Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Blue Ridge Community College Statistics Regarding Disability & Social Injustice PPT


Op Ed Assignment:

  • You must create a seven-nine minute Op-Ed speech which I will record and submit as an assignment.
  • Your speech must be on a disability topic area in which there have been problems, debate, or media controversy.
  • You must draw on the models of disability, social work principles, and other topics, in an analysis of the disability topic.
  • You should draw upon research to substantiate your arguments.
  • You should include at least 1 visual in your presentation (e.g., a graph, diagram, video clip or picture) to illustrate a point or points.
  • You should cite articles and other scholarly works, not simply websites.
  • The goal of this assignment is for you to evidence progress towards ability to apply critical thinking skills and clinical concepts learned via readings, videos etc. to a disability topic of relevance.
  • You will be evaluated on the strength of your content, argument, and delivery.
  • You must provide a reference list in APA format with your Op-Ed.


  • The graded assignments will be evaluated based on evidence of careful, systematic, reasoned thought.
  • The following criteria are used in grading the assignment:

1. Is the writing style academic, professional, and technical?

2. Is the information presented comprehensive and well-ordered?

3. Are underlying assumptions clearly stated and justified with research?

4. Are major points clearly thought-out and adequately emphasized?

5. Are alternative explanations considered and understood?

6. Are conclusions supported by appropriate and sufficient evidence?

7. Does the work meet the criteria specified by the guidelines for the assignment

8. Does the work reflect cultural sensitivity and adherence to the ethical standards of the profession social work profession?

9. Is the work well-written and free from spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Florida International University Medicine & Illness in Renaissance England PPT


The Renaissance, English Theatre, and Shakespeare

MLA format outline

A formal works cited page for your paper

  • MLA format outline with correct parenthetical citations
  • Must include a Works Cited page with at least THREE resources, typed and in MLA format.undefined

The topic is Medicine and Illness in Renaissance England

I need to have an MLA format outline on the above mentioned topic.

Also, need to include a work cited page with three resources on the topic of Medicine and Illness in Renaissance England

If possible are you able to complete 2-3 powerpoint slides that I can illustrate on the topic for further discussion regarding the Medicine and Illness in Renaissance England If possible attach the references cited.

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HUM 2331 FITM Marquis De Lafayette a French Noble Exam Practice


I need help with my history final exam The exam is consisting of two parts: the first part is a mandatory question, the second part is a selective questions where two must be answered. This will be explained with details in the pictures attached. Every answer needs to be at least 500 words.

thank you so much In advance

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ENG 103 CC Concern for The Hotel Industries Post COVID 19 Research Paper


Please share your research proposal topic here. Please phrase it in the traditional research proposal structure discussed last week:

(A) should/shouldn’t (B) because (C).

You only need to write one sentence to let me know what your topic will be; however, please make your sentence as detailed and developed as possible.

First, you should write the first part then work on the second part. Below this sentence is the second part of assignment.

Please select a source related to your chosen topic. Please evaluate your source using the following questions. Please write a minimum of 1-2 sentences for each question.

First, please include the details of your source in the format of a Works Cited entry. Then, answer the following questions.

1.) How current is the source? In most cases, the more current, the better, since the body of knowledge in most fields is constantly evolving, and of course current events are always changing the course of the broader narrative. If your source is more than three years old, please explain why you are choosing to use this source despite its age and how it remains relevant to your topic.

2.) How relevant is your source to your topic? Did you select the source based on a few key words, or does it actually have something to do with the your topic (or, at the very least, a topic related to your core topic). If the source is only minimally relevant, please discuss how you still may use it in your research proposal.

3.) Is your source authoritative? In other words, who wrote your source and why are they qualified to speak on the subject?

4.) Is the source, to your best knowledge, accurate? If you are not sure, are there at least signs that point to verifiable facts and connections to other accurate events? (For example, are there hyperlinks that link to other articles? Are other authoritative sources cited, do you find similar information if you look up similar sources, etc.)

5.) Lastly, in a little more detail, how do you plan to use this source in your essay? What will it add to your essay, and most importantly, how will it help you build your own argument?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SU Artworks Form of Expression Connect Personal and Group Experiences Essay


Survey II Final

Exhibition Review Paper, 3 pages (750 words), 100 points

Due: April 30, by the end of the day

Format: 3-page paper (750 words): typed, 12-point font, standard margins, double-spaced.

