Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of California San Diego Washington Pasatono Orquesta 2010 Essay


A short list of musical examples will be provided as a listening assignment. Most of these musical examples will be taken from the lectures of the week, but not all of them. Listen (and/or watch) attentively to the examples and write a few sentences with your observations(one or two paragraphs, up to one page maximum). Really focus on your listening experience. What is the music telling you? Are you able to connect with this music? If so, in what ways? If not, why do you think that is?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Military College of South Carolina Terrorism in the European Union Responses


Respond to the following two posts, each 250 words with 1 source

Concur or disagree

1. “In Europe, internet contributions related to terrorism are policed online (“EU’s Response to the Terrorist Threat.”). The EU can issue removal orders and they have also defined what content they will flag (“EU’s Response to the Terrorist Threat.”). The US does not have this same power, and it has been left mostly up to the private tech companies to police terrorism activity on social media, including domestic terrorism, online. Many terrorist groups are just continually moving to new platforms so that their evil message can be spread. These new platforms, thankfully, make it hard to reach new recruits because there are not as many users as there are on Twitter and Facebook (Neumann).

IS has been on a terrorist campaign in Europe that has caused a lot of devastation (Neumann). US and European response in IS territory sent many IS members into hiding into the desert and severely dwindled their numbers (Neumann). Criminals, including those with drug convictions, are attracted to working with IS because of the redemption offered in IS (Neumann). I imagine that they find it harder to get a job as well, so joining IS gives these former criminals a new life. IS has weaponized the Islamic religion. A majority of terrorist attacks in Europe are funded by narcotics (Module 10 Lecture).

In Europe, many of the IS recruits are second generation immigrant Muslims (Module 10 Lecture). These young people are motivated and inspired by IS who give them weapons and train them in warfare (Roubaud). They are probably also having a hard time in other areas of their life and have vulnerabilities that turn them toward IS. Lately the message from IS seems to resonate less and less to people as IS becomes less centralized due to European and American involvement in terrorist terroritory (Neumann).

There has been an increase in drug use as well as concerns in immigration in Europe that are having an impact on terrorist attacks (Roubard). There has been an uptick in attacks in Europe. Our guest speaker said that while policing is making IS members spread out for now, there are many young people that trained with IS that are now sitting and waiting for their next opportunity to attack. While IS was once organized and plotted evil schemes as an organization, Paris has seen many more lone wolf attacks in recent times.Unfortunately, Paris has taken the brunt of many high-level attacks.

Mr. Roubard spoke on the illegal use of marijuana in Paris. I appreciated his commentary. He said that while marijuana is only considered a misdemeanor, it is still illegal and has created an underground economy where more than just marijuana is trafficked. This little problem cannot be isolated because it has become a huge part of a larger network of problems. Young people smoke marijuana in large numbers in Paris (Roubard).

In 2020, President Macron of France unveiled a new anti-radicalism plan and declared that all citizens in France, including Muslims, need to be protected from radical Islamist groups (Ridgwell). Macron cracked down on radical preachers, closed mosques, and asked for Muslim leaders to openly support free speech in France (Ridgwell). Macron took a lot of criticism from the Muslim world for these actions, but he had to do something as far as policing goes in France because they are receiving the brunt of so many attacks.

“EU’s Response to the Terrorist Threat.” European Council Council of the European Union, Consilium, 18 Mar. 2021, (Links to an external site.). “


Respond to the following posts, 250 words with 1 source

Concur or disagree

2. ” The influx of migrants into Europe from countries associated with terror organizations has induced a flood of targeted attacks over the past two decades. Additionally, countries such as U.K., Germany, Belgium, and France continue to face the threat of homegrown radicals, “the majority of whom are unlikely to have any formal ties to conflicts taking place in countries such as Iraq, Syria, or Yemen” (Simcox, 2017). Groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda have exploited the sympathy of Muslim populations in both the EU and U.S., exporting their jihadist ideals through off-grid social media platforms. Over 5,000 Western Europeans have answered this call to arms, travelling to Syria to support the Islamic State (Neumann, 2018). Since 2014 alone, over one hundred terror plots have been uncovered in Europe, with 41 successful attacks on various targets (Neumann, 2018).

To combat this threat, the EU has taken a proactive strategy for diminishing radicalization and reducing the threat. Efforts to tighten borders were adopted to include “systematic checks on all persons, including those enjoying the right of free movement” (European Council, 2021). Access to weapons have been greatly restricted, limiting firearm acquisition and enhance tracking abilities (European Council, 2021). Also, improving the EU Council’s presence online has resulted in greater monitoring of criminal behavior on the internet, reducing terrorist propaganda, and opening judicial restrictions for prosecuting suspected terrorists.

