Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. CSCI University of Central Florida Integer Representations and Algorithms Questions


I have a e.xam at 2pm EST till 4 PM EST discrete structures

please BID if you did not take a question similar to this one from another student

don’t bid if you will gamble with my grade please.

The e.xam will be between chapter 4 and chapter 5 which will cover the following topics:

– Chapter 4:

4.1: Divisibility and Modular Arithmetic.

4.2: Integer Representations and Algorithms.

4.3: Primes and Greatest Common Divisors

4.4: Solving Congruences

4.5: Applications Congruences

4.6: Cryptography

– Chapter 5:

5.1: Mathematical Induction.

5.2: Strong Induction and well-ordering

5.3: Recursive definitions and structural Induction

5.4: Recursive Algorithms

5.5: Program Correctness

Thank you

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. TCNJ Regression Equation and Linear Regression Analysis


I’m working on a statistics multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

You want to develop aregression model to predict the number of wins achieved byeach NBA team, based on the average point difference and the average field goal percentage difference between the team and itsopponent. Using the Data Analysis add-in, follow the steps listed below and answer the following questions.

6.1Perform multiple linear regression analysis. State the regression equation. 

6.2Interpret the meaning of the slope coefficientsobtained.Explain whether the intercept coefficient hasapractical interpretation or not in the context of this study.

6.3Based on your model, predict wins for a teamwith average point difference of 6, and average field goal % difference of 3.5.

6.4Based  on  the  residual  plots received in  your  model,  comment  on  the plausible satisfaction  of  the normal residual (noise) model assumptions.

6.5 Do you have to use the Durbin-Watson statistic? 

6.6  Repeat  steps  6.1  to  6.4  to  develop  a multiple  linearregression model  that  also  considers  possible interaction between average point difference, and average field goal % difference. Draw your conclusion.

6.7 Based on the results received so far, select and develop a simple linear regression model, repeating steps6.1 to 6.4 for this model. Draw your final conclusion.Submit both your answers summarized in a Word doc file, and your complete Excel solution file. In the Excel file, use the Data Analysis add-in, and store the results in separate (appropriately named)tabs.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. PSY 320 CSUN Statistical Techniques Correlation and Regression Questionnaire


I need help solving 3 hand calculation questions that will be either Correlation, Regression, Chi Square, or Factorial Anova . Please look over the study guide and make sure you are familiar with completing these problems. The first part of this assignment is already completed and the answer sheet is attached so you only need to be worried about part 2 which is purely hand calculations. Please go over part 1 before starting to make sure they are correct so all you need to do is input the answers. You will have 150 minutes to complete. I will need to be sent screenshots of the QUESTIONS AND HANDWRITTEN WORK. Tables, Formula sheet, and other documents have been provided. You will have 2 days to prepare and I will need this done before 9 pm pacific time on Friday, May 21 2021.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. University of Florida Chapter 3 Population vs Food Supply Graph Discussion Post


There are two team questions in the “exploration” section at the end of Chapter 3 in “Finite Mathematics”. Each question has multiple parts so you should find a way to contribute supporting evidence, graphs, arguments, etc. for either of the questions and either sides of the possible issue. As your response for the week the class should be using the evidence that was posted to try to wrap up a summary of the issue.

Two questions from teams discussion:

1. Find a graph that illustrates population and another that illustrates food production or availability. Make sure the two graphs are for the same population (whatever population you choose). Where do these two graphs intersect? Does that “solution” imply that the population should or should not have sufficient food?

2. Find graphs or equations that illustrate two of either women’s wages, overall wages, and/or men’s wages over time in the same type of jobs. Analyze the data to see if genders appear to be paid the same amount for the same job. Is the experience considered in the data? Find a study comparing men’s and women’s pay and look at the information used to determine if other variables are held constant within the study so that the results are a true comparison of men and women in the same job with the same education and experience.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Chapter 2 Exploring Data with Tables and Graphs Essential Statistics Worksheet


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. In your textbook, Essential Statistics, review:
    1. Chapter 1, “Introduction to Statistics”
    2. Chapter 2, “Exploring Data with Tables and Graphs”
  3. Watch the following videos explaining the Excel skills you will need to complete the problems. Note that the version of Excel presented in the video may differ from the one you are using.
    1. Pivot Table
    2. Relative Frequency Using Excel
    3. Histogram in Excel
    4. Scatterplot Regression
    5. Time Series
    6. Pareto Chart
    7. Pie Chart Using a Summary Table in Excel
  4. Complete the 10 problems in the file WS1Homework (Excel). Each problem is on a separate tab (worksheet).
  5. Save your exercises as a single Excel file with one worksheet for each completed exercise. Name the file WS1Homework.xls and title your submission WS1 Homework.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. DeVry University Analyzing Arguments with Truth Tables Multiple Math Questions


