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Other Homework Help. OL 663 SNHU Alaska Airlines Navigating Change Case Study Review


I’m working on a other case study and need support to help me learn.

Review the case study “Alaska Airlines: Navigating Change” and then complete the following: (a) State what actually occurred in the case regarding Kotter’s steps 5 and 6 of empowering employees for broad-based action and generating short-term wins, and (b) address each of the critical elements for Section II parts E and F in your change effort analysis.

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Other Homework Help. MU The Strengths of Pfizer Stock Research and Development Analysis


I don’t understand this question and need help to study.

Please make a SWOT Analysis of Pfizer stock and analyze its following ratios:  P/E Ratio = 18.81

Gross Margin= 71.21



Current ratio=1.35

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Other Homework Help. Florida Atlantic University Social Equity Discussion Questions


I’m working on a other discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Watch this Ted talk online: https://www.ted.com/talks/vishaan(Links to an external site.)

Please answer the following questions (300 – 450 words). Please do not pass the 450 words mark. 

  1. Why does government matter for social equity?
  2. Which of the three areas Mr. Chakrabarti proposes would you recommend implementing first? Why? 
  3. Discuss two major takeaways from the lecture.

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Other Homework Help. Florida Atlantic University Checks And Balances Fragmented US Political System Paper



Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances: Crash Course Government and Politics #3 (Links to an external site.)

Federalism: Crash Course Government and Politics #4 (Links to an external site.)

** attach are the 2 readings

After completion of the course readings and videos, you should be already familiar with the major features of the U.S. government system: separation of powers and federalism. 

The nation’s founders created a system of checks and balances among the institutions of government, primarily to ensure that the government could not tyrannize the population. That is, power would not be concentrated enough to pose such a threat. The structure of government they established over two hundred years ago remains much the same today. Fragmented power does not prevent policy action, as the routine administration of current national policies and programs and the development of new policies clearly indicate. 

Despite policy successes, the fragmented US  political system generally makes it difficult for policymakers to respond to most public problems in a timely and coherent manner. Serious conflicts can develop between the federal government, the states, and localities, and between branches of government.  

In your assignment, please answer the following questions (500 words max.): 

  1. Do you agree that the current political system of checks and balances is fragmenting the US? Why or why not? Please provide evidence (In-text citations from the readings to support your arguments.)
  2. Generally speaking, would you rather live in a government with strong states and a weak national government or vice versa? Why did you answer as you did?  Please provide evidence (In-text citations from the readings to support your arguments.) 

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Other Homework Help. MIS 350 SNHU Web Analytics Help Desk Tickets Essay


The ABC Company’s CEO is interested in examining how quickly issues are resolved and improving customer satisfaction. Analyze the help-desk tickets, including number of tickets, number of high priority tickets, and average response time. Understand the causes of high-priority tickets, and improve resolution times with better understanding of ticket details.

The data in the Excel link below is from an Information Technology (IT) department interested in examining how quickly issues are resolved and improving satisfaction of customers. Each row in the data includes – employee who submitted the ticket, employee’s seniority within the company, IT employee who serviced the ticket, functional area against which the ticket was filed (systems, software, hardware, access), whether the ticket was a request for new services or an issue with existing services, submitter-assigned severity of the ticket, IT-assigned priority of the ticket, number of days the ticket was open, satisfaction with the resolution of the ticket (reported by the submitter)

1. You will write an enterprise-level report about this topic. While this critical element is listed first, you will complete it last.

A. Generate an enterprise-level report that will be submitted along with your executive summary. This report should address all the critical elements below.

B. Compose an executive summary that explains what your process was to create the report, as well as why you performed the actions you did. Within your summary, provide a detailed description of the report that explains the visualizations used in audience-appropriate language. You will also need to anticipate questions stakeholders may ask, so be sure that your explanation is as detailed as possible but also uses audience appropriate language.

2. Identify what sort of data you would require in order to solve the question.

3. Analyze the data within the spreadsheet in order to understand what information it will provide and its relation to the business question.

A. Analyze the provided data set and explain what the data is and how the data correlates back to the business question you intend to answer.

B. Identify which areas of data from the spreadsheet you will utilize and why. For example, which columns would you use?

4. In this section, you will explain how Power BI can be used to address business problems.

A. Explain how you plan to address the organization’s business problem using the Power BI analysis tool.

B. Explain how the Power BI analysis tool can influence and affect the audience, such as the stakeholders and coworkers in different areas of the company. For example, how can the tool be used to convey information?

5. Upload the Excel data link into Power BI and ensure it has appropriate formatting using the correct data type and fields.

A. Ensure your columns have appropriate formatting by editing your data. For example, ensure that you have formatted your columns with monetary values as currency.

6. In this section, you will look at your initial analysis from section 3 and develop business questions (and answers) that will serve as the focus of your visualizations in Power BI.

A. Develop business questions based on your initial analysis that will effectively guide your visualizations.

B. Explain how you will use the compiled and cleaned data to effectively answer the business questions posed based on your initial analysis.

7. Visualizations: In this section, you will choose appropriate visualizations to display your data.

A. Describe how you chose which particular visualization is best suited for displaying the data.

B. Describe how you know the visualization used is best suited for conveying information to the targeted user audience and their interaction needs across multifunctional teams.

C. Generate visualizations to accurately display your data.

D. Create visual data correlations by integrating additional data into your visualizations.

E. Insert data visualizations into your report and explain what the visualizations represent. Confirm that all of the data that you want displayed is shown.