Comparing the European policing responses to that in the U.S., the EU works together as a coalition for fighting criminal, terrorist networks. The shared burden of policing and preventing the flow of drugs and terrorists into the continent has essentially mandated a concerted, unified effort. Agencies such as INTERPOL are at the forefront of this struggle, working tirelessly to prevent drug and human trafficking from Africa and the Middle East. As is with previously studied regions, the European market presents a financial opportunity to fund terrorist organizations through drug sales. A 2019 study pointed to the rise in number of convicted terrorists with prior drug offenses. Their conclusion connects the complex rationale behind why individuals become radicalized to join overseas terrorist organizations and the entrapment of the drug trade. Ultimately, the involvement of drugs appears to have provided an avenue for involvement in other criminal activities, particularly radicalization in Muslim communities to join jihadist aligned groups.

Basra, R. (2019). Drugs and Terrorism: The Overlaps in Europe. International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation. Accessed…

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. MCSC Effect of Terrorist Attacks on the Securitization of Migration Discussion


Respond to the following two posts, each 250 words with 1 source

Concur or disagree

1. “In Europe, internet contributions related to terrorism are policed online (“EU’s Response to the Terrorist Threat.”). The EU can issue removal orders and they have also defined what content they will flag (“EU’s Response to the Terrorist Threat.”). The US does not have this same power, and it has been left mostly up to the private tech companies to police terrorism activity on social media, including domestic terrorism, online. Many terrorist groups are just continually moving to new platforms so that their evil message can be spread. These new platforms, thankfully, make it hard to reach new recruits because there are not as many users as there are on Twitter and Facebook (Neumann).

IS has been on a terrorist campaign in Europe that has caused a lot of devastation (Neumann). US and European response in IS territory sent many IS members into hiding into the desert and severely dwindled their numbers (Neumann). Criminals, including those with drug convictions, are attracted to working with IS because of the redemption offered in IS (Neumann). I imagine that they find it harder to get a job as well, so joining IS gives these former criminals a new life. IS has weaponized the Islamic religion. A majority of terrorist attacks in Europe are funded by narcotics (Module 10 Lecture).

In Europe, many of the IS recruits are second generation immigrant Muslims (Module 10 Lecture). These young people are motivated and inspired by IS who give them weapons and train them in warfare (Roubaud). They are probably also having a hard time in other areas of their life and have vulnerabilities that turn them toward IS. Lately the message from IS seems to resonate less and less to people as IS becomes less centralized due to European and American involvement in terrorist terroritory (Neumann).

There has been an increase in drug use as well as concerns in immigration in Europe that are having an impact on terrorist attacks (Roubard). There has been an uptick in attacks in Europe. Our guest speaker said that while policing is making IS members spread out for now, there are many young people that trained with IS that are now sitting and waiting for their next opportunity to attack. While IS was once organized and plotted evil schemes as an organization, Paris has seen many more lone wolf attacks in recent times.Unfortunately, Paris has taken the brunt of many high-level attacks.

Mr. Roubard spoke on the illegal use of marijuana in Paris. I appreciated his commentary. He said that while marijuana is only considered a misdemeanor, it is still illegal and has created an underground economy where more than just marijuana is trafficked. This little problem cannot be isolated because it has become a huge part of a larger network of problems. Young people smoke marijuana in large numbers in Paris (Roubard).

In 2020, President Macron of France unveiled a new anti-radicalism plan and declared that all citizens in France, including Muslims, need to be protected from radical Islamist groups (Ridgwell). Macron cracked down on radical preachers, closed mosques, and asked for Muslim leaders to openly support free speech in France (Ridgwell). Macron took a lot of criticism from the Muslim world for these actions, but he had to do something as far as policing goes in France because they are receiving the brunt of so many attacks.

“EU’s Response to the Terrorist Threat.” European Council Council of the European Union, Consilium, 18 Mar. 2021, (Links to an external site.). “


Respond to the following posts, 250 words with 1 source

Concur or disagree

2. ” The influx of migrants into Europe from countries associated with terror organizations has induced a flood of targeted attacks over the past two decades. Additionally, countries such as U.K., Germany, Belgium, and France continue to face the threat of homegrown radicals, “the majority of whom are unlikely to have any formal ties to conflicts taking place in countries such as Iraq, Syria, or Yemen” (Simcox, 2017). Groups like ISIS and al-Qaeda have exploited the sympathy of Muslim populations in both the EU and U.S., exporting their jihadist ideals through off-grid social media platforms. Over 5,000 Western Europeans have answered this call to arms, travelling to Syria to support the Islamic State (Neumann, 2018). Since 2014 alone, over one hundred terror plots have been uncovered in Europe, with 41 successful attacks on various targets (Neumann, 2018).

