the Byzantine world, Ireland, Greenland, or Russia). You do not need to respond to anyone unless you want.

Option B: Discuss the term renaissance (what does it mean?) and the development of the Italian Renaissance (Links to an external site.).  Describe its features and some of its notable figures – artistic (Links to an external site.) and literary (Links to an external site.).  What is new about this time and what themes are based on past art, architecture, and literature? What relationship does the Italian renaissance have to the Protestant reformations (Links to an external site.)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UCSD Standards of Body Appearance & Food Consumption Questions


Need help with my Humanities question – I’m studying for my class.

1- Body image standards have a large impact on eating disorders and mental health disorders. The body types that are most portrayed in media (television, film, print, and social platforms such as Instagram/Facebook/TikTok, etc.) are often thin and without flaw. Because we are surrounded by the media in the present day and age, the general public is often tricked into believing that being thin is the norm and is most desired. Men and women all over the world compare their own bodies to the bodies they see on screen leading them to food restriction and disordered eating in hopes of looking thinner. This constant comparison has led to a myriad of other mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. According to an online survey conducted by the Mental Health Foundation with YouGov in March 2019, “Just over one in five adults (22%) and 40% of teenagers said images on social media caused them to worry about their body image” (Mental Health Foundation, 2020). The online survey also stated that over one third of adults said they have felt depressed or anxious due to their body image.

I believe that a tactic for promoting healthy nutrition habits while avoiding unhealthy concern over nutrition would be to open up the discussion about healthy nutrition habits to young children. Personally, if I had been talked to sooner about nutrition and body positivity, I could have saved myself from the cycle of comparison that often happens to teenage girls and continues into adulthood.

A way in which we can improve body image ideals in our society would be to continue to include “normal” bodies in the media. The public needs to see the body types of average men and women more often. Many companies such as Dove and Target have stopped airbrushing their models and include all shapes and sizes in their editorials which allows consumers to see their body types being normalized.

2- Explain the influence that body image ideals have on eating disorders and other mental health disorders.

Body image ideals are a distorted perception on one’s body shape. Having negative body images and body dissatisfaction involves feeling, shame, anxiety, self-consciousness and feeling like their body is flawed compared to others. The mental health disorder can also lead to low self esteem, isolation and depression.

Body image concerns can start as early as 6 years old and endure through a lifetime. By the time of age 6-12 years old for girls and are concerned about weight and becoming too fat. Over one-half of teenager girls and nearly one-third teenagers boys use unhealthy weight control habits such as; skipping meals, fasting, smoking, vomiting and taking laxatives.

Body image can affect us all differently depending on age, gender and cultures. There are traditionally different triggers and appearance related pressures. For example in the western culture girls often feel thin equals beauty and cultural ideal. Boys often are faced with social pressures to be lean and muscular.

2.Describe tactics for promoting healthy nutrition habits while avoiding an unhealthy concern/ over-obsession with nutrition?

Tactics for promoting healthy nutrition

1) choose good carbs not white starchy

2) eat foods with healthier fats and avoid high saturated fat and food with trans fat.

3) Eat more foods with fiber and whole grains

4) Incorporated more fruits and Vegetables

3. Briefly describe ways in which we can improve body image ideals in our society.

Ways we can improve our body image always starts with ourselves. I would definitely start with buys clothes that is comfortable but still complements my body shape. Promote positive thinking and habits but speaking positively over yourself and others.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Grossmont College Gagaku Music Japan Listening Journal


Can you help me understand this Art question?

write a 150-word journal about the audio below. What culture creates this music? What behaviors or activities are associated with this music? Also, include your personal thoughts or feelings about your chosen audio example. Do you like it/dislike it? Why did you choose this particular example?

Gagaku Court Music

Listening Guide pg.157

02 Gagaku.mp3 download

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Grossmont College Japanese Cultural Traits Discussion


I’m working on a Art exercise and need support.

Many Japanese cultural traits include ancient Chinese influences. Please discuss examples of Chinese influence that you have discovered in Japanese religious activities, theater, traditional music and instruments. use the uploaded file below to help find the answers

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. PSC Voter Registration Requirements in The 1960s Essay


Help me study for my American Studies class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Directions: Read the passage below before completing the action step.

Many believe the state policymakers should take steps to enhance the opportunities to vote in any election. The goal of these changes would be to lower the costs of voting (that is, make it easier), and by doing so draw more citizens into the process. Why not allow for early voting, for example, and no-excuse absentee voting? We know that about one-third of the ballots cast in the 2018 election were cast early, and that in about a dozen states over one-half of the ballots are cast in advance of Election Day. Yet how many of these votes would have been cast under the traditional method is unclear. Several studies suggest overall turnout may have actually decreased because of these measures. How could this be the case? It seems that early voting methods may detract from the excitement and energy of Election Day. When there is only one day to vote, there is energy, an enthusiasm for fulfilling one’s civic duty. As noted by a team of scholars from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Early voting dilutes the concentrated activities of Election Day itself that would likely stimulate turnout, an effect not counterbalanced by the increased convenience of voting prior to the election (which, as we have noted, may only provide an alternative outlet for voters who would have voted in any case).

