Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. California Coast University Implications of Osama Bin Laden Death Paper


I’m working on a criminal justice writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn. I need an original essay to this question. Must be 350-500 words and in APA format.

Question #2 -The death of bin Laden at the hands of the U.S. Navy Seals did little to engender solid relations between Pakistan and the U.S. administration. What effect may that action have on the growth and support for terrorist groups within Pakistan?

The essay must use/list book as a reference at the end of the essay.

Terrorism Today: The Past, The Players, The Future
Jeremy R. Spindlove & Clifford E. Simonsen, 2017

ISBN.13: 978-0-134-54916-3

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJA 444 UP Issues Affecting Communication & Message Decoding Essay


Review the directions in the Affecting Communication document.

Complete the Issues Affecting Communication Matrix.

Format your citations and references consistent with APA guidelines.

Be sure each Concept Scenario or Solution contains at least one citation. Reference the citations below the matrix! See Rubric.

Submit your assignment as a Microsoft® Word® document.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Ottawa University Legal Ethical and Social Environment Course Reflection


Practical Connection Assignment

Provide a reflection of at least 600 words of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course (Legal Ethical and Social Environment) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. PA 404 San Jose State University Crime and Morality Discussion Questions


I’m working on a law discussion question and need support to help me study.

Criminal Justice

Text books that are used for this class:

-Title: Economics of Social Issues, ISBN-13: 9781259300103

-Title: Taxing Ourselves: A Citizen’s Guide to the Debate over Taxes, ISBN-13: 9780262533171


-Register, C. A., & Grimes, P. W. (2016). Economics of social issues (21st ed.). McGraw-Hill Education. 

-Slemrod, J., & Bakija, J. M. (2017). Taxing ourselves: a citizen’s guide to the debate over taxes (5th ed.). MIT Press. 

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. University of the Potomac National Infrastructure Protection Plan Responses


Response 1: 

How does a vulnerability assessment differ from a risk assessment?

A vulnerability risk assessment is using a scanner that is automated to look around for the vulnerabilities in the systems and it is using an automated scanner to look for the vulnerabilities in the systems and in the applications. The vulnerabilities are the gaps and the weakness that undermine an organization’s It and its efforts. A firewall is a flaw that is letting. the hackers into each of the networks. The risks that need to be calculated during an assessment of the possible threats to established security and the vulnerabilities that are within the network and the data systems. A risk assessment is there and it identifies the threats and the threat actors and the likelihood that these factors will result in a possible loss.

What does the National Infrastructure Protection Plan provide?

Protecting and ensuring the continuity of the critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR) of the United States is essential to the Nation’s security, public health and safety, economic vitality, and way of life. CIKR includes physical or virtual assets, systems, and networks so vital to the United States that the incapacity or destruction of such assets, systems, or networks would have a debilitating impact on security, national economic security, public health or safety, or any combination of those matters. The National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) provides the coordinated approach that is used to establish national priorities, goals, and requirements for CIKR protection so that Federal resources are applied in the most effective and efficient manner to reduce vulnerability, deter threats, and minimize the consequences of attacks and other incidents. It establishes the overarching concepts relevant to all CIKR sectors identified under the authority of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7, and addresses the physical, cyber, and human considerations required for effective implementation of protective programs and resiliency strategies. 

Respond 2: 

Good afternoon,

A risk assessment differs from a vulnerability assessment because risk assessments identify possible, or likely hazards, and the overall affect those hazards can have on the organization. A proficient risk assessment includes identifying all the risk factors that can potentially cause hazards, this includes high risk locations, dangerous equipment, or cases of workplace violence. A vulnerability assessment is a systematic review of organization weaknesses that include potential flaws in physical security, or information systems security. It evaluates if the organization is susceptible to any known vulnerabilities, along with assigning severity levels to those vulnerabilities, and recommends remediation or mitigation, whenever needed.

The National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) created in 2009 to issue guidance for the protection of the national infrastructure and key assets within the infrastructure. The primary goal of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan is to prevent, protect, mitigate, deter, and neutralize the impact on our nation’s infrastructure as a result of a terroristic attack, natural disaster, or national emergency that would threaten critical assets within the infrastructure’s. This plan supply’s detailed instruction on risk analysis procedures and solutions.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Sanford Brown College Collinsville Law Vicarious Liability Case Analysis



Answer the question below
Ben, John and Adua work for Luigi in his factory. Ben is employed to
supervise the work of the other employees. John was on his way to get some
materials when he slipped on a puddle of grease that was dripping from one
of the machines and fell over. John suffered a bad cut to his head. John had
told Ben about the leak some days before, but it had not been fixed. Ben,
worried that he might be blamed, told John he had only suffered a minor
scratch and told him to get up and get back to work. Adua, furious with the
attitude taken by John, punched him hard in the face saying ‘see how minor
this is’. Rhuja, who was horrified watching the incidents unfold, did not
notice when a piece of metal broke off from the machine she was using and
pierced her hand.
Please advise who may be responsible for these incidents using the law of
vicarious liability

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Harvard University Securities Regulation Cases Questions


Request: The attached screenshot contains 3 law problems which you must discuss separately. The following represents the problem from the picture which you must approach:




Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. American Military University Defining Police Ethics Paper


Students must choose from one of the following topics for their paper:

1. The “Blue Wall of Silence” and Police Culture
2. Ethical Decision-Making Process
3. Developing Ethical Leaders
4. The Ethical Role of Police Subculture
5. Ethics vs. Morals
6. Defining Police Ethics
7. Defining Ethical Leadership Practices
8. The Purpose of a Code of Ethics within Police Agencies
9. Police Professionalism and Responsibility

Students should choose one these topics and write about its relevance to police ethics. Be thinking about identifying the major talking points about your topic that are important to review. Critically assess the literature on the subject. I am looking for critical thinking and a clear indication that you have a grasp of the literature.

Do not include quotes in your work. I want to see your critical thinking skills on display and not a string of quotes written by published authors. Your analysis is what is needed for a successful paper. In other words, the peer-reviewed sources used in the paper should be paraphrased, cited in proper APA format and reflect critical thinking.

At this point in your educational journey, you should have solid substance and proper academic formatting in your college-level writing assignments. Students will be graded on both so make sure you turn in your best work.

Do not wait until the last minute to research, write, format, and edit. Proper time management is required to turn in a quality paper that highlights your criminal justice writing.

This a major assignment so follow the instructions carefully.

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. RU Federal Criminal Justice Reform and Present Day Sentencing Analysis


Explain why present-day sentencing strategies need reform at the federal and/or state levels. Please be sure to incorporate at least two (2) of the following issues:

Wrongful convictions, 

  • Community-based corrections, 

Sentencing guidelines, 

Use of judicial discretion, 

Other pertinent present-day issues

Law Homework Help