To combat this threat, the EU has taken a proactive strategy for diminishing radicalization and reducing the threat. Efforts to tighten borders were adopted to include “systematic checks on all persons, including those enjoying the right of free movement” (European Council, 2021). Access to weapons have been greatly restricted, limiting firearm acquisition and enhance tracking abilities (European Council, 2021). Also, improving the EU Council’s presence online has resulted in greater monitoring of criminal behavior on the internet, reducing terrorist propaganda, and opening judicial restrictions for prosecuting suspected terrorists.

Comparing the European policing responses to that in the U.S., the EU works together as a coalition for fighting criminal, terrorist networks. The shared burden of policing and preventing the flow of drugs and terrorists into the continent has essentially mandated a concerted, unified effort. Agencies such as INTERPOL are at the forefront of this struggle, working tirelessly to prevent drug and human trafficking from Africa and the Middle East. As is with previously studied regions, the European market presents a financial opportunity to fund terrorist organizations through drug sales. A 2019 study pointed to the rise in number of convicted terrorists with prior drug offenses. Their conclusion connects the complex rationale behind why individuals become radicalized to join overseas terrorist organizations and the entrapment of the drug trade. Ultimately, the involvement of drugs appears to have provided an avenue for involvement in other criminal activities, particularly radicalization in Muslim communities to join jihadist aligned groups.

Basra, R. (2019). Drugs and Terrorism: The Overlaps in Europe. International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation. Accessed…

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Troy University Child Sexual Abuse Article Review


Find one JOURNAL ARTICLE from a peer reviewed journal no more than 5 years old on a topic of your interest related to child welfare. This should be a 1-2 page typed review following APA format. My advice would be pick one topic (e.g. child sexual abuse, single parent families, ad infinitum) and do each of your assigned article reviews on that topic, but that is not a mandate. Read the article carefully three times. Then write a summary of the article that is between 400-450 words. Submit via Canvas. Tell what the purpose of the article was, the conclusions of the researchers, and any relevant information you think would be useful to the reader of your summary (ME). If you have any criticism (positive or negative) include that. Most importantly, describe thoroughly what you LEARNED. In addition the reviews will be evaluated based on:

After locating a peer reviewed journal article reporting a research study, answer the following questions.

  1. What type of research is used in the article? Remember that the 3 main forms of research are qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods.
  2. What was the research question or hypothesis?
  3. What results were found? (1 Points)
  4. What are the implications of the results for human services? That is, what kinds of services or policies should agencies provide, based on this article?(1 Points)
  5. What is your opinion of this article? E.g. does it support or contradict your beliefs, what you learned in the text etc.? (1 Points)
  6. Reference the article according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style For example:
  7. Warriner, D. S. (2007). Language learning and the politics of belonging: Sudanese women refugees becoming and being “American.” Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 38(4), 287-343.
  8. Evidence of proof reading (fewer than 3 typos) based on a thorough summary and review. (1 Points)
  9. Article from a professional journal. (1 Points)

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Troy University Child Protective Services Discussion


Watch this video:

Discussion 4

Answer the following questions:

1. Compare and contrast situations in which you would pursue child placement and situations in which child placement is more appropriate.

2. How can understanding the factors that lead adults to abuse children help protective service providers?

3. After listening to the Sandusky interview, explain why you think he was or was not guilty.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Bowie State University The Scientific Hero Discussion


I’m working on a literature discussion question and need guidance to help me study.


I thought it would be fun to look at a couple of examples of a relatively recent kind of hero: the scientific hero. This is a hero who can do amazing things with the knowledge that in theory, anyone has access to. Actually, these heroes are still well beyond most of us and usually have a lot of luck. One of my favorites is MacGyver (Links to an external site.) (the original played by Richard Dean Anderson), from a 1980s-90s TV show. He was basically a troubleshooter for the Phoenix Foundation, a philanthropic organization whose projects ranged from helping homeless teenagers to staging international hostage rescue missions. He hated guns, and made do with resources he found around him. He usually traveled with a Swiss army knife and duct tape. The verb “to macgyver” means to fix something using ordinary objects: “You just MacGyvered (Links to an external site.) your way into your house after being locked out (Links to an external site.) using a paper clip (Links to an external site.) and a shoelace.” (Urban Dictionary) (Links to an external site.)

“Hero Elementary” (Links to an external site.) is an animated series on PBS designed to teach children about logic and the scientific method. The young heroes do have superpowers, but there’s always a point where they realize that their superpowers can’t solve the problem, and that’s when they say, “Let’s use our superpowers of science!” And then they very logically figure out what to do. This series is also notable for including an autistic boy in a group of four friends, and sometimes his different ways of perceiving the world are an important part of solving the problem.