This assignment consists of a total of 103 math questions. This is a topics in college math class which is a pretty easy math course. The assignment starts at 2.3 “Set Operations” up to and including 3.1-3.3. The score in each section must be an 80 or better. You do get multiple chances on each question. I am attaching samples of the math questions for reference and to make sure it’s something you can do. I will provide further instructions to the tutor who accepts the assignment.

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. Walden University Week 6 Statistical Process Control Presentation


Submit your presentation based on the following prompts.

Part 1: Explaining Statistical Process Control (8–10 slides, with speaker’s notes)

  • Define statistical process control (SPC) and briefly describe the history of SPC, focusing on its origins. (2 slides)
  • Provide an example of a control chart (either one you create or one you locate on the web) and label the parts of the chart. (1 slide)
  • Describe the derivation of the center line and control limits on a control chart and the meaning of each. (1–2 slides)
  • Explain the two types of process variation—common cause and special cause. (2 slides)
  • Describe at least two signals of special cause variation that might be detected in a control chart. (2–3 slides)
  • Part 2: Applications of SPC in Business Decision Making (5–8 slides, with speaker’s notes)

  • Identify at least two examples of the application of SPC in a business context. Select examples from multiple industries (e.g., manufacturing, health care, and service). For each example, describe how SPC was used to improve process, achieve better outcomes, and support sound decision making. (2–4 slides)
  • For each type of process variation, describe the implications for management action. (2 slides)
  • In conclusion, provide three potential benefits of SPC to the health care organization. Specifically, how might SPC help the company make sound decisions to the end of achieving its goals? Also, what, if any, drawbacks do you see to using SPC? Identify two possible risks of the use of SPC that the organization should be aware of. (1–2 slides)
  • Mathematics Homework Help

    Mathematics Homework Help

    Mathematics Homework Help. AU Correlation of Heights & Weights for 10 Year Old Boys Discussion


    I’m studying for my Statistics class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

    • In one column enter 8 heights for 10 year old boys (inches) and in the second column enter 8 weights for 10 year old boys (pounds).  Ten year old boys height ranges from 42 inches to 62 inches while the  weight ranges from 60 to 90 pounds. You can make these up as long as they are reasonable if you do not have access to any data.  We want to see if there is a correlation.
    • Move your mouse to put a box around the numbers.
    • From the insert menu select scatter or the chart that says scatter and then select the chart at the top left on the dropdown
    • Click on one of the points
    • Select Add Trendline (Note you may need to add Trendline and then click on the line to format Trendline)
    • The default radio button is linear, keep it checked
    • Check display equation on chart and click on the display r-squared value
    • The equation is your least squares line
    • On the least squares line the slope is in front of the x value. Also, you can look at the slope of the scatter plot to see if the slope is positive. This will let you know whether to make the r value positive or negative when you take the square root of r^2.
    • If the r^2 value is say .0382 then you will click on an excel cell and type
    • =.0382^.5
    • Note the ^ key is above the 6 key
    • This will be your r value and you will make it negative if your slope is negative otherwise leave it positive.

    If you have a different version of excel then you may want to search to see how to form a trendline. These instructions work with Office 365 and Office 2010.

    Then follow these instructions:

    • Attach your excel worksheet with your scatter plot, r value and regression line along with your post if possible. What did you get for your regression line? What was your r value? What did this tell you?
    • What would be a scenario where you might need to use this application?

    Mathematics Homework Help

    Mathematics Homework Help

    Mathematics Homework Help. Pareto Chart Excel Applied Statistics Worksheet


    1. Complete the six problems in the file WS1AppliedStatistics (Excel). There is a worksheet tab for each problem (labeled Part A through F) and another tab for interpretations. Follow the directions in each worksheet, and interpret the results in your own words.
    2. Save your exercises as a single Excel file with one worksheet for each completed exercise. Name the file WS1AppliedStatistics.xlsx and title your submission WS1 Applied Statistics.

    Mathematics Homework Help