Each year Stetson University purchases students’ artworks for its permanent collection. You are to assume the role of an art consultant for the Stetson University. You job is to attend (in person or virtually) Creating Arts Student Senior Show and write a report about the exhibition with your recommendations. Your report should include the following:

  • Introduction: general description of the exhibition (general description of works on display (type of works, mediums, etc.) and your general impression about the technical skill and conceptual / aesthetical value of the exhibited works).
  • Your recommendations: you should select 3 works (done by different artists), which the university should purchase. You are to offer a visual description of each work, discussing its technique, style, narrative content, and meaning (as you understand it). You can refer to the artist statements to better understand the meaning. You will explain the reasons behind your selection. In this section you should discuss what exactly makes the selected works a valuable addition to the university’s collection (For example: technical skill, uniqueness of the concept, visual attractiveness, innovative technique, narrative content, message, relevance to the values of the university, etc.). You should come up with your own 3 criteria, which will serve as a basis for your selection of artworks. Also, you should propose where on campus (specific location) these works should be displayed, explaining the advantages of this particular location.
  • You should also select 2 artworks (done by different artists) that the University should not purchase. You should make your case, analyzing the artworks and explaining the reasons why purchasing them would essentially be a waste of money.
  • In conclusion, you should rate the selected works (for purchase) in order of their desirability for the University, explaining how the purchase your recommend will benefit the student body and the University in general.

Important Information:

Virtual viewing:

Face to face viewing: Homer and Dolly Hand Art Center// (386) 822-7270 // 139 E. Michigan Ave. Deland FL, 32723

Monday through Friday: 11am-4pm

Saturday: 1pm-4pm

The Word file attached is pretty much similar to what I wrote

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. A T Still University Elements and Messages of the Old Music Questions


I’m working on a music question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

1. How do musicians use elements of music to strengthen a mood, feeling and idea.

2. What elements should you incorporate to better evoke a mood, feeling or idea

3. What historical events influenced music. Black lives matter 

4. How do various styles affect the meaning and/ purpose of a piece of music

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. DeVry University Week 7 How Does the World See You Reflection Paper


Week 7: How Does The World See You?


It is important for a leader in an organization to pursue a path of continuous professional development and improvement. A substantial part of this endeavor includes self-awareness with regards to how the leader views the external environment. But more importantly, how does the world see the organization’s leader and their role and efforts? This assignment will afford you the opportunity to reflect on your own cognizance with regards to diversity, equity, inclusion and your own identity as a leader.

Paper Content

The following information is gratefully borrowed from the University of Houston (Texas), Center for Diversity and Inclusion. Visit this website…

First, download the PDF located here (Links to an external site.). It is titled “How does the world see you exercise” (Links to an external site.). Take a bit of time to read and review the four columns of questions. Also, ponder the information and ideas that have been presented and discussed thus far in our course. Think about your own efforts as a leader (either in a private/personal setting or in a corporate setting). Then, jot-down some bullet-points that are responses to the questions presented.

Second, prepare a three-to-five-page paper that answers the questions presented in the exercise. Consider your own Identity as well as understanding of Diversity and the impact it continues to have in your life and the organizations that you are affiliated with. In essence, how does the world see you?

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Ashford University A New Mindset for Leading Change Discussion Paper


I’m working on a education & teaching writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

hroughout the MAECEL program so far, you have encountered many opportunities to consider how you can make a difference as a professional and as a leader in the field of early childhood education. As Fullan (1993) states, as educators our purpose is “to make a difference in the lives of students regardless of background, to help produce citizens who can live and work productively in increasingly dynamically complex societies” (p. 4). Meaning, you, as an early childhood education professional and leader, have incredible capacity and potential to be a change agent who makes a positive difference in the lives of young children. With this new mindset in mind, please respond to each of the following prompts to share your insights on influencing educational change through action research.

  • If you were to implement this study, what would be your next steps? How might implementation support better outcomes for young children and their families?
  • Given the conditions discussed in Chapter 7 of the Mills (2014) textbook, discuss how you could support these conditions in an organization from the perspective of your current or future role in early childhood education.
  • Share what it means to you to be a change agent in early childhood education and how you can leverage inquiry and research skills to promote quality education for young children.

Humanities Homework Help