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Other Homework Help. ICC Early Childhood Development Question


For this second milestone, students should write about their Early Childhood.  Be sure to include:

Information on where you attended elementary school

How you adjusted to school

Discuss early friendships

How your relationship with your parents was during this time frame

Did you experience any cognitive, developmental, or behavior disorders or issues during this time?

During this time what type of unintentional injuries did you experience (bike wrecks, falling out of a tree and breaking an arm or leg, etc.)?

Furthermore, when writing this section, think about what you have learned about human development through this course including the theories that pertain to this time of development.  Below students will find a list of questions to consider while writing each developmental period and a chart showing some of the theorists and the area of development in which they focused.  Keep in mind that more than one theorist or theory may be applicable to a particular time period, and the instructor requires students to apply at least three theories to each stage of life.  

Questions to Ponder:

How has heredity and genetics played a role in your life?

How have the decisions of your parents affected your life?

How have your experiences shaped your development/life?

How has your personality played a part in your life experiences?

How do you think it will play out in the future

I have attached the chapter as well as the answers to the questions above.

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Other Homework Help. Walden University School Food Provision Policies Paper


Submission Length: 2–3 pages in a paper, and one customized health communication.

Professional Skills: Written Communication, Engaging Multiple Social and Cultural Perspectives, and Inquiry and Analysis are assessed in this Competency.

Your response to this Assessment should:


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the Rubric. This is the same Rubric the Assessor will use to evaluate your submission, and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the Rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

Advocating for Positive Social Change

You are a public health educator who works primarily in policy development and advocacy. You and your team have identified a policy that could benefit from changes and are ready to gather support for the initiative using some grassroots methods. Locate at least one potential partner/stakeholder in the initiative, and develop a communication for that group that explains the issues with the policy and recommended changes.

Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.

Part 1: Paper

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Identify the policy you have chosen.
  • Briefly summarize the changes you will advocate for.
  • Identify the partner/stakeholder you have chosen to solicit.
  • Explain why you chose this partner/stakeholder.
  • Describe the type of communication you will design.
  • Explain why this type of communication is most appropriate for this partner/stakeholder.
  • Explain how you will customize your communication to the specific partner/stakeholder.
  • Explain how your proposed changes support positive social change.

Part 2: Communicating with Partners/Stakeholders

  • Create a visual representation of the communication you planned for the chosen group and policy.
  • Be creative in how you create this communication. Examples of communications include (but are not limited to):
    • Posters
    • Brochures/handouts
    • Infographics
    • Bulletin boards/Billboards
    • Educational handouts
    • Public service announcements (PSAs)
    • Short videos
  • In your communication, include the following elements:
    • A summary of the policy and the recommended changes
    • Justification for the changes
    • A “call to action” for the group

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. MK 4468 Troy University Global Trade Memorandum


GM Micro-Challenge Overview

The GM Micro-Challenges are intended to help you appreciate the resources available and challenges associated with global marketing to another country. For these assignments, you will assume the role of an employee at a company providing global marketing assistance. You will engage in tasks and research related to the specific country and US state which you have been assigned (YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATE). The GM Micro-Challenges will involve your responding to a selection of memos from your manager. Your responses will require the collection, analysis, and concise provision of the information requested of you in a business memo format.


See the list of assigned countries and U.S. states in Module 1.

Memo Format

Use a standard business memo format for your response. Your memo should include all the pertinent parts of a business memo. A Standard Business Memo with Its Parts can be found HERE download.

M2 – GM Micro-Challenge: Export Particulars

Your manager’s memo to you is below. In it your manager is giving you tasks to address regarding international trade. You are not expected to be an expert, just willing and able to use the resources available to develop an accurate response.

Your memo should start with an introduction that reminds the manager what s/he requested you to do. Next, overview the information your manager can expect to find in your memo. After that, respond to each topic you were requested to address in sequence. For each topic, your response should clearly state the question(s) you understood you were to address. Then give a written response to the question that summarizes the source information. Your written response should then be supported with (1) an image that shows the specific source information you used, and (2) a weblink to that source in case your manager wants to seek out additional information. Note: An image does not replace your written response, it only shows the source information used. Finally, you may choose to provide a conclusion to your memo.