8. Actionable Insights: Identify actionable insights based on your analysis.

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Other Homework Help. SCC Data Dictionaries Data Object Listing & Data Element Properties Discussion


  • What are the primary components of a data dictionary and a data set?
  • Think of an example of a healthcare data set and how it might be used. Describe how you might go about developing a data dictionary for that dataset.
  • What might be the most challenging part of developing a data dictionary?

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Other Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Organizational Structure Analysis


n this discussion, you will look at the organizational structure of the not-for-profit organization that you have chosen for the course project. You will have an opportunity to consider whether its organizational structure would be appropriate for other organizations, and why or why not.

In this discussion, address the following:

  • Provide the name of the not-for-profit organization that you have chosen for your course project.
  • Describe its board structure using the terms established in the textbook reading for this module.
  • Explain why you believe this type of structure is effective.
  • In your responses to your peers, identify a situation in which the type of board structure your peers have described would not be effective, and explain why . I send you the short paper on the one i choice

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Other Homework Help. MRKT 310 Maryland Global Campus Week 7 Marketing Strategies Discussion


There are TWO topics for Week 7. Both required. Include at least two (2) references from learning material or outside sources. Reply to least two (2) classmate posts.

TOPIC 1: IMC Campaigns

The concept of integrated marketing communications is more than just putting together good ad campaigns. It is a fully integrated set of promotion mix tools communicating the same clear, consistent, and compelling message about the offering. For example:

  • TV ad campaign to create interest in the product using a celebrity spokesperson (advertising to create awareness)
  • Appearance of the celebrity on a TV talk show (public relations to generate interest)
  • E-mail from the celebrity endorser offering a promotional price (direct marketing to spark desire to purchase)
  • Point-of-purchase display featuring celebrity endorser (sales promotion to remind consumer of product benefits and encourage purchase action)
  • Demonstration by sales clerk (personal selling to close the sale bringing consumer to action)
  • Facebook page hosted by the celebrity (post-purchase activity to reduce purchase dissonance)

In this case, the celebrity endorser is the common thread communicating the company’s message. The company may have decided to use a celebrity endorser who is well respected and highly visible to its target market. This is part of the creative strategy for encoding the message to consumers. In other cases, the common thread (sometimes known as the Big Idea) might be a particular graphics approach, a character created solely for the company (e.g. Flo for Progressive Insurance), or other creative device that carries forth in all communications.

Here is a tongue-in-cheek video demonstrating how advertising and public relations were two tools used in an IMC campaign. The message to communicate was how to pronounce a last name. See how this was done using IMC principles.

Schiess, M. (2011, November 7). Integrated marketing communications [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/4JxVHCc_wIU

Can you think of an IMC campaign? Progressive is one example, but there are plenty out there. Feel free to go back in history and think of campaigns like IBM’s launch of the personal computer using the Charlie Chaplin-like character or Coke’s ‘I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing’ campaign, or Apple’s IMC campaigns used on every new product launch. Remember, don’t just focus on the advertising. Find those other promotion tools they used to convey the selling proposition. You may want to read most of the week’s readings before tackling this discussion topic to get a better idea of what all the promotion mix tools are, and how the AIDA model (as noted in the reading highlights in the example above) works.

You can use the bulleted example above as your format. Include a link. For the example you selected, please include the product in brackets at the end of the title line, for example (Coca Cola).

TOPIC 2: Public Relations

This section of the Week 7 readings highlights the basics of public relations tool and activities. These tools include:

  • Press releases
  • Sponsorships
  • Cause-related marketing
  • Product placement

Many companies with small budgets mistakenly think they can use “free” advertising as they define public relations. Indeed, some companies do rely only on public relations only if the unique selling proposition is so newsworthy that the news media will be the carriers of the company’s message. Apple is a master at this whenever that company launches a new product.

Can you think of any other product that relied solely on public relations? What was it about its unique selling proposition that made this feasible for this company?

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Other Homework Help. CBC 600 Excelsior College Implications of Legalization of Cannabis Essay


I’m working on a research & summaries discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

At the different government levels, different agencies play a role. Think about your local municipality (Georgia). What regulations and agencies do you see at work? What are their influences? Then start looking higher, to the state and federal levels. More agencies? More stakeholders? What do you see as similarities that can help focus on trends? What are the differences that you want to make sure you are keeping on your radar? In the following activity, you will role-play decisions you will need to make within the regulatory framework of Georgia.

The number of and types of regulatory agencies you will need to work with depends upon your state and local regulations and the type of cannabis space you plan to be involved.

  • Begin by viewing or listening to the presentation, The Regulatory Landscape
  • (Links to an external site.)
  • [audio, 10:22] to learn about regulatory agencies at both the state and national levels that you should become familiar with.
  • Taking the position of a new dispensary owner (either medical or recreational) come up with a list of agencies you will need to interact with in order to become and remain compliant.
  • Next, select one compliance rule (local regulation) in your area that might be easily construed. What are the implications?
  • Finally, consider these agencies from a different business perspective – such as a CBD oil-infused coffee shop or a cultivation and extraction facility. How do the types of regulatory agencies you need to work with change at both the local, state and federal levels? Where will you look to find the appropriate agencies? Remember to include the appropriate law enforcement agencies as well.

A place to start: The National Conference of State Legislators

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