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Law Homework Help. CJ 540 San Diego State University Survey Design Questions


Collecting community members’ perceptions of crime in their communities through surveys is a common research method in Criminal Justice. In this assignment, you and your groupmates (if applicable) will conduct a survey to ascertain respondent perceptions about some aspects of crime in their community based on social disorganization theory (this can include things like perceptions of crime overall, disorder, policing, and other neighborhood characteristics)

In GoogleForms, create a survey of 10 questions, including topic specific questions, and demographic questions (age, gender, etc.). You should also include at least two of each type of survey question: 1) Binary (yes/no; male/female, etc.); 2) categorical; 3) Likert scale (rating); and at least one 4) continuous (I recommend age) and 5) open-ended (don’t use too many of these–you will have to do extra coding!). Be sure to carefully review your questions to consider the wording, the order and flow, and the time it takes to complete the survey.

I will provide you with notes to see what open minded means and continuous and likert scale, etc or look it up because the questions have to follow these specific categories. the questions have to be made from the paper I have already done so you must see it or read it. 

also make sure the survey questions aren’t just yes or no. Include questions with age like example, 18-25, 26-33. Also include questions that have a scale like bad, okay, good, extremely good, excellent. give me a variety of different ones and must be 10 questions based of the assignment you did for me last time. 

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Law Homework Help. CCJ 1010 Intro to Criminology Law Enforcement Statistics Questions


Need help with my Criminal Justice question – I’m studying for my class.

How much do you think an individual’s behavior predicts the likelihood of being victimized? What types of circumstances do you think are most relevant? Be specific.

What are some similarities and differences between the UCR and the NCVS? How do the various self-report surveys differ from the UCR and other types of law enforcement statistics? How can these provide an accurate picture of crime when they tend to show different results?

Which of the three elements of deterrence do you find to be most important? Least important? Why? Be specific.

Can you relate to the experiential effect? If you cannot, do you know someone who seems to engage in the behavior that results from this phenomenon? Make sure to articulate what the experiential effect is in your example.

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Law Homework Help. Criminal Justice Question


We are continuing with our discussion of Joey’s neighborhood.

Once that the youth started getting arrested for minor offenses, they got into the system. Once they were into the system, they got into more trouble because of technical system rule violations. The system was making it difficult for the youth to complete the programs successfully.

“Joey’s friends started getting arrested around 12 years old, for the first time. These were usually for minor violations like shoplifting or status offenses like curfew, smoking, and drinking. After they started in the criminal justice system, most of them continued to get in trouble. Only a couple of Joey’s friends could get off juvenile supervision or did not continue to have frequent criminal justice contacts.

Joey’s friends would continue to get caught doing something wrong. About half the time, it was the police arresting them for some new crime or status offense. The other half of the time, the system held them accountable for a supervision rule violation. Most of Joey’s friends have court-ordered things they are not supposed to do and other things they must do. These are items like; stay sober, drug testing, stay away from other people in trouble, do not possess drugs, do not get in more trouble, etc. Each time the friend would get taken into the system, they would meet new people and come back with new ideas. The other thing they learned is that they did not have to stay long in the detention centers, if at all. Many times, they just had to check in with an officer, or were put on community supervision with no actual supervision, just a notice that if police have future contact, the offender and police are to notify community corrections about that contact.”

In your initial post,

Based on the facts in the scenario, discuss two approaches that the courts could take regarding the processing or disposition of Joey’s friends that you can justify based on 1) Classical Theory; and 2) a Positivist theory of criminology. Compare and contrast the two theories regarding how each approach would or would not help reduce or prevent criminal behavior.

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Law Homework Help. CRJ 105 Strayer Univeristy Uniformed Crime and Criminal Behavior Discussion


UCR Performance Task


In June of 2016, you begin your first week as an intern at the Happy Town Police Department. As an intern, you develop a good rapport with Police Chief Rodney Hurt.

On the second week of your internship, you begin to ask questions (to the police officers you have been working with at the department) concerning the Uniform Crime Rate (UCR). You tell them you are taking a class at Strayer University and are interested in gaining a better understanding of statistics and the application of statistics to law enforcement.

The following day you are greeted by Sergeant Gunn. She provides you with Part I crime data over the past five years that were submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the Uniform Crime Report. The Part I information provided to you by Sergeant Gunn is a compilation of crime data drawn from four areas: Happy Town, Frown Town, Smooth Town, and Cool Town.

After a review of the crime trends, you are alarmed at the rate of crime reported in these four towns. You are now curious to dig a little deeper and make some comparisons across the data provided to you.