Images may be screen clipped to include them. That image should show the name of YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATE.

To: You

From: Your Manager

Date: Aug 15, 2021

Subject: Export Particulars

Below are four questions that the company has to respond to next week for various clients. Your co-worker Brad has had to travel abroad on short notice so these tasks have now fallen to you.

Consider each question, examine sources, and provide a brief response that could be given to the client. Include a screen clipping of all your source material. That image should show the name of YOUR COUNTRY/YOUR STATE and the exact information that supports your response.

Brad left some potential sources you might find helpful. Clients who desired to remain anonymous have had their names withheld. Their name(s) will be added to the final report later by the management team.

1. A company requested assistance with general export advise from YOUR STATE. What organization and person would be helpful contacts?

* Provide them with contact information for the agency that assists with export in YOUR STATE and for a specific contact person there. (National Association of District Export Councils – https://www.usaexporter.org/)

2. Jewel Bait Company (https://jewelbait.com/) is considering the export of fishing lures to customers in YOUR COUNTRY.

* What is the US Schedule B Number for their product? (US Census Bureau – https://uscensus.prod.3ceonline.com/)

* Jewel Bait Company also want their website evaluated for international customers. (Evaluate their website to see whether it (1) can offer information in various languages; (2) converts prices to different currencies; (3) clarifies international shipping options; and (4) provides details regarding international returns/exchanges.) Provide a weblink to a retail website that has a better design for international shopping.

3. TEquipment (https://www.tequipment.net/AGM-Global-Vision/) has been contacted by someone in YOUR COUNTRY regarding night vision goggles which are sold for night hunting.

* For exports to your country, are there any people, companies, or organizations to which TEquipment cannot sell? (OFAC’s Consolidated Sanctions List)

* Does this product require an export license or is it consider a “dual use” item? (US Commerce Control List (CCL) and ITAR Munitions List for anything in this category)

4. Some farmers in YOUR COUNTRY want to buy heirloom vegetable seeds (non-GMO, many varieties) from Eden Brothers (https://www.edenbrothers.com/).

* What phytosanitary NTBs would be associated with sales to YOUR COUNTRY? (Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) – 2018 National Trade Estimate (NTE) on Foreign Trade Barriers)

* What import tariffs would be associated with sales to YOUR COUNTRY? (Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) – 2018 National Trade Estimate (NTE) on Foreign Trade Barriers)

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Other Homework Help. Salisbury Access to Mental Health Interventions for Youth and Parents Discussion


For this assignment, I have chosen an empirical paper that will be discussed throughout the report (linked below). One of the questions asks about participating in an intervention, this is provided in the instructions with the link. You only have to do one of them and answer some questions based on it. Empirical Paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC74533…

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. University of Denver Management of Employee Emotions Summary Paper


Research an article dealing with one of the following topics:

  • Workplace monitoring
  • Employer investigations
  • Managing the medical marijuana issue in Colorado
  • Managing employee expression in the workplace
  • How technology is affecting the employer / employee rights issue

Write an abstract of the article, summarizing its main points and providing a critique of the author’s ideas based on concepts covered in this course. 

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Other Homework Help. SPHE 352 American Public University Chapter 4 How to Coach the Block the Opponent Technical Skill Essay


After reviewing this linked video, please take one of the defensive technical skills discussed in Chapter 4 and provide a review and analysis of how the author teaches and discusses this skill. In your review and analysis, be sure to address the following questions.

How would YOU coach this skill up the staircase? What aspects of skill will need to become habit before you try to work the skill up the next step? How will you know that your instruction has been effective/ineffective? Use the information from the video to support your answers. What specific teaching techniques would you use to instruct the skill effectively?

Each skill has a section titled “Key Points’ located on the top left hand side of the page. Explain why these key points are valuable for learning the skill.