In our modern technological society, it’s not surprising that we have hero stories that valorize science and engineering. Many real-life heroes are in this category, too! Please add the name of a real scientific hero and a link to a webpage about them.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Walden University Departmental and Institutional Approaches to Budget Strategies Paper


Part 3: Collaboration and Implementation

This week’s assignment is the third part of a three-part Course Project which requires you to develop a financial plan for a department within an institution of higher education. The Course Project is based on the following scenario:

A new president has been selected to run your university. His first initiative is to impose a new strategic direction that focuses on three key priorities:

  • Increasing student engagement
  • Integrating information technology into programs and services
  • Developing measurable learning outcomes

This has the potential to change a number of operations, priorities, and the allocation of resources in your department.

Consider the process of planning and collaboration needed to implement your department’s initiatives, and consider the impact of your department’s new operations on other departments.

Assignment length: 3 pages

Required Readings

Barr, M. J., & McClellan, G. S. (2018). Budgets and financial management in higher education (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter 6, “Problems and Pitfalls in Budget Management”
    Focus on the advice offered to managers on how to deal with common challenges faced in fiscal management.
  • Chapter 7, “Managing Budget Fluctuations”
    Focus on departmental and institutional approaches to budget reductions and strategies for reducing costs.

Facione, P. A. (2009). 20 ways for colleges to cut costs and make money. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 55(28), A36–A37.

Copyright 2009 by Chronicle of Higher Education. Reprinted by permission of Chronicle of Higher Education via the Copyright Clearance Center.
Focus on principles that college and university administrators should keep in mind when approaching budgeting and management during tough economic times.

Jones, D., & Wellman, J. (2009). Rethinking conventional wisdom about higher ed finance. National Center for Higher Management Systems. Retrieved from…
Focus on what the predominant ways of thinking about financial management have tended to be and how those “myths” should be reconsidered.

Required Media

“Managing Budget Fluctuations” This interactive piece presents several scenarios that capture real-world examples of financial decisions that often confront department managers.
Focus on how your response to each scenario compares with the responses from John Palmucci and Larry Goldstein.

Focus on: As you explore this week’s Learning Resources, focus on the reasons that accountability has recently become a major issue in higher education, and the strategies that institutions are using to demonstrate accountability. Are standards and measures being determined externally, or are institutions establishing these themselves? In particular, what are institutions doing to demonstrate that students are learning what they are supposed to learn?

Optional Resources

Denny, C. (2003). Tips for managing the department budget. American Council on Education Online Resource Center. Retrieved from:

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Austin Community College The Oresteia Trilogy Discussion Board


I’m working on a literature discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Discussion board

when you finish, can you reply to this discussion board as well:

To be honest, I have difficulty sympathizes with most of the characters  and their actions. While I wouldn’t say I sympathize, I do respect  Athena as she seems to be the only character who is able to be  reasonable in her judgment. I found it difficult to understand both  Clytemnestra and Agamemnon. I can understand the feeling that Agamemnon  is a “tragic” hero, he does appear to be a strong commander of the Greek  Armies, however I do deeply struggle with him sacrificing his daughter  for the war. Because of this, I can understand Clytemnestra’s deep anger  with Agamemnon. Yet still, as shown through the practices of Athena, I  still do not believe we are meant to find justification is the revolving  murders taking place. While we may be able to sympathize with  Clytemnestra because of the death of her daughter, I think the depiction  of her adultery is meant to cause the audience to lose sympathy for  her. While I do not necessarily agree with this opinion, I do think this  is a common trait used to paint characters in an unfavorable light.

reply to this as well:

The most sympathetic character in this trilogy, according to my perception, is the prophetess Cassandra, because she makes other characters and the audience empathize for her suffering. I believe this is the character that was designed to be the easiest to have compassion. Clytemnestra and Agamemnon were complex characters in terms of understanding them as an audience. Agamemnon was meant to be a tragic hero, especially because of the action he took to sacrifice his daughter. On the other hand, I find Clytemnestra to be the most interesting character, by which I do not mean likable since she was a liar and a murderer after all. I find it despicable to have an affair, which, in my opinion, is not justified by the long time she had to wait for her husban. 

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Eastlake High School US Citizenship Test death penalty and Bill of Rights Paper


1st Assignment : citizenship research assignment

2nd Assignment : death penalty article analysis (Please annotate an article of your choice on the death penalty in two or more paragraphs.)

3rd assignment: Bill of rights assignment,the%20people%20or%20the%20States.

Humanities Homework Help