Your task is to write a four-page report for the Chief of Police Rodney Hurt. He will use the report for his news conference regarding the public’s concern for the increase in crime over the past five years. In the report, you will include the following:

  1. A definition and description of the Uniform Crime Report.
  2. A description of the data-gathering strategy for your report and a rationale for why you chose that technique.
  3. A discussion of the crime trends comparing Happy Town, Frown Town, Smooth Town, and Cool Town over the past five years.

Your report should clearly describe all the details necessary for the Chief’s news conference. Your answers will be judged not only on the accuracy of the information you provide, but also on how thoroughly the information is covered, how effectively the report is organized, and how well your writing reflects the conventions of standard written English. While your personal values and experiences are important, please answer all the questions in this task solely on the basis of the information provided in the Week 4 Assignment Document Library [PDF].

Formatting Requirements

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Self-Assessment Checklist

Use this to check your work before you submit your assignment:

  • My paper defines and describes the Uniform Crime Report.
  • My paper describes a data-gathering strategy and explains why I used that strategy.
  • My paper discusses the crime trends comparing Happy Town, Frown Town, Smooth Town, and Cool Town over the past five years.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Summarize crime trends across jurisdictions based on a Uniform Crime Report (UCR) report.

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. ADMIN JUS 003 Los Angeles Pierce College Case Brief for People V McDonald Discussion


Hello, I need help in forming a case brief for “People V. Mcdonald”. In terms of font style, space, and size (Verdana, 1.5, and 11). It should only be about two pages long. Thank you!

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Xiamen University Malaysia Tort Law Question


I don’t know how to handle this Criminal Justice question and need guidance.

Question I – Bobby Bigmouth is sued for slander by his boss.

Bobby argues that he cannot be sued for slander because he did not publish any statement.

He argues that his alleged slanderous comment was not published because he just made the comment to a co-worker about his boss rather than making that statement to a reporter to be published.

Is Bobby’s argument, correct?

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. UOTP Federal and Private Law Enforcement Officers Discussion


Please reply between 100-150 words to my classmates using your own opinion.

1st reply:

What do you think are the most critical differences between the authority and responsibilities of government justice system personnel versus private security personnel? How do these differences relate with the authorities of private citizens?

Public officials such as law enforcement officers (police), detectives, and sworn peace officers are governed by the government that gives the agency their power, laws and regulations. Attention must be paid to ensure that officers do not violate or infringe upon the rights of citizens granted by the Constitution. The main focus of government justice system personnel is public safety. Officials must act within the scope of restrictions and regulations set forth by the local, state or federal governing bodies. Justice system personnel also have arresting powers that the majority of private security personnel do not have (unless a felony has been committed in most cases). Private security officers are hired by or contracted by a private organization and are not funded by a government entity. Private security officers must undergo training, licensing or certification applications and test and do not have arresting powers except for in extreme situations as mentioned before. Public authorities must be focused on the promotion and accomplishment of public safety without violating a citizens rights while private security is focused on protecting assets or properties owned by their organization or the organization they are contracted to protect. The personnel at the government level do not place huge amounts of focus on profit while a private security firm must protect the profits of others, while making money itself.

2nd reply:

What do you think are the most critical differences between the authority and responsibilities of government justice system personnel versus private security personnel? How do these differences relate with the authorities of private citizens?

The critical difference between a government justice system personnel and a private security personnel is the scope of authority. A government justice system personnel, a police officer at any level, typically has the power of arrest at a minimum within the jurisdiction they are assigned. In some cases they have the power of arrest statewide. A private security personnel is typically limited to a much smaller scope of authority. A security personnel is limited to the employer owned area of assignment and likely has no power of authority.

A municipal police officer has the power and authority issued to them by the township they work for. That power and authority grants them permission to enforce any state law, municipal ordnance, or traffic code, in the town they work for. If a state law is being broken outside of their municipal jurisdiction, in sight of the police officer while they are off duty, they are authorized to take action under their legal training.

A private security officer has the power to conduct their job on their owners property only. A security officer is not trained to enforce state laws and has no legal authority to arrest or detain somebody outside of their owners facility. Often times a private security officer does not even have the power of arrest on their employers property. Security officers typically only have the power to detain while waiting for law enforcement officers to arrive and affect an arrest.

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Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Taft College General Theory of Crime Discussion Paper


Part 1:300 word response not including the Question please

Part 2 & 3: 100 word responses

Part 1: In your opinion, are Control Theories strong enough to be considered general theories of crime? Why or why not? Is any one theory within the category better than the others? Which one and why? Be sure to use evidence from lecture/assigned readings to support your contention.