Discuss anything that you would add to this section. Did the author do a good job of correcting the common errors? What would you do differently as a coach?

This essay must be submitted as a Word document attachment (APA format) which is double-spaced and approximately two pages in length. Please cite all references.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Auburn University Montgomery Sex Differences in Smell Discussion


Read the short article “Sex Differences in Smell” and answer the following questions.

Sean wears two particular colognes to work. He likes to alternate between the two colognes. Mary one of Sean’s co-workers always knows when Sean has walked into a room because of his cologne.

Have you noticed a difference in sense of smell between the sexes? Why do you think women typically have a keener sense of smell?

Use, bold AND define 2 key terms from “Ch. 4: Communicating, Perceiving, and Understanding” in your answer.

  • 5 points for answering all questions in 5-7 sentences
  • 5 points for using 2 key terms, define the terms and bolding them
  • 5 points for responding to two peers in 5-7 sentences responses

Be ready to respond your classmates in one or more of the following ways:

  • Build on something your classmates said.
  • Explain why and how you see things differently.
  • Ask a probing or clarifying question.
  • Share an insight from having read your classmates’ postings.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Expand on your classmates’ postings.

Communication In Society

Sex Differences in Smell

Have you noticed a difference in sense of smell between the sexes? Why do you think women typically have a keener sense of smell?

Did you know that scientists often use all-female panels when they look for objective descriptions of food based on sensory perception, such as taste, smell, and appearance? They do so because on standard tests of smelling ability—including odor detection, discrimination, and identification—women consistently outscore men. One researcher has claimed that this difference is evident even in newborn babies.

Age also influences an individual’s sense of smell. A study that tested 3,282 participants found that, overall, one’s sense of smell was most acute between the ages of 19 and 35 and was the least acute when one is older than 55. However, in all of the three tests conducted, women out performed men. Other studies have shown that women also rate the sense of smell as being more important to them than do men.

Experiments that have examined men’s and women’s scent ability reveal that both sexes are able to recognize others from their body odor alone. In an experiment at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, childless women held an unrelated baby in their arms for an hour. When tested later to see if they could recognize the baby they had held by scent, most of them were successful. This study did not test men, so it isn’t clear if men possess similar smell recognition ability for unfamiliar others. However, other tests have determined that men and women both can recognize their own children or spouses by their scent. Typically in these studies, participants’ children or spouses wore a T-shirt for several days, and then the participants were asked to use scent to recognize the T-shirt belonging to their family memb

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Auburn University Montgomery Intercultural Interactions & Stereotypes Discussion


I’m working on a other question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

  1. Begin by writing about an experience of being uncomfortable in an intercultural interaction and not handling it well.
  2. Then, please watch the video and answer the following questions: Why did you feel uncomfortable?
  3. Where do these feelings come from?
  4. Is the basis for these feelings personal experiences, stereotypes, or unfounded opinions?
  5. In the context of ethnocentrism, do you believe any one culture is better than others?
  6. What are some strategies in which you can engage other cultures in a more informed and ethical manner link to videohttps://nv.instructuremedia.com/fetch/QkFoYkIxc0hh…

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Other Homework Help. Transgender People Articles Questionnaire


I’m working on a internet research question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please read the readings and respond to the following prompts.

1. In his article “Trans Cultures Online,” what are some of the reasons that Dame-Griff gives for why online spaces have been important for transgender people and communities?

2. Dame-Griff writes that “the context nature of ‘adult’ content, as well as Tumblr’s reliance on automated content filtering, puts transgender users at risk of being filtered out of existence” What does this mean? How does it relate to topics ‘the politics of ‘platforms’’,’The UnwanTed LaboUr of SociaL Media’, or ‘identity tourism, avatars’ ?

3. In their article “Tumblr was a Trans Technology,” what are some of the characteristics that Haimson et al. say made Tumblr particularly well-suited to the needs of trans users?

4. What is Haimson et al.’s idea of the “trans technology”? What do they say the characteristics of a trans technology would be?

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