Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Influence of Technology


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Technology Timeline Presentation
You must develop a presentation that clearly shows the impact of advancements in technology during the period of 1998 to 2018. Your presentation should include applicable images and information associated with the topic and be easy for the audience to read. Your presentation should be 8–12 slides, with no title or table of contents slides. Use the speaker notes to fully explain the concepts you are addressing.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Strayer University Finding Your Leadership Purpose Worksheet


In the article What Self-Awareness Really Is (And How to Cultivate It) author Tasha Eurich states that “Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. We make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively.” This worksheet will help you do just that.

In the table below, each row represents a group (past or present) that has influenced your values. Examples of these groups are your family, church, sports teams, profession, groups sharing common interests, etc. Select five of these groups and list them in the first column of the table.

For each of the groups, identify the following:

Three (3) positive behaviors that were learned and/or encouraged by the group. For example your teacher would always expect that you were on time or that you were assertive during class presentations.

Three (3) values that you learned from the group. For example someone could have learned from a church group to be compassionate or to speak up when one sees injustices.

Choose your values from the list provided in the Your Values Matter table. Scroll to the end of this assignment to find this table.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. D&D Printed Character Generator



  • Use the D&D Character sheet on the Class Canvas website and the D&D Player handbook to generate a character.
  • Upload a clear image (front and back) of your completed character sheet to the class Canvas website of your submission.
  • Print out and fill in the character sheet. Online / electronic versions will not be accepted.
  • Use a pencil to fill in the character sheet, be sure it is visible and legible.
  • Use a six sided die to roll your abilities as described in class and in the Players Handbook. Write them down in the lower right corner.
  • You sheet must contain:
    • Your Real Name – skip
    • Red Id. – skip
    • Your Character Name ( be creative but try to keep it classy )
    • Class & Level ( Level starts at 1)
    • Race (From the D&D handbook )
    • Background ( e.g Wood Elf )
    • Alignment ( e.g. Lawful Evil )
    • All six abilities consistent with the character you wish to play
    • Record of your ability rolls ( use the honor system) make sure they are clearly visible on the back of your character sheet
    • A sentence or two for each of the following
      • Personality traits
      • Ideals
      • Bonds
      • Flaws
    • Speed ( 2d6 )
    • Armor Class ( 3d6 )
    • Current Hit Points = Last two digits of your Red Id.
  • You will be required to Peer review 3 other students character sheets for full credit
  • —————————————————————————

I have upload it the book & player handbook. I need help filling out this worksheet!

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. how to write a music decima in english?


choose one for your décima:

I love Caribbean music (or)

This music class is loads of fun (or)

Cuatro, güiro, and the bongó (or)

Décimas are super easy (or)

I can’t wait until vacation (or)

After choosing one of these to be your pie forzado (which will be the final line of your décima) you will have to create 9 lines that precede it.

You have to write a poem with 10 lines, only 8 syllables per line.

The last syllable of lines 1, 4, and 5 must rhyme (A).

The last syllable of lines 2 and 3 must rhyme (B).

The last syllable of lines 6, 7, and 10 must rhyme (C).

Finally, the last syllable of lines 8 and 9 must rhyme (D).

So the rhyme scheme is: ABBAACCDDC

If you use the last line “I love Caribbean music” then line 6 and 7 must have a last syllable that rhymes with “ic”, maybe pick, tick, sick, etc

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Walden University The Role of Structure in An Organization Design Discussion


A generally accepted assumption in the practice of organization design is that structure follows strategy, that is, strategy should determine how the organization is structured to maximize its effectiveness. In some instances, leaders may be tempted to change the organization’s structure without giving much thought to the organization’s strategy, particularly if the structure has attracted a significant amount of “buzz,” or attention, in the management literature. However, the misalignment between strategy and structure can have dire consequences for organizational effectiveness.

In this Discussion, you will examine the degree to which organizational strategies and structures align in specific organizations. You will also discuss the consequences of the misalignment between strategy and structure.

To Prepare for this Discussion:

  • Read the assigned chapters in Organization Theory and Design and the assigned pages in Designing Organizations: Strategy, Structure, and Process at the Business Unit and Enterprise Levels. Pay particular attention to the role of structure in organization design as well as the different types of organizational structures that exist.
  • Read the article, “The Impacts of Business Strategy on Organizational Structure.” Explore the examples of strategy-structure alignment and misalignment in the automotive industry. Reflect on the negative consequences associated with strategy-structure misalignment.
  • Select an organization with which you are familiar to focus on for this Discussion. This organization should be different than the one that you selected in Module 1 to focus on throughout the course.
  • Based on the strategy typologies and models from last week, identify the type of strategy that the organization implemented. Then, using the Learning Resources from this week, identify the type of structure the organization implemented. Consider whether the strategy and structure align and why or why not.