Part 2: 1. Self-control theory is a good explanation for crime in general because outside factors such as environments and child hood make a big impact on the opportunities one has to commit crimes. However, the idea that self-control is permanent is not exactly true for everyone. The theory mentions that self-control is permanent unless opportunities to commit crimes changes for the individual. The idea that peoples ways of living stays stable throughout their youth and into adult hood is not a very acceptable or trusted concept. Each individual is different. It seems that this theory is tautological because it states poor parenting causes low self-control and thus leads to crime. This is a learned cycle for the children involved because they see and learn directly from parents actions/behaviors.

2. I believe control theories are strong enough to be considers general theories of crime because it all leads back to child hood trauma i.e. bad parenting. Bad parenting can be a very significant cause of why people commit crimes and the opportunities they have to commit them. If a parent neglects a child its whole life and does not teach them morals (right from wrong) the child will grow up not knowing a difference. Research has shown that the majority of offenders in prison did not have a strong/healthy relationship with their parents. I think one specific theory from control theories that really supports this is Hirchi’s social bonding theory because it takes into account the attachment issues one may have experienced in childhood as well as the beliefs ones has. It all links back to the type of morals one was taught in childhood.

3. For people who have never committed a crime before, I think that courts should consider how harshly they are punishing someone as first time offenders. Of course, it would be ideal that they learn a lesson and do not commit crime again but this is not always the case. For people who have a criminal history and are on parole or probation, courts should introduce a rehabilitation program that allows these people to live a better life on the outside. Many offenders have a hard time getting employment after getting out of prison and there should be programs designed where they partner up with companies that hire offenders, so they will have a line of work set up for them. Society as a whole should stop holding a negative stigma over offenders who enter back into society. If someone keeps referring to an ex offender as a criminal then they will never get out of that mindset. Society should work to be more accepting of those who are trying to turn their lives around.

Part 3: Based on this weeks Control Theories I still stand by delinquent friends cause delinquent behavior (i.e., lay down with dogs, get up with fleas) because I feel like human beings are more prone to go out and look for friends that are like them. Even after learning more about the theories I more side with this idea. Also believe that human beings inherently more tabula rosa (Social Learning & Subcultural Theories) because human beings are not born to naturally behave evil more so who we are socialized around and if they are evil then they will go along not exactly knowing that it is not actually right.

In my opinion, I believe that Control Theories are more so strong enough to be considered general theories of crime. I would consider it to be a general reason as to why human beings commit delinquent acts because it goes back to human beings being born as “blank slates” and it is up to who we are surrounded by that creates who we are whether it is right ways to live or bad ways to live. Human beings can be raised normal but may have improper socialization would not understand proper cultural norms, values and laws.

A specific theory that I liked the most this week was Social Bonding Theory. I think it is a good explanation of crime because human beings are social animals and if we lack any of the four bonds that were listed then it can result in criminal acts. I can see that if a human being stops having emotional connectivity with others and stopped caring about being in pro-social activities then they can engage in the opposite and become delinquent. Then, if they lose those interest and start to not care about any good commitments and beliefs then they don’t care about any bad outcomes.

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Law Homework Help. Manhattan College Criminal Justice Lebanon Correctional Institution Essay 

As you view this video take notes on how the individuals or groups listed below

Self-identify or see themselves. 

How they interact within their own group, between the groups, along with their similarities or differences.

How each group believes they are expected to behave, how the opposing group thinks they should behave, and actual roles that they have assumed.

The Warden

  1. The Correction Officers (Rookie and Veteran)
  2. The Inmates (Convicts and Inmates)
  3. The use of the Tactical Response Team (their effectiveness and their ability to command/control inmates verses that of the rookie officer(s))

The Families of Offenders

  1. The Victims of Crimes 
  2. In addition examine the:
  3. (A)Physical plant,
  4. a.Housing
  5. b.Recreation Areas (Outside/Inside)
  6. c.Rehabilitation

d.Mess Hall

(B)Type of security in use in the housing unit

C)How and why inmates segregate themselves within the Mess Hall

D)How classification and rehabilitation is being applied.

a.Do you think the type of rehabilitation could be successful; why or why not. 

Your assignment is to identify and make five (5) comparisons and/or similarities between individuals and/or specific groups.  Examples are Rookie Officers vs. Veteran, within the Veteran Officer Group (Officer vs. Tactical), Inmate vs. Convict, Rookie Officer vs. Convict, Inmate Visitor vs. Victim, the effectiveness of the Warden (autocratic vs. bureaucratic and/or hands on – hands off approach: who would you want to work for and why), and the ratio of staff to inmates and challenges officers or inmates may face may be confronted with.  Not only identify them but describe and explain how their relationships within their group or between groups.  

Use separate paragraphs or bullet type points to separate the required five (5) comparisons and/or similarities.  

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