Several studies have suggested a modest increase in turnout in states with same-day registration: an increase of roughly 5 percentage points. This is when voters can sign up for voting on Election Day – now possible in 11 states. In most other states, the cut-off is 30 days in advance of the election. Young, more mobile citizens (such as college students) tend to use same-day registration, but it also appears that minority citizens may be more likely to do the same. It also seems that minority residents are more inclined to use early voting techniques, too.

Surprisingly, since 2012, several state legislatures rescinded or were considering rescinding their early voting laws. As you might guess, this has been, and will continue to be, a controversial topic.


Conduct some research on the impact of different voter registration laws on voter turnout. Do such laws actually impact the number of citizens who come to the polls? In your response, make an argument with supporting evidence and the length of the response must be at least two paragraphs (4-5 sentences for each paragraph).

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Sociology Gender Role Socialization Discussion



Sociologists describe gender roles as learned patterns of behavior that a society expects of men and women. In other words, what we know as masculinity is a set of qualities that we expect to find in a typical man and femininity a set of qualities we expect to find in a typical woman. Increasingly we are becoming aware that there may not be only one typical package of qualities that make up being female or male. Some sociologists prefer to speak of the “performance of gender” since more and more men and women are performing roles once considered the domain of the other gender.

  • In what ways do you “do gender appropriately” according to the social norms described in the chapter? (make sure you reference parts of the chapters where gender role socialization and male/female gender behavior expectations are discussed).
  • In what ways do you violate traditional gender norms?
  • Discuss how following and violating social expectations of gendermake you feel and how others react to them.

Please present your response in paragraphs with clear sentences, proper spelling, grammar, sentence structure, tense agreement, etc.


  • Read Chapter 11, Stratification by Gender and Sexuality, in the textbook. No outside/web sources, please.
  • Review the Purdue OWL for instructions and examples of formatting in text citations and references as these are required. In text citations go in the paragraph and the reference list is located after the Word Count at the end of your paper.
  • Your essay should be at least 250 words and include a Word Count. Please proof read/edit.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UP Education and Teaching Case Study Discussion


Case Study Guide

Throughout this course, you will work on a comprehensive Case Study where you will demonstrate your ability to apply your knowledge of IEP development, instructional planning, assistive technologies, behavior management, communication needs, and learning environment considerations.

Complete Part I and II below. Note: Part I is due in Week 5 and Part II is due in Week 6.

Part I – Observation and Summary

Arrange to visit a special education environment in an elementary, middle, or high school setting.

Observe a student with a physical or health-related disability, such as an orthopedic, sensory, or other health impairment (OHI).

Note the following while observing the student:

  • Student’s grade level and type of class
  • Student’s identified impairment/disability
  • Student’s academic and functional skills
  • Student’s level of engagement, motivation, and behavior
  • Instructional strategies or adaptations utilized
  • Learning environment specifics (including physical attributes)
  • Certified and support staff present

Write a 350- to 525-word summary of your observation experience that answers the following questions:

  • What is the student’s age, grade level, and type of school?
  • What kind of classroom was the student in (i.e. resource, general education, or self-contained)?
  • Does the student have any functional skill deficits? If yes, how would you describe them?
  • What was the topic and content area of the lesson and how was it taught (e.g., whole group, small group, or one-on-one)?
  • How engaged or on-task was the student? Were they interested in the topic and content area?
  • Were there any behavior problems? If yes, what were they and how were they handled?
  • What were the disability-specific instructional strategies or adaptations you observed? If none, how was the lesson presented?
  • How was the learning environment set up to accommodate the student? Were the accommodations helpful? If not, what would make them helpful?
  • Were there any other school personnel present, including a paraeducator? If yes, who were they, what was their role, and how did the student respond to them?

Part II – Interview and Report

Interview the special educator who works with the student you observed in Part I.

Use the following questions to guide your interview (as well as any other questions you may want to include):

  • What are the learning, behavioral, and social/emotional characteristics of the student observed?
  • What are the student’s present levels of educational performance?
  • What types of annual IEP goals does the student have?
  • What types of assessments are used to provide you with information on the student’s strengths and needs?
  • Are there any functional skill implications for the student? If yes, how are they addressed?
  • How do you teach this student? What types of accommodations do you use with this student?
  • How is technology being utilized with this student? What technologies or assistive technologies may be beneficial or appropriate for this student?
  • What instructional considerations need to be made for reading, written expression, and mathematics?
  • What are the student’s behavior management, health care, and self-management needs? What are some suggested strategies for each?
  • How do you incorporate family and community support in working with this student?
  • What are some transition planning strategies being used or considered for this student?

Write a 2-page educational report based on the information from the student’s IEP, your observation, and the teacher interview. Ensure you include the following:

  • Brief description of student
  • Present levels of performance (academic)
  • Types of IEP annual goals (provide examples if teacher provides)
  • Educational service delivery system
  • Instructional considerations and accommodations or modifications in place
  • Level of engagement, motivation to learn, and behavior considerations
  • Technology utilized or recommended
  • Level of family support
  • Transition planning elements in place or projected

Humanities Homework Help