Post a response to the following:  

Explain the role of structure in organization design. Then, briefly describe one organization with which you are familiar. This organization should be different than the one that you selected in Module 1 to focus on throughout the course. Describe the type of strategy and the type of structure that the organization implemented. Finally, explain whether the strategy and structure align. Why, or why not? Be specific.


Daft, R. L. (2016). Fundamentals of organization structure. In Organization theory and design (12th ed., pp. 86–138). Cengage Learning. 

Galbraith, J. R. (2014). The Star Model. In Designing organizations: Strategy, structure, and process at the business unit and enterprise levels (3rd ed., pp. 22-37 only). Jossey-Bass

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Oakwood University Effectiveness of Outsourcing for Small Business Discussion


Data collection is a very critical stage of the overall research process as it provides the information needed to answer the research questions. Since data collection also involves a large investment of resources, it is important to plan properly to ensure data is collected on the key variables specified by the research question(s) and conceptual approach and that the data collection plan is appropriate for the target population to secure constructive participation in the study (Kviz, 2020).

As presented in the textbook, three core data collection methods are used most often in business research: Interviewing, Observation and Questionnaires (Semarang & Bougie, 2016). For this assignment, you will be required to analyze these three methods of data collection and determine which method might be most suitable for the study to be conducted in your business research proposal. This assignment will also require you to explore biblical principles that might help to inform ethical data collection processes and research practices. Please address the following areas for this assignment:

  1. Briefly analyze the data collection methods of interviewing, observation and questionnaires and how they can be advantageous in business research.
  2. Which data collection method will best align with the research question identified in your business research proposal? Provide a rationale for your selection.
  3. Based on your research question, what key variables will you measure in the data collection process?
  4. What will be the target population?
  5. Describe how you will ensure your selected data collection process is informed by sound, ethical principles. Discuss the overarching biblical principles that align, at a minimum, with the ethical guidelines outlined in the Belmont Report, respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Scriptural references should be included.

Paper Details:

  • Two to three pages, not including title or reference pages.
  • APA writing style must be used for all formatting.
  • Please refer to the “Written Assignment Rubric” for specific grading details.

General Expectations for All Written Assignments:

Papers should follow current APA guidelines in terms of type, margins, and citations and address the following areas:

  • Address the actual assignment topic. Consult the instructor for additional information or clarity on assignment instructions.
  • Cover the assignment topic in sufficient detail and depth, with scholarly sources to support claims.
  • The content should reflect ample use of required readings and other course materials.


Kviz, F. J. (2020). Conducting health research: Principles, process and methods. Thousand Oaks CA: Sage Publishing.

Sekaran, U. & Bougie, R. (2016). Research methods for business: A skill building approach (7th ed.). Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 978-1-119-26684-6

The topic is listed above: Effectiveness of Outsourcing for Small Businesses.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Edit the Picture According to The Mood of The Previous One Photoshop Task


I’m working on a photoshop question and need support to help me learn.

please edit the picture according to the mood of the previous one.i will be sending you 2 pictures. 1 is already edited and 1 is not. I need the 2nd picture to be edited according to the mood of the 1st one.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Chapter 9 Ajax Carpet Service Questions


  • From the exercises in Chapter 9, Part II, do numbers 2, 3, 8, and 11.
    • Regarding problems 2, 3, and 8, do the following:
      • Indicate whether the additional factor would strengthen, weaken, or have no effect on the argument.
      • Justify your answer using one or more of the principles for evaluating analogies (on pages 525-526 of the textbook)
      • Example of a complete answer: (a) Strengthens; Added a relevant similarity
    • For #11, follow the specific directions given there, using the controlling cases as analogies to further each of the two arguments you need to write. Mention the appropriate controlling case(s) by name in each of your arguments (Lester v. City, Byron v. City, Stone v. City), and explain how it/they support each position.
      • Each argument, the one supporting the position of the group and the one supporting the position of the police chief, needs to be at least a paragraph long, but no longer than two paragraphs per argument.

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Other Homework Help

Other Homework Help. HSA 4502 St. Petersburg College Risk Managment in Health Care Essay



This week, you were exposed to a lot of information related to risk management, and patient safety. I want you to pick at least 3 techniques that can be used to help prevent medical errors. You can use examples given in the text or from external research. As you analyze these techniques, also consider the role of quality assurance to make sure that there is consistency in the use of the technique that you are addressing. Lastly, if these techniques fail, what options are there to correct the medical error.

Other Homework Help